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https://www.literotica.com/s/sugardaddy4 (1) [link]
Chapter2.2 (103)
Chapter2.3 (211)
Chapter2.4 (306)
Chapter2.5 (451)
Chapter2.6 (558)
Chapter2.7 (654)
https://www.literotica.com/s/themodelsister (707) [link]
ChapterOne (708)
Chapter2 (846)
Chapter3 (1026)
Chapter4 (1410)
END (1699)

https://www.literotica.com/s/sugar-daddy-4 It was three thirty on Friday afternoon, and I was counting down the hours. At forty-eight I was heading for what may be the most exciting day of my life. I was getting married to someone I considered the most beautiful girl in the world. Jane was being an old fashioned girl, telling me that it was unlucky for me to see the bride on the night before the wedding, so she'd gone to stay the night with an old college friend. I was just going up to my home office to check that I had all the arrangements done when I heard her key in the door. 2 "Okay, scatterbrain, what have you forgotten?" I called out as I came back down the stairs. 3 At the bottom of the stairs I turned towards the front door and froze. She stood there, with her Mediterranean tan, wearing a two-piece suit that probably cost as much as I took out of the company in a week. She looked at me, gave me a big smile and ran the best she could in her tight skirt and high heels, with her arms outstretched. 4 "Kevin—I'm back." 5 She tried to kiss me but I turned my head so that her lips landed only on my cheek. Grabbing her arms, I pushed her off me. 6 "What the hell are you doing here?" 7 "Kevin—that's no way to talk to your wife. This is my home. I've come back home." 8 "Firstly, you're not my wife, and secondly, this is not your home. This is my house and you have no right to be in it." I turned and walked towards the lounge. 9 "Well, I thought you might be angry, but I think you're taking this a bit far." 10 I opened a drawer and took out a small card. Picking up the phone I dialled the number on the card. "This is Kevin Bryant. ... Yes, the same. ... She's back. ... Yes, my ex-wife, Lisa. ... Yes, she's right in front of me. ... Well, you'd better be quick because I'll be sending her on her way pretty soon." I switched the phone off. 11 "Who was that?" she asked. 12 "Detective Inspector Maynard of the local police." 13 "The police ... but I've done nothing wrong." 14 "Maybe not, but they think I have." 15 My next call was to my son, Elliott, and the conversation went much the same way. 16 "Why don't you take a seat, Lisa. It seems that some people would like to talk to you. You're welcome to wait here for them." 17 ******* 18 It'd been six years since I had seen Lisa, though it seemed like more, so much had happened in that time. I could still remember the day I came home to find an envelope containing her bank cards, credit card and a short note. 19 Kevin, 20 I'm leaving to find my true destiny. Please don't waste your time and money trying to find me. You won't succeed, and even if you did you wouldn't change my mind. I hope life treats you kindly and that you find it in yourself to forgive me. 21 Good luck, 22 Lisa 23 The note was printed from my office computer—she couldn't even hand write it. 24 We had been school-days sweethearts, getting together when I was eighteen and Lisa just sixteen. Back in those days I was considered a high flyer. I used to joke with Lisa that I'd be a millionaire by the time I was thirty. At least, it was a joke to me. I got into Manchester University and studied electronics. Of course, I met plenty of girls at university, but there was only one girl for me. Lisa was the girl that all the boys wanted to date, but she'd just tell them she was waiting for her millionaire. Every holiday I'd be back and we'd be together. Of course, I had to work during the holidays, but we still saw plenty of each other. The surprise came when just after my finals Lisa told me she was pregnant. I say it was a surprise because I thought we'd been careful. However, accidents happen—I always thought we'd get married someday, so why not now. 25 I graduated with first class honours and had offers from a number of the electronics and telecom giants. That was probably our first disagreement. Lisa wanted me to take a job with one of the big boys, after all they paid well and there was a lot of prestige in working for them. I, on the other hand, wanted to work for a small organisation where I felt I could achieve more. I did it my way and we moved to Somerset. Danvers Electronics was a small company that designed and built navigation aids for yachtsmen and did little work for the defence industry. The company was owned by Bob Danvers, a man in his forties. Two things really attracted me to the company. First was Bob himself. He was an engineer and realised that investment at the sharp end of the company was the most important. His designers worked with top of the range equipment, while the administrators and managers frequently made do with computers the designers had outgrown. The second was the fact that their chief designer was nearing retirement age. I was likely to climb the ladder a lot quicker there than at one of the big companies. 26 Bob was a genuinely good bloke. Once I'd accepted the job he found a flat for Lisa, bump and me, and paid our deposit and the first three month's rent. My first few months' salary went on buying second hand furniture, preparing for the arrival of Elliott. Lisa really blossomed while pregnant and that bloom didn't leave her after Elliott was born. Within four months she got her figure back—in fact it was better than before. Her breasts were bigger and now balanced her hips. At five foot eight she was taller than most women, and her chestnut hair with blue eyes made her stand out from the crowd. If the boys at school were jealous before, they'd be doubly so now. 27 We soon outgrew the flat and were looking for a house. Once again, Bob helped us. He convinced me that renting was giving money away and that I should try to buy a house. I only had enough saved for half the deposit, so Bob loaned us the other half. It wasn't all philanthropy with Bob. He knew I could get a better deal elsewhere, and he knew that if I bought a house I was more likely to stay in the area. As the years went by, things got a little easier. I really wanted more children, but we just weren't lucky that way. 28 When the chief designer retired, Bob confounded my plans by deciding on a restructure. He wanted design and development brought together under one leader. My heart sank when he came to me and asked me to come and meet the Design and Development manager. He took me up to his office. When we got there, the place was empty. He opened another door. 29 "Oh, he must be in here," he said and pushed me through the door into his en-suite toilet. 30 As I walked in I was looking straight in the mirror. 31 "Kevin—meet the new Design and Development manager." 32 I was somewhat taken aback—no application, no interviews, just being told I'd got the job. 33 "Well," he said, "are you going to take the job? You'd better bloody take it—I've based this whole restructuring around you." 34 "Are you sure, Bob? I mean, I was hoping for the design job, but are you sure you want me to run the combined department?" 35 "I was sure after your first month of working for me. You don't really think I didn't know what I was getting. I made my enquiries before I offered you a job. You and Lisa may look upon me as a benevolent old fool, but if you do, you're wrong. I'm a businessman, and you, young man, are very good for business." 36 My new position meant a big increase in salary, and I knew Lisa would have no trouble spending it. It seems that we all have our own talents. Mine was for logic, electronics and finding new and innovative ways of doing things; Lisa's talent was for spending money. I made arrangements with Bob so that not all of my new salary would be paid into our joint account—ten percent got diverted to a savings account. Lisa still saw an increase, but it gave me a buffer for rainy days. 37 Over the next few years the company's defence work increased, largely due to my department's drive to diversify. In the process I filed a couple of patents, having come up with cheaper, better ways of proving the same result. We weren't a large enough company to take on all the work our patents would guarantee, so we allowed our competitors to use some of our designs under a licence, giving us royalties. Since the patents came from my work, Bob insisted I took a percentage of the royalties as an annual bonus, which I used to reduce the outstanding mortgage. 38 I thought we were doing quite well. By the time I was thirty we had our own detached house in the country, two cars and a good standard of living. When I mentioned this to Lisa once, she reminded me. 39 "You always said you'd be a millionaire by now." 40 That was when I realised she hadn't got the joke. 41 If Lisa was disappointed in me, she did a good job covering it up. Our life was good, we were comfortably well off, our sex life was great, if a little plain, we had a social life. The only real disagreement was about Elliott's education. Lisa wanted him to have a public school (this means a non-state school, private school in the US) education. I argued that the state system was good enough for us. 42 "Perhaps if you'd gone to public school you would be a millionaire by now, instead of working for some tin-pot electronics company." 43 "It's that tin-pot electronics company that enables us to have this argument. Without it, we wouldn't have sufficient income to even think of it." 44 "Ah, so you admit we can afford it. If you loved our son, you'd give him every advantage you could." 45 Lisa won that one and Elliott went to Kingswood. He went as a day pupil, so Lisa had to take him every day. It cost me six grand a year, but it bought me peace and, what the hell, it was six grand that didn't go on shoes and clothes, or so I thought. To be honest, the fees were far from the worst part of it. No, by far the worst part of having a child at public school is having to socialise with the other parents. At least, that was the case with the ones that Lisa chose to strike up friendships with. They seemed to be stockbrokers, bankers, investment analysts and the like. Not one of them worked in a business that actually made anything. By the time Elliott was in his second year we were being invited to dinner parties and I could only stall for a short while. I tried to get on with them, I really did, but most of the time I found myself biting my tongue. I suppose that's when the rot started. Lisa really looked up to these people—I regarded them as parasites who fed off the work of others. 46 ******* 47 "I see you've remodelled the garden." 48 "Sorry, what was that?" I asked. 49 Lisa stood by the patio doors, looking out into the garden. 50 "The garden," she said. "You've remodelled it. It looks very nice—what brought that about?" 51 "After a couple of weeks with thirty policemen and two mechanical diggers out there, it was in such a mess that it was simpler to just dig it up and start again." 52 "Policemen and diggers—what were they doing here?" 53 "Looking for you." 54 She was just about to say something else when the doorbell rang. I answered the door and found Detective Inspector Maynard and a woman police constable on my doorstep. 55 "Good afternoon, Mr Bryant, this is WPC Cavendish." 56 "Inspector, Ms Cavendish, please come in." 57 "You say she's back, sir. Is she still here?" 58 "She most certainly is. Please follow me and I'll introduce you." 59 I took them through to the lounge where Lisa was still looking out at the garden. 60 "Inspector, Ms Cavendish, this is my ex-wife, Lisa. Lisa, this is Inspector Maynard and WPC Cavendish." 61 "Did you really dig up my garden, Inspector?" 62 "Yes, madam, we did. Now, if you don't mind, I need to ask you a few questions. Do you have any identification, Mrs Bryant?" 63 "Well, I have my passport in my bag if that will do." 64 Maynard said it would, so Lisa retrieved it from her bag and handed it to him. He checked the passport, looked at Lisa, then at the passport photo. He then produced a photograph from his pocket. It was a copy of one I'd given him when he first started the investigation. He passed the passport to the WPC, who made a note of the number, full name and date of birth, before handing it back to the inspector. He thanked Lisa and returned the passport to her. 65 "Now, Mrs Bryant, would you like to tell us where you've been for the last six years?" 66 "Do we have to do this now, Inspector? In front of my husband and all? Can't I come down the station later and give you the whole story?" 67 "Well, I could take you down the station now, if you like. We have a patrol car outside. As for your husband, I can think of no one more entitled to answers after what he has been through." 68 Lisa looked over at me with pleading eyes. "Kevin, I know you're angry with me for leaving you, but this isn't going to make it any better." 69 "Lisa, I'm not angry about you leaving, what I am angry about is that you came back and you came back today." I was almost shouting at this point, so I walked over to the window, sat in a chair and looked out at the garden. Just to brighten my mood it started raining. 70 "Mrs Bryant, where have you been all the time we've been trying to find you?" 71 "Now, I didn't know you were looking for me. I told Kevin not to do that." 72 "He didn't, we did. Now, where have you been?" 73 "Well, first we went to the South of France, then on to Spain. After that it was Barbados, and then I went back to Spain. Now I've come home." 74 "This is not your home," I told her. 75 She was just about to say something when Maynard stopped her. "Mr Bryant, I realise that you're upset, but I must ask you to keep quiet. I need to hear Mrs Bryant's story so I can decide whether a crime has been committed. If it has, then we'll have to continue the interview at the station." 76 He turned back to Lisa. "Now, Mrs Bryant, you say you've been abroad, yet we contacted all the local taxi companies and none of them picked you up. We also checked at all the airports and ports—you weren't listed as a passenger on any of them. Just how did you leave the country?" 77 She looked over at me again, as if checking to see if I was listening. The fact is I wasn't really bothered about where she'd been or how she'd got there. The only thing that bothered me was where she was now. 78 "A friend picked me up here, and we went to Farnborough where he keeps his plane. He then flew us out to Nice, on the Riviera. So you see, it's hardly surprising no one knew where I'd gone." 79 I had switched off to the conversation and just sat there, looking out at the rain. 80 ****** 81 On reflection you could trace the troubles in our marriage back to the time when Elliott started at Kingswood. Lisa thought we should be living the lives of the other parents. She wanted us to move to Bath and holiday in the South of France. I wanted us to pay off our mortgage and save for retirement. Needless to say, there were plenty of arguments, but most of the time we made up before bed time. However, after one of the dinner parties all that changed. Henry, one of the guests and the father of one of Elliott's friends, had drunk a little too much wine. He was telling us all about his bonuses from the hedge fund he worked for. I could've happily ignored that but he went on to tell us all about the deal he was aiming to pull off. He'd found a small company near Farnborough which made hand held GPS navigation systems. The company owned quite a lot of land, which the owner had bought years ago to allow an expansion which never took place. 82 "Silly old fool doesn't know what he's got," said Henry. "The land alone is worth millions as industrial land, ten times more as residential building land. The old duffer wants to retire but insists on selling the company as a going concern to protect his workforce." 83 "So what are you planning, then, Henry?" I asked. 84 "Oh, we'll buy him out at what he thinks is a good price. Then we set up a holding company and transfer all the land, including the factory, to that company. The holding company charges the factory a fair rent for the building. Meanwhile, we sell the rights to the products to one of the big boys, and the factory has to pay licence fees to make the product they developed. We sell the factory off cheap but, with rent and licence fees to pay, they'll never make a profit; so they default on the rent, and the landlord—that's us—is forced to evict them. Then we sell the whole parcel of land off for housing. We'll make twenty to thirty times what we paid, and all within two years." 85 "And what happens to the workforce then, Henry?" 86 "My dear boy, in every battle there are casualties. Can't be helped." 87 "All so that you can get your bonus. You evil, blood-sucking bastard." 88 Henry took a swing at me. I sidestepped and he fell across the table, breaking several plates and plastering cake all over his jacket. Lisa heard the noise and came to see what had happened. 89 "Get your coat, Lisa, we're leaving." 90 That was the last dinner party I ever attended. Come to think of it, it was the last one I was ever invited to. Lisa still went to them but said she was on her own. I knew that meant the hostess invited other men to partner Lisa. Lisa denied this, but I knew that was the way it worked. 91 When I got into work on Monday I told Bob all about Henry's little plan. We both knew the company he was talking about and tried to work out a plan to help. By the time we'd finished, Bob had taken over the factory and the excess land had been sold off. Bob gave a fair price for the factory and, with the land being sold off for housing, the owner got far more than Henry's hedge fund would ever have given him. 92 It was a little over a month after our plan was complete that I learned of Henry's anger. Lisa came home from one of the parties and almost instantly attacked me. 93 "You just had to interfere, didn't you?" she yelled at me. "Mr holier-than-thou Kevin Bryant just had to interfere. It's not enough that you embarrass me in front of my friends, now you use information you got from the party to ruin Henry's plan." 94 "Ah, is poor little Henry upset?" I asked. 95 "He's way past upset. He says you've taken the food out of his children's mouths." 96 "It was his bonus against the livelihoods of a hundred men. No contest, in my book." 97 "Why do you have to make it so bloody difficult. I do my best to make new friends, people that can help us move up in society, and all you do is insult them and hinder everything I do." 98 "It could have been my father's or your father's jobs that he was destroying. Have you forgotten where you came from?" 99 "No, I haven't forgotten. The difference is, I don't want to go back there." 100 So that was it, she really was ashamed of me. I was never going to be a millionaire. Not like Henry. We did sleep on a problem that night. We never spoke of it again, but it was clear things had changed. Our sex life, or at least mine, deteriorated significantly. Lisa handled everything to do with the school, and I was happy to let her. She joined a fundraising committee, which meant that she spent even more time in Bath. I just put everything into work. I spent more time there, I brought work home with me and when I wasn't working I was out of the house as much as possible. 101 I gave way on the annual holiday that year, and we spent a couple of weeks in Juan les Pins in July. As luck had it, we picked the right time for the jazz festival. It meant that I took Elliott out most evenings and Lisa had him during the day. Lisa was preoccupied with spotting the rich and famous and spent a lot of time parading in her bikini in front of the gin palaces in the harbour. That was the last of our holidays together. I felt I'd given Lisa the holiday she wanted, so the next year should be my choice. I fancied learning to ski. Lisa thought winter holidays should be spent somewhere warm and refused to have anything to do with snow. Elliott thought it was great—winter holidays with me, summer holidays with Lisa. 102 Chapter 2.2 Although our relationship seemed to improve from time to time, on the whole we started to develop our lives in different directions. I wasn't an ideal husband—most of the time I didn't know what Lisa was doing and, to make it worse, I didn't care. I felt that she'd already turned her back on me, and it was obvious that we both wanted different things. Maybe I should have done something about it then, but I had promised for better or worse and I always kept my promises. If Lisa wanted to call it a day, then it was up to her. 104 By the time Elliott went to university we were leading separate lives. We shared a bed but that was about all. Elliott was influenced more by his mother than me and decided to study business. I can't pretend I wasn't disappointed but, hell, the country needs businessmen. I tried to give him some holiday work at Danvers, but his mother said he should be enjoying himself and, of course, he didn't argue with her. He graduated with second class honours and joined a management consultancy in London. It was during these three years that I started to hear stories about Lisa's behaviour. Even Bob Danvers told me where he'd seen her and with whom. My secretary made faces at the telephone whenever it was Lisa on the line. I never knew whether or not she still had any love for me, but it was clear to me that she had no respect for me at all. When I came home that night to find her gone I was more relieved than anything else. 105 ****** 106 "I still don't understand how you wouldn't know we were looking for you, Mrs Bryant," Inspector Maynard said. "The search, and your husband's arrest, was in all the newspapers." 107 Lisa looked across at me. "They arrested you? Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect anything like that to happen. I left you a note." 108 "Yes, you did, computer printed and unsigned. No one believed it." 109 "Frankly, Mrs Byant, I'm having difficulty accepting that you didn't know about the search. It was in all the newspapers and your husband's arrest was carried by the foreign news media." 110 "Inspector, I was in a foreign country and couldn't speak the language. The only news I saw was on the television, and that was in French. I had no idea what was going on here." 111 "And you didn't much care," I added. 112 Lisa turned to me. "No, Kevin, to be completely honest, you're right. I didn't care what was happening here. We hadn't been on the same wave-length for years. You couldn't stand my friends, and I didn't have much interest in your life, but you have to believe me, I didn't want to cause you any trouble." 113 WPC Cavendish had left the room to use her radio. She came back and passed a paper to Inspector Maynard. 114 "Mrs Bryant." 115 "Will you stop calling her Mrs Bryant," I said "She's not Mrs Bryant—she's my ex-wife with the emphasis on the ex." 116 Lisa looked confused, and the inspector was stuck for words. 117 "Okay—Lisa, is that your Range Rover outside?" 118 "Yes, it is. Why?" 119 "Well, it seems the Spanish police have been looking for it and you, in connection with a death in a bordello in Malaga." 120 "He just died in the girl's room—it was nothing to do with me." 121 "So I believe. The case has been dropped. The post mortem said it was a heart attack. The Spanish police are a little annoyed with you for leaving the country while the case was still open." 122 "I just had to get away. Away from those horrible people. You were right about them, Kevin—they just use people to get what they want, then drop them." 123 "Okay, Mrs ... sorry, ... Lisa, I think we're done. We'd like you to come to the station sometime to provide a statement, but as far as I'm concerned it's case closed." 124 I walked inspector Maynard and the WPC to the door. As he left he turned and offered me his hand. "Thank you, Mr Bryant, and good luck for tomorrow." 125 "Thank you, Inspector. Goodbye." 126 I watched them go and heaved a sigh of relief. I closed the door and waited for the next visit. 127 ***** 128 I can't say I didn't miss Lisa, because I did. The house was empty, and you even miss the arguments when they're not there. However, things could have been worse. She'd left her bank and credit cards, so at least I didn't have to worry about her taking all our money. She even left her brand new Mini, something that pleased me because I was paying for it. I took some time off the following day and went in to the bank, surrendered Lisa's cards and took her name off the accounts. I took Lisa at her word. She'd said don't try to find me, so I didn't—I didn't even report her missing. 129 It was ten days later when Elliott called that things took a turn for the worse. Elliott couldn't believe his mother would just leave like that. He insisted on involving the police and came home to file a missing person report. That was when I first met Inspector Maynard. He seemed to be most interested in the fact that I hadn't reported her missing. After a couple of weeks he returned to tell me they'd got nowhere trying to find Lisa. None of the local taxi drivers had picked her up and they didn't think she'd used the bus. I laughed at the last statement. Lisa hadn't used a bus since the day we got married. 130 "Mr Bryant, do you have any idea where your wife would have gone, or who she might have left with?" he'd asked me. 131 "I have no idea and I don't much care, Inspector," had been my reply. 132 Of course, after that he wanted to know about our relationship and I told him the truth. I had been brought up to do that: "Tell the truth and shame the devil," my mum had always said. She'd obviously never dealt with a policeman eager to make a name for himself. My admission that we were like two people who shared a house and sometimes had sex didn't do me any good. I knew something was afoot two days later when I left for work and found half the world's press camped on my front lawn. As I walked to the garage I could hear shouts from the reporters. 133 "Where is your wife, Mr Bryant?" 134 "Is she dead, Mr Bryant?" 135 "Are you a suspect, Mr Bryant?" 136 I backed my old Skoda out of the garage, and as I went back to close the door I got more of the same questions fired at me. As I got back in the car I simply said, "You people know as much, if not more, than I do." 137 I was in a meeting with Bob Danvers when Maynard turned up again. 138 "Mr Bryant, I have here a warrant to search your house and grounds, and another to impound and examine your car. I must ask you to accompany me back to your house in order to guarantee full access." 139 I looked at Bob and sighed, rolling my eyes. "Look, Inspector, if you want to search my house that's fine. Here are my keys and these are the keys for the car. You'll find it in the car park. I really don't think you need me." I handed over both sets of keys. "Now, Inspector, Mr Danvers and I have important business to discuss." 140 What followed took me completely by surprise. Inspector Maynard took hold of my left hand and clamped one side of a pair of handcuffs on my wrist. 141 "Kevin Bryant, I am arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Mrs Lisa Bryant. You're not obliged to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something you later rely on in court. Now please stand, sir, and put your hands behind you." 142 I did as instructed, the other cuff was locked on my right wrist and I was led from the room. As I went out of the door Bob called out to me. "I'll call the company lawyer. Don't say anything until he gets there." 143 For two days they kept me in the cells at the police station with several interviews each day. I followed Bob Danvers instructions and refused to say anything without my solicitor present. At the end of two days Maynard applied to the court for more time to question me, but my solicitor challenged him to produce any evidence that a crime had actually been committed. Maynard had to accept that there was no evidence and I was released. Someone had tipped off the press and there was a gang of photographers waiting as I walked out to the waiting cab. 144 When the taxi pulled up outside my house I could hardly believe my eyes. The garden and the house were cordoned off with tape bearing the legend 'Crime Scene—Do Not Cross'. The gate to the back garden was off its hinges and the front door was open. I used my phone to take photos. I asked the taxi driver to wait while I packed a case. Walking straight through the tape, I entered my house. The sight was unbelievable. Downstairs the carpets had been ripped up and I could see two mechanical diggers and a number of policemen digging large holes in my garden. The patio had already been ripped up. I was about to go up to my bedroom when a policeman came down the stairs. 145 "What are you doing here? Can't you fucking read? It says, 'Crime Scene—DO NOT CROSS'." 146 "First, there has been no crime, and second, this is my house. I LIVE HERE." 147 The policeman used his radio to ask permission to let me in, then looked back at me. "Why are you here?" 148 "Well, I certainly can't live here, so I need to pack a case to move out." 149 "He says he needs to pack a case, sir," he said into the radio. 150 "Okay. Sir, you can do that, but I have to supervise you so I can check what you take." 151 Upstairs, all the carpets had been ripped up, there were floorboards up in every room and a ladder up to the loft hatch. I took photos as I went. In the bedroom I found the contents of my wardrobe draped over the bed and the contents of the drawers spread about the room. As best I could, I collected up what clothes I needed. My suitcase was already out on the floor, and I put what I could find into it. I got back in the taxi and asked the driver to take me to a hotel. 152 The next day I saw my picture splashed across the tabloid newspapers. One, the Morning Post, captioned the photo with the headline "Getting away with Murder". The bastards will pay for that, I thought. When I got into work I walked across the factory floor and someone started clapping. As more people noticed me the applause grew louder. As I reached the door to the offices I turned, took a very theatrical bow and the applause turned to laughter. Sally, my secretary, welcomed me with a kiss on the cheek. 153 "I knew it couldn't be true," she told me as she put a cup of coffee down on the desk. 154 Within minutes, Bob Danvers was in my office. "Good to see you back where you belong, Kevin. The lawyers told me what happened. How are you?" 155 "I'm fine, Bob. I wish I could say the same for my house. They've wrecked the place." I showed Bob the pictures on my phone. 156 "Print those out for me and I'll get them over to the lawyers. It seems to me they've no right calling your house a crime scene when they don't even know that a crime's been committed. Then there's the damage they've done—you deserve to be compensated for that. Come to think of it, where are you living? You can't live in that mess." 157 "I spent last night in a hotel. I thought I'd stay there until the weekend then try to find a short term furnished flat." 158 "You'll do no such thing. Wendy and I have plenty of room—you can live with us for a while until we find you somewhere suitable to stay. Just you remember, Kevin, you have friends here, and friends help each other. Now don't forget to give me those pictures." He left my office and I got to work. 159 As I was on my way out to lunch Sally called out to me. "Kevin—Bob asked me to find you somewhere to live, but I don't really know what to look for. If you don't want a hotel, do you want a flat, or would a bed & breakfast do? Would you consider being someone's lodger?" 160 "I hadn't given it much thought, really, Sally." 161 "The reason I ask is that my Aunt Helen takes in lodgers and she doesn't have anyone at present." 162 "Are you sure she'd be okay with having a murder suspect in her house?" 163 "You're no murderer," she laughed. "Anyway, we don't even know if there has been a murder." 164 "Well, if you check your aunt and uncle are happy, it might be a good solution." 165 "I'll phone Aunt Helen this afternoon. Oh, by the way, there is no uncle—he died five years ago." 166 That afternoon Sally called her aunt and arranged for me to visit her that evening. I took the pictures in to Bob and told him that I wouldn't need his offer of help. 167 Helen Warrender was a fine looking woman. She was in her early fifties, though at first glance you'd have put her age closer to forty. She was five foot six inches tall with a slim waist and a delightful curve to her hips. She had piercing blue eyes and shoulder length dark hair which was greying but not yet grey. She had a nice home, and when she showed me the double room she had available I was convinced I should take it. I felt it only right to make sure that she was fully in the picture. Her response sealed the deal. 168 "Sally told me all about it. I think it's disgusting they should treat you like that." 169 I had forgotten what it was like to have someone look after me. Every morning I was treated to the sight of the lovely Helen serving me with breakfast. She insisted I didn't restrict myself to my bedroom. 170 "This is a big house for me, Mr Bryant, and I do get lonely. Just having someone else in the room of an evening is welcome." 171 As the weeks went by, I came to realise that lodging with Helen was better than living with Lisa, with the exception of the occasional sex. Even the latter resolved itself as time went by. One night I came back to find Helen in a panic. She couldn't stop water flowing through the toilet cistern. I told her not to worry, found the stopcock and turned it off. I inspected the cistern, found the problem and after a quick trip to the Do-It-Yourself store, I fitted a new valve and turned the water on again. Helen was completely overwhelmed with gratitude. She hugged me tightly and kissed me on the lips. Possibly it was because it had been so long, but more likely it was the feeling of Helen's body against mine. My cock started to swell and pressed against her as I kissed her back. We stood there for several moments looking into each other's eyes. 172 "It feels like you need something as much as I do. Take me to bed, Kevin, take me now." 173 I swept her up in my arms and carried her up to her bedroom. I put her back on her feet and kissed her again. I eased the zip of her dress down below her waist, lifted it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. For a while I stood and looked at her. 174 "Don't look too closely," she said. "It's all seen better days." 175 "Well, if it has I'd like to have seen it. It looks pretty good to me right now." 176 "Oh, you say the nicest things." 177 She unbuttoned my shirt and released my belt. As I stepped out of my trousers I kissed her again, with a passion that I'd forgotten I had. I pulled the duvet back, swept her up in my arms and laid her out on the bed. I lay down beside her, reached around and unclipped her bra, releasing what I can only describe as her beautiful breasts. They weren't big and they sagged a bit, but I thought they were beautiful. I reached down, put my thumbs under the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. Helen raised her legs so that I could remove the panties completely. 178 "Be gentle, Kevin. It's been a long time." 179 "Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't want." 180 I pulled her to me and held her tightly. As I kissed her tenderly she brought a hand around and pulled my head closer, her lips parted and our tongues danced a sensual rumba. My hands ran down her back. As I reached her hips she thrust them forward, grinding against my very erect dick. 181 "We shouldn't be doing this—but I want it so much." 182 "Don't worry, everything will be fine." 183 She wrapped one leg around mine, and I ran my hand over her arse cheeks then slipped my fingers into her crack. When I started to probe her anus she forced herself harder against me. 184 "Oh, yes, Kevin, I need this so much. Please, please take me now." 185 I turned her onto her back and started to play with her nipples. I ran my fingers down to her pussy and fastened my lips on her nipple. My fingers found her clitoris and gently circled and stroked it. In less than a minute, several years of pent up frustration were released in an orgasm that took her breath away completely. As I lay beside her she shook uncontrollably and I hugged her until she stopped shaking. I rolled onto my back, pulling Helen on top of me. I moved her knees up to my waist and she sat back onto my hips. I lifted her up a little and eased my cock into her. As she started to move up and down on my dick, I squeezed her breasts and used my thumbs on her nipples. 186 "Oh, Kevin, I've missed this so much. Fill me, Kevin. Fill me with your seed." 187 Her breathing became more erratic, coming in gasps. I could feel my cock throbbing as it was caressed by the wet walls of her pussy. She tightened around me as I rhythmically moved up and down. 188 "Oh, no—oh, no—oh—oh—oh, yes!" 189 Her pussy squeezed my cock, and I sent streams of sperm shooting into her cervix. She was trembling once again, and I pulled her down on to my chest and hugged her. As we lay there I stroked her back and kissed her shoulders. Gently I rolled her onto her back and got up to get us both a glass of wine. We sat, we drank, and then we fucked some more until eventually Helen fell asleep. There are many times in a person's life when they think, what would have happened if I had done things differently? This was such a time for me. I decided to go back to my own room and leave Helen to sleep. I've often wondered what would have happened had I stayed with her that night. 190 The following morning things were back to normal. Helen was waiting on me, and I was Mr Bryant again. That evening I invited Helen to go to dinner with me. 191 "Mr Bryant—Kevin—what happened last night was a mistake, it should never have happened." 192 "But it did happen, Helen, and it was good, wasn't it?" 193 "Yes, it was good, it was more than good—but it was wrong. You're still married and I—I have someone." 194 "You have someone? Then why last night?" 195 "He's old school. He won't take me to bed until we're married, but it has been so long since I felt a real man inside me. I'm so sorry, Kevin, that I took advantage of you, but it must never happen again." 196 "Helen, if a man has the opportunity to make love to you and turns it down, I have doubts about his sanity." 197 "Nevertheless, we have an agreement and I will marry him. So, you see, last night must never happen again." 198 "Like I said last night, Helen, I won't do anything you don't want me to do." 199 I kept my promise to her, but in the three months I spent with her we had another two nights of passion. Each was followed by similar guilt on her part. The police occupied my house for over a month, and when I was handed back the keys the place was far from habitable. It took almost two months to get it back in a condition I could live with. Much of my furniture had to be replaced and the garden was a mess. 200 ***** 201 "Well," said Lisa, "looks like you haven't been celibate while I've been away." 202 "What do you mean by that?" 203 "This place. If I'm not mistaken, I see a woman's touch in the decoration. The colours and the furniture, definitely not your choice." 204 "I paid someone else to do it. When the police were finished with it I either had to completely refurbish it or sell up. Since I'd paid off the mortgage, and didn't want to start again, I got a designer in and we made it better." 205 "Was it that bad, then?" 206 "I'll show you the pictures if you like. They even checked I hadn't buried you under the concrete floor." 207 "Oh, Kevin, I never imagined anything like that. I really am very sorry." 208 "It's water under the bridge now, Lisa. We're divorced and both free agents, and to be honest that's all that matters to me now." 209 "You keep saying that. How can we be divorced without me knowing about it? I haven't agreed to it, and I still won't." 210 Chapter 2.3 "You don't have to, Lisa. You deserted me." 212 ***** 213 Once I'd moved back home I looked into divorcing Lisa. I'd got to the point where I wanted to forget all about her. While I was living with her she was doing her best to humiliate me, and even now she was gone she was still causing me problems. My solicitor advised me to wait for a while so he could sound out the courts, to see what I'd need to do to show that Lisa had left and wasn't coming back. It was two months before he came back to me. 214 "I need to know what you want out of this divorce, Mr Bryant, as it has some bearing on what you'll have to do. If you want to take all your joint assets, then it'll take longer. It's possible, especially since she left her bank cards. This will be taken as your wife not wanting any of your assets. I said it will take longer because you'll have to show that you've made every effort to contact your wife and inform her of your intentions." 215 "And if I want a quicker option?" 216 "Well the quicker option involves you in setting up a trust fund for your wife, which would have to be worth up to half your joint assets. The court would say exactly how much that would actually have to be, but the important thing is, should your wife re-appear, then she'd be able to claim the money she might have been awarded had she defended the case." 217 "I think we'll take the long route—I'm in no hurry." 218 "Okay, Mr Bryant, I'll get started on the paperwork right away." 219 I thanked him and left him to start the work. 220 It didn't take long before Inspector Maynard got wind of the divorce terms I was pursuing. He sent a couple of his gentlemen round, to invite me to come into the station for an interview. He may have thought that he'd found a motive, but he still had nothing to indicate that Lisa hadn't just left, which of course she had. Once again, as I left I had to run the gauntlet of the press. Strange how they always seemed to know when I'd been questioned. 221 The police had left me plenty of work to do in the garden. Although I had no plans to do it all myself, I certainly intended to design it. Even with garden design and my everyday work, I still found myself feeling very alone. I registered with a couple of internet dating sites and found myself surprisingly popular. The problem was that, almost always during the first date, the woman would say, "Do you think your wife will ever come back?" Of course, what they meant was, "Did you murder your wife?" I felt I was often being dated for my curiosity value. I had no problem getting sex, but as to finding anyone I'd want to live with, I was having no luck. I started to look at other sites, ones that focussed just on getting laid. I never tried them, just looked to see what was available. I was surprised to find girls of eighteen and nineteen advertising. One girl in particular caught my eye. I tried to ignore her, but time and time again I found myself drawn back to her profile. 222 Jane was being remarkably open and upfront. The more often I read the profile the more naive she seemed. 223 Profile: 224 I've just started at Uni and, thanks to the tuition fees, I need some financial help. I'm not talking about designer dresses and Gucci bags—just help me avoid the drudgery of a job. In return, I will be yours exclusively. If you're married, I will be your secret girlfriend. Not interested in one night stands or short term relationships. 225 I looked at her picture and read the profile and imagined all of the creeps she'd get responding to that ad. After a while I could almost convince myself that if I contacted her it would protect her from all the perverts. It had nothing to do with her youthful good looks. In the end I could resist no longer—I contacted her and set up an appointment. 226 I sat in the bar of the university theatre nursing a cup of coffee. I was just wondering how the staff managed to concentrate on their jobs with all these nubile nymphs around, when I saw her. I'd studied her photo so often that I recognised her immediately. I stood up and motioned her over. She was almost at my table when I realised she'd brought a friend. 227 Jane was about five foot six, with slim hips and an ample bosom, wearing jeans and a sweater. Her shape was immediately noticeable. Her high cheeks, full lips and big brown eyes were the reason I'd been drawn to her picture, and now I could see her long mousy-brown hair. Her friend was smaller, with short blonde hair. Her frame was somewhat slight, but she was still an attractive girl. 228 "Hello, I'm Jane, and this is my friend, Abby," she said, holding her hand out for me to shake. 229 Abby stood back and took my picture with her phone. 230 "Hi, I'm Kevin. Can I get you ladies a drink?" 231 "I'll have a coffee. That's the reason I suggested we meet here—it's the only place on campus that serves good coffee." 232 "What about you, Abby? What would you like?" 233 "Just water, thanks." 234 They sat down at my table and I went to the bar for the drinks. When I got back to the table Jane looked more relaxed than either me or Abby. I gave them their drinks and sat down. 235 "Well, you've passed the physical," Jane said with a smile. "I could do it with you." 236 "Well, that's comforting to know. You have me at a disadvantage, though. You seem to have this all worked out, while I still can't believe I'm doing this." 237 Abby just sat there shooting icy glances in my direction. 238 "Are you married, Kevin? I can be very discreet—you don't have to worry." 239 "It's not my wife that worries me. I'm worried for you. Are you sure you really want to do this?" 240 Suddenly, she looked angry. "Is that why you've come here—to try and talk me out of it?" She pushed her coffee away and started to get up. 241 I reached out and held onto her hands. "Please sit down—I was just checking that you were sure. Now, what is it you want from me?" 242 "Well, you can cover that for a start," she said, putting an invoice on the table. 243 The invoice was for her halls of residence accommodation. Three hundred and sixty pounds for ten weeks. I smiled to myself, Lisa would have spent that much on a pair of shoes. I took out my cheque book and wrote one for the full amount, made out to the university estates department. I held the cheque out for her. She took it and studied it. 244 "The full amount, up front—you would do that for me?" 245 "Yes, I'll do that and I'll do it again next term, but there are conditions. You must cancel that ad and there is to be no one else." 246 "Of course, that goes without saying." 247 "Good, then here's what I propose. I'll pay your rent, your food bills and your books, and next year I'll pay your tuition fees. In return I expect you to be diligent in your studies and to be available to me for social events and engagements." 248 "Social events and engagements. Huh—I've never heard it called that before," muttered Abby. 249 "Now, Jane, do we have a deal?" 250 Jane fixed me with those big brown eyes. "We most certainly do." 251 "Good. Now, unless you two ladies have already eaten, may I take you to dinner?" 252 "Now hold on, Mr Pervert," Abby interjected. "I'm not part of this deal; I'm just here for Jane's protection." 253 "I appreciate that, Abby, I really do, and that's why I'd like you to come. Call it a thank you, for looking after our mutual friend." 254 With that we, all three, left the theatre and walked across campus to where I left my car. They were somewhat surprised to see the Skoda. As we got in the girls looked at each other and then to me. Jane reached out and put her hand on mine. 255 "Kevin, can you really afford to do this?" 256 "Of course I can. I wouldn't have offered if I couldn't." 257 She looked at Abby again, then back at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you, it's just that this isn't the car a wealthy man drives. My dad has one of these. It's older, of course, but it's the same car." 258 I laughed out loud and only stopped when I realised how embarrassed she was. "Oh, Jane, you just reminded me of my wife—she couldn't understand it either. You see, I'm a man who lives his life according to his needs, not according to his means. This is a good reliable car, and it was good value for money. That leaves me more cash to spend on the important things in life." 259 "And I'm important?" 260 "I hope you'll become so. I really do. My wife has left me. My son finished university and has moved to the big city to make his fortune. The two of them cost me far more than I'll be spending on you, so don't worry about whether I can afford it." 261 We had a very pleasant meal at a little Italian restaurant in Bath. I let Jane do most of the talking, and before the end of the evening I found out that her father was in his early sixties and her mother was almost twenty years his junior. They lived in Doncaster, where Jane had grown up. Her father had a second family to keep, so they were far from well off, but he had instilled in his daughter a healthy dislike for debt. 262 "Dad always says that borrowing is like paying someone money simply because they have more than you in the first place," she told me. 263 I liked the sound of her father, even if it did mean his daughter was taking big risks to avoid being in debt. Of course, she hadn't told him what she was doing. As far as he was concerned she worked in the campus bar. At the end of the evening we exchanged phone numbers and I drove them back to their halls of residence. 264 I may have been acting like an old fool, but I wasn't totally stupid. The next day I called the company lawyer and asked for the name of the enquiry agent they used. I gave the guy all the details I had and asked him to find out all he could. I didn't think she was taking me for a ride, but it made sense to be sure before I got in any deeper. In the meantime I took things very gently. In the first two weeks I took her out a couple of times a week. We went out to dinner and we went to clubs. I knew I was becoming attached to her, but I tried to keep her at arm's length, at least until I got the report from the enquiry agent. At least that was the plan—the problem was that Jane hadn't read the script. 265 One Saturday I decided to take her out to one of my favourite restaurants, so that afternoon I took her shopping for appropriate clothes. Then that night we went into town and had a wonderful evening, first at the restaurant then at a night club. I had booked us into a hotel, with separate rooms of course. As we walked into the hotel that night Jane had hold of my arm with both hands and her head was on my shoulder. As we got to our rooms we stopped outside her door. I attempted to kiss her on the cheek, but she turned so that our lips met. I kissed her gently, but she took my head in both of her hands and kissed me back with a passion. 266 "We need to talk," she said. "We could do that in your room, but I'd rather it was mine." She turned, opened the door and gently led me in. She sat me down on the bed and walked to the mini bar. "Shall we have a drink?" She got out two small bottles of wine and came back with two glasses. "Kevin. I'm very grateful to you for helping me, but I thought we had a deal." 267 "We do have a deal. I've kept to my side of it, haven't I?" 268 "Sort of, but you haven't let me hold up my side of the deal. We said you'd meet my expenses and in return you get me, exclusively. I really enjoy going out with you, and how could I not like dresses like this." She reached up her back and I heard the zip being pulled down. She pushed the dress off her shoulders, let it fall to the floor, then stepped out of it. She stood before me wearing only stockings, red lacy bra and matching thong. She looked down at my lap and could see the tent forming there. 269 "I know you find me attractive, so why do you treat me more like your daughter than your girlfriend? I already have a father—I don't need another one." She sat on the bed and held my hand. 270 "I'm just not used to arrangements like this. I suppose I'm trying to break us both in gently. I don't want you to feel like a prostitute." 271 "Is that what you think I'm doing? If I was a prostitute, clients would be choosing me and trying to make deals. A prostitute isn't in control of the relationship. I'm in control of this relationship. I chose you, not the other way round. If you're unhappy with that we can end it now." 272 "Okay, I was trying to protect myself as well as you. I'm a man in his forties, you're nineteen. How long's it going to be before some young student captures your heart and you want out of our arrangement? Where is that going to leave me?" 273 She got up, then sat on my lap and stroked my face. "That's not going to happen. I don't go for young men. They're all so Wham bam, thank you, ma'am. I want a mature man who takes his time and can teach me how to enjoy sex—I want you, Kevin. Not just for the money—I really enjoy being with you. Right now, I want you to release this bra and start to play with my breasts. Isn't that what you want?" 274 Damn right it was what I wanted. As I reached around to release her bra-catch she took my face in both hands and kissed me tenderly. I eased the bra down over her arms and hands and revealed her close-to-perfect breasts. They hardly dropped as I removed the bra and, pulling it forward, revealed her dark areola. Her nipples sat like morello cherries on top of an iced bun. My hand moved up to fondle her breasts, and I immediately noticed the difference between her and Lisa. Lisa always had great boobs, but Jane's were soft to touch and firm at the same time. There was no wobble of flesh just beautiful globes. I took one of her cherry nipples into my mouth and sucked, using my tongue to lick and circle her nipple. Jane's head went back as her hand came up behind my neck, holding my head firm as her breast was being pushed further into my eager mouth. 275 "Oh, yes, Kevin, that's what I want." 276 I moved my hand down her back. As I stroked her back around her hips and the base of her spine, she started to wriggle on my lap and made some unintelligible moans. 277 "Take me to bed, Kevin—I really want you inside me." 278 She stood up and I removed her panties. I stood up and swept her up in my arms, carried her round the bed and laid her down on the covers. I undressed and lay down beside her. She reached out to me and ran her hand down my body. When she reached my hips she moved down to grasp my cock. She gently squeezed it. 279 "Mmm, that will do for me. Now come on, you lovely man. Take me." 280 I turned her onto her back and continued my assault on her breasts. As I moved my head to her right breast I used my left hand on her left breast while my right hand made its way down between her legs. Her back arched, pushing her breast up into my mouth. Her legs parted for me, and my fingers parted her labia and entered her wet pussy. I found her clitoris with my thumb. As my fingers slid in and out of her pussy, my thumb stimulated her clitoris. In no time at all her pussy clenched on my fingers. Her hips rose up to meet my hand. She started to cry out. 281 "Oh—yes, Kevin, yes, yes, Y-E-S." 282 Her juices flowed over my hand. I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. I slipped my knee between her legs and pushed her over onto her back. I climbed on top of her and she reached for my cock. She guided it to her pussy and I gently pushed into her highly lubricated love channel. I sank into her with a slow, gentle movement, giving her chance to get used to my cock. I slowly moved in and out, and her legs wrapped around me. I rolled on to my back, flipping her on top of me. I ran my hands down her back and gently massaged her arse cheeks. Again I was reminded of her youth. Her buttocks were firm and toned—not at all wobbly like Lisa's. She forced herself down harder onto my cock as I ran my fingers into her arse crack. As I started to run my finger around her tight little anus, her breathing got more erratic and her movements even more forceful—she was coming. 283 "Oh, Kevin, fill me, fill me up with your seed. Fuck me, Kevin, fuck me hard." 284 As her pussy started to squeeze on my dick and her cervix started close over its head, I felt my seed starting to rise. Her breath now came in gasps as I shot my load into her. We gripped each other tightly, both of us covered in sweat. I stopped pushing up into her and she lay on top of me, shaking. As she regained control of her body my cock started to soften inside her. She lifted herself slightly and kissed me. 285 "I just knew you'd be good," she said. "I just knew it." 286 We lay there for several minutes, just enjoying the closeness of each other. I was struck by the difference between this lithe young body and the softer older woman I was used to. I was also conscious of the difference between her body and mine. Yes, the bit of exercise I did had kept me reasonably fit, but I was getting a bit soft and floppy. 287 "Would you like to share a shower with me?" she asked. 288 "Try to keep me out." 289 She got off the bed and ran for the bathroom. I followed. With the water spraying down on us we kissed and cuddled. We lathered each other, and I washed her breasts and pussy with relish. Jane seemed to take great pleasure in washing my balls and cock which obliged her by immediately standing to attention for her. As we towelled each other dry there were more hugs and kisses which then changed to tickling with both of us running naked around the room and over the bed like a couple of children. When I caught her and pulled her, still laughing, down onto the bed we both got under the covers. I held her tight, and after a few more kisses I lay on my back and she snuggled under my arm with her head on my chest. 290 "So did you really choose me?" I asked. 291 "Of course I did—you didn't think you were the first candidate, did you?" 292 "Well, I hadn't really thought of it until tonight, but yes, I suppose I did." 293 "No—there were many who wanted to have me. You were the first one who really wanted to look after me. One fat old man wanted to go back to my room so that he could see what he was getting. You just gave me the money, and if I hadn't forced the issue tonight, you still wouldn't have had anything for your money." 294 "Please don't say it like that. Getting something for my money. It makes it sound like I'm paying you for sex. I don't see it like that at all." 295 "Oh, Kevin, I know you don't, and neither do I. That's why you were special. Add to that, I really fancied you, and when we all went out to dinner you were so charming I've wanted to go to bed with you ever since." She hugged me and pressed her firm young breasts into my side. "So how did you see our little arrangement?" she asked. 296 "I don't know, I think I wanted to protect you. I desired you sexually, of course, but you're twenty years younger than me. I only wanted you in my bed if that's where you wanted to be." 297 "Well, it is, so please, no more separate rooms." 298 I hugged her close then she turned over and we spooned with my cock nestling in her arse crack. We must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I knew I was waking up to the sound of Jane talking to someone. 299 "I'd like to thank you for such a wonderful night. Now what can I give you to say thanks? How about a nice big kiss?" 300 At first I thought she must be on the phone, but that last question forced me to open my eyes. I managed to bring her into focus just as she planted that kiss on the head of my erect cock. The feeling was amazing. 301 "Hmm, you know, you taste good enough to eat." 302 She knelt beside me completely naked, addressing every word to my own little soldier who dutifully stood to attention. She kissed it again. 303 "Sorry, but I'm just going to have to eat you." 304 With that she took my cock into her mouth. She went to work with her tongue and lips. Licking, swirling then sucking. She brought her head further down until the whole of my cock was in her mouth and pushing into her throat. Her head moved up and down. This nineteen year-old girl was giving me the best blowjob of my life. I reached down and stroked her hair. She lifted her head and looked at me. 305 Chapter 2.4 "Anyone ever tell you how good you taste?" 307 "Not until now." 308 "Well, you do," she said and returned to her task, looking up at me as she did. 309 "Wouldn't you enjoy having me inside you more?" 310 "Would you enjoy that more?" she asked. 311 "I really think I would. I want to admire that beautiful body while you ride me." 312 She lifted herself up, straddled me and lowered her pussy onto my erect dick. As she moved up and down on me I was treated to both visual and physical stimulation. Her tight pussy stroked my cock as it moved up and down, and her lovely breasts bounced about in front of my eyes. I reached out and put my hands on her hips. I moved my hands slowly up her sides and brought them round under her breasts then slowly down to her hips again. Her movements slowly increased in speed and her head went back, making her hair hang down straight. I brought my hands up once more and, supporting her breasts with my hands, I started rubbing her nipples with my thumbs. She gasped for breath and her pelvis rocked as she moved down on me. I could feel the mouth of her cervix closing over the head of my cock. 313 "Oghh—Oghh—Oghh—A-a-argh—" she let out a moan that was almost a scream, and I blasted another load of semen into her. She was shaking, and I pulled her down onto my chest and held her tight until she recovered. 314 After a shower I had to go back to my own room for a change of clothes before going down to breakfast. We left the hotel with my arm around her shoulder and hers around my waist. We had arrived looking like father and daughter, and we left looking like lovers. 315 On Monday morning I called the enquiry agent and asked for a verbal report. He told me what I hoped to hear. Everything was just as she'd said, and as far as he could tell she had no love interest at university. In fact the lads had found her so hard to crack that there were some rumours that she and Abby were lesbians. I thanked him for his efforts, told him the case was now closed and asked him to send his account direct to me. 316 I asked Sally if she had details of the gym that gave the company employees a discount and told her to book me an appointment with the personal trainer. She gave me a peculiar look. 317 "What's with the sudden desire for fitness?" 318 "Well, Sally, I thought this old body was somewhat out of shape." 319 "It's not that bad and it's not that old," she hesitated, then gave me a knowing smile. "You've found someone, haven't you? Oh my god, you have, you've really found someone. Oh, Kevin, I'm so pleased." She rushed over and kissed me full on the lips then pulled back looking embarrassed. "I'm so sorry—I shouldn't have done that. I'm just so happy for you. I can't wait to tell everybody." 320 "I'd rather you said nothing, Sally. Who knows how long these things last? I'd rather people found out in the fullness of time." 321 "Any girl that lets you go has got to be mad or stupid. That's all I've got to say." 322 "Well, thank you, Sally, and I promise not to tell your husband you said that." 323 "Oh, he knows, he heard me and Aunt Helen talking about you. If I didn't love him so much I'd have made a play for you myself." 324 "Well, I just hope he knows what a lucky man he is. Now can we get some work done around here?" 325 She left my office in a state of excitement, and I wondered just how long she could keep a lid on things. 326 Things had moved on at Danvers. We were into chip design, specialising in digital signal processing. Our manufacturing side was still working, but the biggest money spinner was from licences to use our designs. This was mainly my doing. Design and Development had expanded fast and we were employing two new graduates every year. Meanwhile Bob, now in his sixties, was looking to take more of a back seat. I'd just got back from seeing the personal trainer when he came into my office. He looked at my red face and sweaty forehead. 327 "My god, you look like you've just run a mile," he said. 328 "Three actually, Bob. What can I do for you?" 329 "It's your mileage expenses—you're costing me a fortune." 330 "They're all legitimate expenses, Bob. I don't count the short hops." 331 "I know that—if I thought you were cheating me you wouldn't be sitting there. No, I think the company would be better off if you had a company car, so you'd better choose one—and no, it's not going to be a bloody Skoda." 332 "There's nothing wrong with Skoda—you get a lot more car for your money." 333 "Alright, alright, I know the arguments, but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't give the impression of a successful company if the acting CEO rolls up in a Skoda. Make it a Merc, Jag or Beemer, something with a bit of prestige attached to it." 334 "Hold on, Bob, just back up a bit. What did you say about acting CEO?" 335 "Oh, didn't I tell you about that? Wendy and I are going on a world cruise after Christmas. We'll be gone a couple of months. I'm putting you in charge while I'm away. We'll talk about what happens after that, when I get back. Wendy wants to see more of me, so I'll be looking to take more of a back seat. Now get on that computer of yours and find yourself a car. You can spend up to eighty grand." 336 It took me two weeks to sort out the car. I didn't say a word to Jane about it. We were seeing each other about four nights a week, and most nights she'd stay over at the house and I would drive her in to college in the mornings before going to work. The night I pulled up in the new Jag XK she didn't even realise it was me. I had to get out of the car before she realised. 337 "Well?" I said. "Does this tell you that I can afford to support you?" 338 "You silly man, you didn't buy this just to impress me?" 339 "No, it's a company car, my boss made me have it." 340 Jane looked around the interior of the car. "Your boss must think a hell of a lot of you." 341 "You know, I think he does. Now, where would you like to go tonight?" 342 "I don't care where we go, as long as I'm with you. Can't we just go to your place and sit and watch TV or something?" 343 That was when I really started to feel comfortable with the relationship. We didn't have to go out—she was content just to be with me. My own double bed hadn't seen so much action in years, and for the first time in ages I felt happy. Of course it couldn't last, and one evening I pulled up at the university in the usual place, but she wasn't there. I went to her room, but there was no answer. I tried the theatre bar to no avail. I didn't think I could feel any worse, and when I got back to my car and found Abby sitting on the front wing, my mood lifted a little. 344 "Abby, where is she? Has something happened? Is she alright?" 345 For such a slight girl she packed a hell of a slap. My cheek stung as she laid into me verbally. "Why couldn't you be straight with us? If you'd told us who you were in the first place she wouldn't be breaking her heart right now." 346 "I have been straight with you, I am Kevin Bryant. Look, it's on my driving licence." 347 "I know you're Kevin Bryant. You're THE Kevin Bryant—the man who got away with murder. Just where is your wife, Kevin?" 348 "I don't know. She left me—I told you that." 349 "Then how come nobody can find her. The reporter was right—if she was still alive someone would know where she is." 350 "Reporter? What reporter?" 351 "The man from The Post. He said he wanted to interview her, and then told her he was doing a piece on why some women were attracted to murderers. Jane defended you and told him that it couldn't be true, but then he showed her all the newspaper stories." 352 "I'll bet he did, stories he's written. I've had enough of this. Just because Lisa disappeared doesn't mean I'm not entitled to a life of my own, and I want Jane to be a part of that life." I got back in the car and started her up. 353 "Don't hold your breath," Abby called after me as I roared out of the car park. 354 When I got home I made several attempts to call Jane. Every time I was told that her phone was switched off. In the end I sent a text. It's not true. Lisa did leave me. Nobody killed her. Please talk to me. 355 I didn't sleep well that night and I was still angry when I got into work the next day. I barely said good morning to Sally. 356 "Sally, get me Guy Pearson, from the company lawyers, on the phone." 357 "Certainly, Kevin. Would you like your coffee now?" 358 "Not now, thanks. Maybe later." 359 A few minutes later my phone rang. 360 "I've got Guy Pearson for you." 361 "Guy Pearson. How can I help you?" 362 "It's Kevin Bryant, Mr Pearson, from Danvers Electronics. I'm still having problems with the police and the press, regarding my wife's disappearance." I told him what had happened and how things had affected my life since the story broke. 363 "What would you like me to do, Mr Bryant?" 364 "Take the bastards to the cleaners—the police, the press, and most especially The Post." 365 "It will be my pleasure, Mr Bryant. I have all the evidence—I've just been waiting for your instructions." 366 "Guy, if you can make sure it gets maximum news coverage I would be much obliged." 367 "Will do, Mr Bryant. Leave it with me." 368 The next day I knew that Pearson had made a start. As I opened my front door I had TV cameras thrust in my face and the questions started. 369 "Mr Bryant, is it true that you're suing the police, sir?" 370 "Yes, it's true." 371 "Don't you think they have a responsibility to investigate your wife's disappearance, sir?" 372 "Yes, they do, but they also have a responsibility to get their facts right. They had no right to label my house as a crime scene when no crime had been committed." 373 "What about The Post, sir? Is it true that you're claiming a million pounds?" 374 "I don't know—I left that in the hands of my solicitor." 375 "What have they done that could possibly be worth that much money, sir?" 376 "The press—and The Post in particular—have, without a shred of evidence, labelled me a murderer. If The Post has any evidence to suggest that my wife is dead, then I and the police would like to see it. Despite this lack of evidence, staff writers from the post have deliberately interfered in my private life, wrecking new relationships I might have formed. What price do you put on that, gentlemen? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work." 377 I got into the Jag and made my exit. At work things were normal. Just after lunch I got a call from Guy Pearson congratulating me on my doorstep interview. It wasn't really Guy I was trying to impress but he was the only person to call me about it. That night I saw the TV coverage, and generally it seemed quite positive. My interview was followed by an article about press intrusion and featured other people whose lives had been ruined. Within three days I got the offer of an out-of-court settlement, no apology and no admission of liability. No deal. The offer was encouraging, but what I found when I got home was the best thing. 378 It was a cold, dark evening, and she was huddled up against the cold. I left the car on the drive and walked over to her. As she got up I threw my arms around her to warm her. Without a word I opened the front door and ushered her in. I sat her down and went to the kitchen to make the coffee. When I returned with the tray, she looked warmer but very nervous. I poured the coffee and passed her a cup. She wrapped her hands around the cup. I just looked at her. 379 "I'm sorry, Kevin. I don't know what to say." 380 "How about I start at the beginning and tell you everything." 381 I did just that, from the beginning, and left nothing out. By the time I finished, my coffee was cold and Jane had tears in her eyes. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. She put her head on my chest and cried. 382 "I'm really sorry, Kevin. I should have talked to you about it but that horrible man frightened me so much." 383 "I've a feeling he's going to regret that." 384 "So he should—he said horrible things about you, and when he showed me all those stories in the papers, I couldn't believe they could write those things without any proof. When I saw you on the television, challenging them to provide the evidence, I knew I'd been a fool." 385 "Abby said you were broken-hearted." 386 "I was. You see, I really like you. The sex is great but it's more than that. I wanted to be with you but he frightened me so much." 387 I hugged her while she cried, and when she stopped crying I made us some dinner. She seemed to brighten up after dinner and we just sat together. Then, just before we went to bed, she spoke. 388 "Kevin, I know I've no right to ask, but would you come home with me for Christmas? I want you to meet my dad—and my mum, of course—but mainly my dad." 389 "I'd really like that," I said. 390 We went to bed and just held each other. We made love slowly and tenderly that night. 391 ***** 392 "Well, I have to say the last six years have been kind to you, Kevin." 393 "Sorry, what was that?" 394 "I said you're looking well. In fact, I think you look younger and fitter than you were when I left." 395 "Well, I decided I needed to get into better shape. Add to that the dancing and cycling I've been doing." 396 "You? Dancing and cycling? What brought that on?" 397 "I can't help being an old dad to any more children I have, but I don't have to be a fat old dad." 398 "You plan on having more children? At your age?" 399 "I'm forty-eight, Lisa, not eighty-four. Charlie Chaplin was still siring children at eighty-two." 400 "Yes, but he had a young wife." 401 "And what makes you think I couldn't get a young wife?" 402 "Oh my god, Kevin, you haven't bought yourself a Russian bride, have you?" 403 She still hadn't learned her lesson, it seemed. I'd have put her straight but at that moment the doorbell rang. I went to answer it, knowing it was likely to be my son, Elliott. I opened the door. 404 "Hi, Dad. Is she still here?" I showed him in. 405 "Elliott, how are you, darling?" 406 "Fat lot you care. You piss off for six years, then come back and think everything's going to be the same as it was. It doesn't work like that, Mum. People move on." 407 "But I always loved you. You're my darling boy. You know that." 408 "Just not enough to let me know you were still alive, though." 409 "I didn't want your father to find me." 410 "What makes you think I wanted to?" I added. 411 "So where have you been these last six years, Mother, dear?" There was more than a hint of irony in his voice—he must have inherited something from me. 412 "She's been running a Spanish bordello," I told him. "Madam Lisa." I really wasn't helping matters, so I left them to it. 413 ****** 414 We didn't go up to Doncaster straight away when term ended. Jane and I quickly got over our little upset, and she spent some time moving into the house. It had been her suggestion. Rather than me paying for her student accommodation, I could just provide the accommodation. It made sense to me—she was spending as many nights in my house as she was in her room. I insisted that she used Elliott's old room—after all, there would be nights when she'd need to work, and she might just need to get away from me. There was the small worry about transport, but Lisa's Mini was still in the garage so I let her use that. 415 The journey up to Doncaster was uneventful. The Jag just ate up the miles. We stopped a couple of times at the motorway services for overpriced, bad food and arrived in the centre of Doncaster in the early evening. The sat-nav took me straight to my hotel. When I pulled into the car park Jane's face had a curious expression. 416 "What are we doing here? We can't stay here, my parents will be very upset if we don't stay with them." 417 "I've taken a room here as insurance. I'm sure your mum and dad will be thrilled to see you, but maybe less thrilled to see me." 418 "I'm sure they'll love you, but I suppose some insurance isn't a bad idea." 419 We checked in and I took some luggage up to my room. Jane came up with me to help unpack and to see what the room was like. 420 "Hmm, so this is what an executive double room looks like. I love the bed. We'll have to make an excuse to come back and try it out." 421 We made our way to a nice little semi-detached on the outskirts of town. I parked the car in the drive, and as we reached the front door it was opened by a man in his sixties. His grey hair was thinning, he was a little overweight and had the look of a man who was once a lady killer. Jane threw her arms around him. 422 "Dad, how are you?" 423 "I'm fine, darling. How are you? You're certainly looking well. This must be Kevin—come into the light, my boy, let me get a look at you." 424 I stepped forward and took his hand to shake it. He brought his other hand round and placed it on top of mine as we shook hands. 425 "You're very welcome, my boy. Our Jane's told me a lot about you. Now come in and meet the wife." 426 I followed him in, with Jane's suitcase and my overnight bag. I put the bags down in the hall and followed Jane and her dad into the kitchen. The greeting between Jane and her mum was somewhat cooler. Her mother was about the same age as me. She was about five foot four inches, slim build with shoulder length blonde hair. In her day she would have been quite a looker—still could be if she tried a bit harder. As they hugged, Jane's mother looked straight past her to me. 427 "And who's this?" she asked. 428 "Mum, this is Kevin. He's a friend, and we're going to be sharing a house." 429 "Sharing a house or sharing a bed?" 430 "Jane has her own room, Mrs Draper," I said and offered her my hand. 431 My offer was ignored. Jane gripped my arm and put her head on my shoulder. 432 "Can we offer you two a drink, and maybe some food?" asked Jane's father. 433 "I'd love a coffee please, Mr Draper," I said. 434 "Oh, please, call me Derek, and this is Linda." 435 "I'll have a coffee as well, please, Dad, especially if it's the good stuff." 436 Derek Draper laughed. "She takes after her father, Kevin. She appreciates a good cup of coffee." 437 "Oh, I know that, Derek, that's how we met. There's only one place on campus that serves good coffee, so we both ended up there, sat at the same table." 438 I really liked Derek, and he obviously had a good relationship with Jane. Linda was a different matter. I'm not without a certain amount of charm, but it didn't seem to work on Jane's mother. She was always cool towards me, and I frequently found her staring at me. Christmas passed very amiably, but the day before New Year's Eve the TV showed a review of the year. When it got to November everything changed. 439 "This was the month when businessman Kevin Bryant took his fight for justice to the courts, having, he claimed, been persecuted by the police and the press," the reporter said. 440 Linda Draper brought her hand up to her mouth. "Oh my god, you're him aren't you?" she said, looking at me. "You're Kevin Bryant, the man who got away with murder." 441 "No, Linda, I'm Kevin Bryant, the man whose wife left him." 442 "The Post says you murdered her. There's no smoke without fire. Oh my god, my daughter's going out with a murderer." 443 "Linda, Kevin's our guest, and I'm proud to live in a country where a man is innocent until proven guilty. Now, he asked them to provide evidence that his wife's dead but they can't." 444 "You knew. You knew and you didn't tell me. I've had a murderer under my roof and you knew." 445 "Technically, Linda, it's my roof, and I'm happy to have Kevin here." 446 I stood up and looked at them both. "Derek, I'm sorry, but my presence here's causing you a problem. I think the best thing I can do is leave. I'll go up and get my stuff." 447 Jane had a pained look on her face as I left the room. Derek and Linda were still arguing. When I came down with my bag I popped in to say my goodbyes, just in time to hear Jane. 448 "I'm sorry, Mum, but if Kevin isn't welcome here, then neither am I. Wait there, Kevin—I'm coming with you." 449 Derek came out and apologised for his wife. I told him where we'd be and to give us a call if he managed to talk her round. I saw Jane at the top of the stairs and dashed up to bring down her case. She followed me down and, as I went out with the bags, she gave her dad a kiss. 450 Chapter 2.5 Back at the hotel we did try out that bed. We had some of the best sex we'd ever had. The next day I called Derek and invited them both to come to dinner with us at the hotel. He turned up without Linda, and that set the pattern for the rest our relationship. Derek was a good bloke who was willing to give me the benefit of the doubt, but his wife was convinced that I was some evil beast. We never went back to stay in Doncaster, but I did fix things up for Jane to see her dad. They obviously had a very special relationship, while he and I became great friends. When I suggested that she accompany me on my annual skiing holiday, he actively encouraged her to go. 452 Two weeks in Klosters staying in a client's ski lodge was heavenly. Jane was keen to learn to ski and took to it like a duck to water. There was no shortage of ski instructors keen to help her develop her technique. She simply told them that she already had a personal instructor. By the end of the first week she'd progressed from the nursery slopes to some of the more exciting runs. I offered nights out in Davos, where the apres ski scene was much more active, but she was happy to stay in quieter Klosters and curl up in front of the fire with me. While we were there we had a press invasion—Charlie and the young princes had apparently joined us. Jane couldn't understand why I found it so funny, but I was thinking of Lisa and her wanting to mix with the jet set, yet here I was holidaying with royalty. 453 While Bob and Wendy were away on their cruise, it fell to me to handle the entertaining of clients and, of course, Jane always came with me and played hostess. I was conscious that there was some talk about my young partner. The talk didn't worry me, and the clients were always charmed by her. It wasn't just her youthful good looks—she really did charm them. It seemed effortless to her. She had some understanding of business—after all, she was studying business and corporate law. She was keen to learn what she could, and the way she listened so intently to the points put forward endeared her to the clients we entertained. When Bob returned, he seemed to be very happy with the way things had gone. He invited Jane and I to dinner so that he could outline his plans for himself and the company. He was impressed with Jane and couldn't resist asking me about her. 454 "I must say, young Jane is quite something. How did you meet her?" 455 "On a scouting trip at the university." It was the first time I'd lied to Bob. I hoped he'd forgive me if he found out the truth. 456 "She acts like a mature young lady for her age. How old is she?" 457 "Twenty." 458 "And you're, what, forty-two? The age gap doesn't throw up any problems?" 459 "No, Bob, not really. There was no age gap with Lisa but I seem to have more in common with Jane than I ended up having with Lisa." 460 "Well, you seem happy enough, and you're certainly looking well." 461 "I am, Bob. I know it may not last, but I'm happy now, and I'm willing to take it while I can." 462 As dinner progressed, Bob got around to his plans which were actually a lot more far reaching than I'd expected. 463 "Our production side doesn't make a whole lot of money. It's your division, Design and Development, that makes the cash, as you well know. The last item you developed is making us more in a week than production makes in a year." 464 "So what are you saying, Bob? Do you want to close the production side?" 465 "Oh no, we still make money on it, but I'm saying that expansion of manufacturing doesn't make a lot of sense. Investing in Design and Development does. What would you say is the biggest growth area?" 466 "Digital signal processing, without a doubt." 467 "And you've been working on designing chips for that purpose." 468 "Yes, we're very close to a marketable floor plan." 469 "What I want is for you to expand that division and especially in the development of DSP chips. I want you to run that side of the business and I'll concentrate on manufacturing. I'm going to cut my time down to three days a week. Of course, it will mean an increase in salary." 470 As we made our way back home in the back of a taxi, Jane cuddled up to me, her head on my shoulder and both her hands holding on to my arm. 471 "Did I hear things right back there? Was my man just asked to take over the running of most of the business?" Her words took me a bit by surprise. 472 "If by your man you mean me, then yes, I have." 473 "Oh, that's so cool. You must be really good at what you do if he trusts you enough to put you in charge." 474 "I'm good at some things. There are some things I'm really good at," and I took her in my arms and kissed her. 475 As we broke the kiss she smiled at me. "There are some things that go without saying." 476 Sex was always outstanding on nights we'd been entertaining. I wasn't sure whether it was seeing me in action with the clients or dancing with the clients who were sometimes younger than me. However, this night she made it perfectly clear. After the most amazing blowjob, she straddled me and milked my cock with her pussy. She looked down at me with a look in her eyes I didn't recognise. "I am so proud of you." I felt my chest puff up and I swear my cock grew another inch as her hips continued their rise and fall. 477 The police compensated me in full for all the damage to my property and for my accommodation while the house was being repaired. They also paid for damage to my reputation. The Post was the one I relished the most. Half a million pounds and a grudging apology. Of course, they never accepted that I was innocent, just that, so far, no evidence had been found. The money was tainted as far as I was concerned. Having won it, I had no idea what to do with it. It was Jane who came up with the best solution. The Kevin Bryant bursary for promising engineering students. 478 Now that she was living with me, there was no need to pay for her accommodation, and since the object of our arrangement was to avoid her being burdened with debt, I started paying her tuition fees. At first she objected, but I made it clear the matter wasn't up for discussion. What she didn't realise was that, for me, paying the bills was a constant reminder of our arrangement. A reminder I needed if I was going to be able to deal with the aftermath when it came to an end. 479 By the spring of that year I was feeling the best I ever had. Thanks to my exercise regime I'd lost a bit of weight and developed a physique younger men would be envious of. My face, too, was thinner. The change was enough to make Sally, my PA, pass comment. 480 "I'll say one thing for that young lady of yours, she's certainly good for you." 481 "What do you mean by that?" I asked. 482 "Look at you—you look ten years younger. If that's the effect of having a younger partner then I'm getting myself a toy boy." 483 "I think the exercise and eating well had something to do with it. However, you're right about one thing—Jane was the inspiration." 484 "Well, whatever she's doing she should keep on doing it. You know, a lot of people were worried about you the last couple of years." 485 "Don't worry, Sally, she's probably going home for the holidays, so I'll be back to my old morose self." 486 "If the girl's got any sense she won't leave you on your own for long." 487 That night over dinner I asked Jane about her plans for the holidays. 488 "Well, I was going to talk to you about that. Danvers hires students for holiday work, don't they?" 489 "Yeah, we do, but they're normally engineering students for my department. Are you telling me you're looking for a holiday job here? I thought you'd be going home." 490 "Well, I don't think I could take more than a week with my mother especially after Christmas. So, if it's all the same to you, I'd like to hang out here. That's why I wanted a job." 491 "Okay. I'll talk to the office manager tomorrow to see if there are any vacancies for temporary work." 492 I was struck by the difference between Jane and Elliott. Both of them had no need to work through the holidays, but whereas Elliott took every opportunity to avoid working, Jane was keen to get whatever experience she could. 493 The following morning I ran the idea past Bob Danvers. To my surprise Bob was really keen on the idea. 494 "We depend almost as much on the office staff as we do on the engineers. It's about time we started training them. Do you have someone in mind, Kevin?" 495 "Well, Jane asked me if we took on business trainees and it seemed like a good idea. I think she has it in mind to apply." 496 "Apply nothing, Kevin. See Mrs Pritchard, the office manager, and tell her to draw up a training scheme for young Jane." 497 That summer was absolute bliss. We saw each other during the day as well as at home. I bought a couple of bicycles, and we would ride out to the country parks and take a picnic. I made a point of riding behind her so I could gaze upon her divine arse. When she wore a crop top I would move out so I could glimpse her hanging breasts. I know I could look at them every night but there was something more exciting about stolen glimpses. Right through to October we enjoyed each and every day, so when term started it was a bit of a wrench letting her return to university. 498 By that July, Danvers launched our first DSP chip, and it was an immediate success. With no facilities for chip production, we farmed it out to specialist companies. However, once the telecoms companies found out what it could do they were beating a path to our door with requests for further integration plans. With Danvers being paid to integrate our own design into customer's current technology, and being paid a small percentage of the price of every chip produced using our design, we gained a large increase in income with virtually no increase in costs. We had become part of the knowledge economy, selling our know-how. We employed a few more graduates and started work on our next project. 499 With my personal life on a roll and the company doing so well, the only cloud on my horizon was Elliott. He seemed to believe I had something to do with his mothers disappearance. He barely spoke to me other than to give me grief. Sometimes I started to believe that he thought I'd murdered her. I knew he was serious about a girl he was seeing and the rumour was he was planning to marry her. However, I never even got to meet her and I had my doubts about getting an invitation to the wedding. 500 ***** 501 "Do you have any idea of the damage you did, Mum?" Elliott was beginning to lose his temper with Lisa. 502 "I know about the police investigation, but none of that was my fault." 503 "Of course it was your fault. Without so much as a by-your-leave, you just disappear. You can't blame the police—and me, come to that—for being suspicious. How could you do that without even contacting me to say you were alright?" 504 "What are you talking about? You didn't need me. You'd moved out and gone to London. Your father didn't need me—we hadn't had a proper relationship for years. That's why he never tried to find me." 505 "Of course I needed you. I only went into the financial sector because of you. I wanted you to be proud of me. I wanted to be able to talk to you, to show you how well I'd done, but you weren't here." 506 "You had your father—you could have talked to him." 507 "No, I couldn't. You destroyed that, as well. I couldn't believe you'd just leave, and I'm sorry to say I blamed him for that. I even wondered whether the police might be right. I've hardly spoken to Dad since you left." 508 "Oh darling, you can't really have believed your father killed me." Lisa started to cry. 509 "I didn't know what to believe, and I had no one to help make sense of it all. I even tried to stop him divorcing you." 510 "Stop saying that. How could he divorce me without my knowing about it?" 511 ***** 512 The divorce came at a most inconvenient time for me, coming as it did around the same time as Jane's graduation. It seemed like the end of two relationships were coming together. Thankfully my lawyer, Guy Pearson, was more than capable of tying up one loose end for me. The relationship with Jane was another matter. With her graduation came the end of our arrangement. I had tried to prepare myself for the day, but I hadn't been able to stop myself—I was totally in love with the girl. The age difference meant nothing to me. I only knew my life had never been better, and now part of that was coming to an end. Jane had noticed how preoccupied I'd become, but I just told her it was due to the divorce. I tried very hard to encourage her when it came to finding a job. I was keen for her to get a position that would benefit her most. Matters came to a head when she was offered what many would say was a plum job. 513 She came to me with the letter in her hand. "Kevin, I've been offered a job by KPMG, in their accountancy division." 514 I tried unsuccessfully to read the expression on her face. "That's great news. A couple of years on their graduate training scheme and you'll be able to go where you like. You'll be in demand." 515 "But it's in London." 516 "Well, it may not be my cup of tea, but you're a young girl—you'll enjoy the fast pace and the night life." 517 "So you want me to take it?" 518 "I want you to do whatever's best for you." 519 "Oh, for gods sake, Kevin, why can't you just tell me what you think? Do you want me to go to London?" 520 "I have no say in the matter. Our arrangement's coming to an end—now you should start doing what's best for you." 521 "Our arrangement? Is that all I mean to you? Perhaps I should go to London," she started to sob uncontrollably. I put my arm around her and we sat together on the sofa. 522 "Of course you mean more to me than that, but I thought you'd want to get out in the world, find a man your own age and live life to the full. Isn't that what you want?" The tears welled up in my eyes. 523 "Kevin Bryant, for such a clever man you can be really stupid at times. I don't want a man my own age. Yes, I want to get out in the world, but I want to do that with you. I don't want to leave you, but if you want me to go to London I will." 524 "You mean you'd give up this chance, to stay here with this old man?" 525 "You're forty-five, that's not old, and in case you hadn't noticed I'm in love with you. I want to move my stuff out of that spare room. Now are you going to take me to bed and show me how much you love me?" 526 I got up, picked her up and carried her up to the bedroom. We lay on the bed, just holding each other, undressing each other and running our hands over each other. I pulled her naked body into mine, my manhood pressing between her legs. I ran my finger over her beautiful round arse and into the crack. As I touched her tight little anus she pushed her pussy hard against me. 527 "Fuck me there," she whispered. "Fuck my arse, Kevin. Abby says it feels amazing. Please, Kevin, I've got the lube and everything. You'd be the first, the only one. I really want to try it." 528 "Well, if it's what you want how can I refuse?" 529 She jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. She came back with a small plastic bottle. She knelt on the bed and smeared the slippery liquid all over my cock, and then my fingers. She got onto all fours. 530 "Just your fingers first. Stretch me out before we try with little Kevin." 531 I did as she suggested, first running my slippery fingertip around her little rosebud before working my finger in past her sphincter and into her rectal passage. All the time she pushed back onto my hand issuing small moans. She brought one hand back to her pussy and started to finger her clitoris. As the second finger went in she dropped her head down onto the bed and started to gasp. I started to finger fuck her, trying to force my fingers apart to stretch her. 532 "I think I'm ready now," she gasped. 533 I took my fingers out, knelt between her legs and lined my cock up with her anus. I edged forward, pushing my cock into her. She pushed back onto me until the head of my cock popped into her rectum. 534 "Wait, Kevin. Let me get used to it first ... Okay ... I think that's it." 535 I started to push slowly into her, her rectum squeezing my cock as it went in. I pulled back, and then started to go forward again. Soon my hips were slapping against her arse. Her first orgasm came shortly after I entered her, as she gripped the sheets and screamed into the pillow. As I continued to plunge into her, her gasps started again, and I could tell she was getting ready to come again. 536 "Oh, yes, Kevin. Come in me. Come in me now." 537 As I shot spurt after spurt of sticky sperm into her, the second orgasm swept through her, this one more powerful than the first. Her whole body shook as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her. I rolled us onto our sides, spooning her with my cock still buried in her arse. Her body slowly returned to normal as my cock softened and gradually shrank inside her. 538 "Well, did you enjoy it?" 539 "Oh yes, it was unbelievable. How about you?" 540 "It felt amazing on my dick, but I don't think I want to do it all the time. I miss the holding and hugging. I like to look at you and feel you while we're making love." 541 She reached back to me. "How do you always know the nicest things to say?" She eased herself off the bed and turned around to look at me. She put one knee on the bed and leaned forward to kiss me. 542 "I can feel you running down my leg," she said. She went into the bathroom, then came back to bed. "I forgot to tell you, I've had another job offer. The place where I've been working in the holidays have made me an offer. The money's not so good, but I really like some of the staff there." 543 "Bob Danvers has offered you a job? He didn't tell me." 544 "Well, he has, and I think I might take it. The guy who runs the design and development side is a real hunk, I could really go for him." 545 "You're really going to work at Danvers? And you really want to stay with me?" 546 "I've wanted to stay with you since our first Christmas, you wonderful man. I can't wait for you to be my boss. You could punish me on the desk if I did anything wrong," she giggled. 547 I couldn't believe all my fears had been groundless, and the wonderful girl I loved so much was deeply in love with me. For the first time there was a need for some urgency in the matter of my divorce. I'd put a lot of faith in Guy being able to pull it off for me and was somewhat surprised when he told me I'd have to go to court to explain the efforts we'd made to find Lisa. Guy told me we'd have no problems if I was to set aside half of my current worth for Lisa to claim when she eventually turned up. 548 "No way, Guy. She abandoned me and left her bank cards. If that isn't saying she doesn't want anything from me, what does? It's been three years now." 549 "Sorry, Kevin, but if that's what you want, you're going to have to go before the judge." 550 So it was that I ended up in county court, explaining what we'd done to find Lisa. It would seem three years of advertising wasn't enough. We made an arrangement for one further year, in which I would have to advertise in other countries. The court accepted that if Lisa had left the country she'd most likely be in Europe, so it was the European press I had to concentrate on. I was already pretty unhappy, but when I met Detective Inspector Maynard on the way out of court the day just got worse. 551 "Good morning, Mr Bryant, and thank you. You've finally given me something." 552 "What the hell are you talking about, Inspector? What have I given you?" 553 "Motive, Mr Bryant. Half your net worth must amount to a couple of hundred thousand pounds. People have been murdered for a lot less." 554 "Inspector, there is only one reason why I'd like my wife to return. To see the look on your face while you apologise for harassing me." 555 "The file is still open, Mr Bryant, and I'm a patient man." 556 "You will wait a long time for any evidence of my wife's murder, because she isn't dead." I walked off and left him to his own devices. 557 Chapter 2.6 It took the whole of the next year, advertising in Britain and the rest of Europe, asking for Lisa to come forward and deal with the divorce. We got no response, but we did receive a few letters from people who claimed they'd seen her. I passed those on to Inspector Maynard, but he seemed very uninterested. Nevertheless, at the end of the year the court awarded me a decree nisi which would become absolute in six weeks. I was free for the first time in twenty-four years. For a short period I wondered about getting married to Jane, but she didn't seem too bothered about it, and we were happy enough as we were. Hell, we weren't just happy enough, I was the happiest I'd ever been. If it weren't for my worsening relationship with Elliott, life would have been perfect. He'd recently got married, and if it hadn't been for his wife, Christine, I wouldn't have been invited to the wedding. I liked Christine, she seemed like a level-headed girl, and she tried hard to repair our relationship. She was to find it an uphill struggle. 559 ***** 560 "Really, Mother, you surely didn't expect to come back and find nothing had changed. You deserted us without so much as a goodbye. We've moved on, Mum. Dad's moved on, and to do that he had to divorce you." 561 "But surely I have some say in it. I was one of the partners in the marriage. You surely can't dissolve it without me having any say." 562 "You had your say the day you walked out that door." I had no need to say anything—Elliott was doing a sterling job of putting his mother in her place. For the first time since Lisa left he was actually defending me. 563 "So what happened, Kevin? How did you manage to divorce me?" 564 "Elliott was spot on—you effectively did the job for me by walking out. It was only the division of assets that held things up. The court insisted that I gave you every chance to come forward to claim your share of our combined wealth." 565 "And did you?" 566 "I certainly did. I placed adverts in La Monde, Le Figaro, El Pais, La Republica and all the British press. When you didn't come forward the court took the view that you weren't bothered." 567 "So, if we're divorced what's happened to my share of our life together?" 568 "That's exactly what the court wanted you to come back and claim. When you failed to come forward they looked at the fact that you'd left all your bank cards and came to the conclusion that you'd abandoned all of our assets and had no further interest in them. So you see my dear, there is no 'your share'." 569 "I put twenty-one years into our marriage, and now you say I'm left with nothing?" 570 "You trapped me in this marriage, and you gave it little more than eleven years before deciding the grass was greener elsewhere. Ever since Elliott went to that bloody school and you started to get involved you became dissatisfied with me, and when I wasn't prepared to act like the people you admired you made it clear who you'd side with. You had your share out of this marriage. In clothes alone you had your share. There are still thousands of pounds worth of clothes and shoes upstairs. You're welcome to take them whenever you want." 571 Lisa sat down sobbing. Tears ran down her cheeks as she sat there rocking back and forth on the chair. I just sat and looked at her occasionally, exchanging glances with my son. Eventually the crying stopped and we were able to talk again. 572 "Just why did you come back, Lisa?" 573 "I admit it, I was in trouble. You were right about those people, Kevin. Most of them just use people for what they can get from them. I left with Henry, who only wanted me to get at you—once the police and the press lost interest in you he had no further use for me. I made friends with an older man who took me off to Barbados. After a couple of years he traded me in for a younger model. I hitched a ride with a group of lads bringing a yacht back to Spain. I ended up in Malaga where I met a nice English man. I thought he was a bit of a rough diamond, but he treated me well, and he seemed to be loaded. Well, he turned out to be a criminal, and you know the rest from what the police said. I thought I was in serious trouble, so I loaded up the car and made for the only place I knew I'd be safe. I came back to the only man I've ever loved." 574 "And you expected me to welcome you with open arms?" 575 "No, of course not. I knew you'd be angry—you had every right—but I thought if I tried really hard I might be able to salvage what was left of our marriage. We loved each other once—I hoped I could make you love me again, but now I find there's nothing left to salvage." 576 "Well, you got most of that right. Yes, I am angry. Yes, there's nothing left to salvage, and yes, we loved each other once, or at least I loved you. Even though you trapped me in an early marriage, I still loved you. I would have married you anyway—you didn't need to get pregnant. I loved you right up to the point where you took the side of that parasite, Henry, against me. That was when I realised I was just a meal ticket to you. From then on I didn't care what you did." 577 "Oh, Kevin, you were never just a meal ticket to me. I've loved you since we were at school. Yes, I deliberately got pregnant—I was frightened I'd lose you once you were qualified and found a job. Yes, I wanted you to make better use of your abilities. I looked at people like Henry and thought, my Kevin is twice as smart as you, but still Henry earned far more than you. By insisting on sticking to your principles, and working for that tin-pot electronics company, you turned your back on making real money. And when I tried to make you see it you turned your back on me. I tried to make you take notice of me, but you didn't seem interested. I started dating other men, and we'd go places where people who knew you would go. I knew they'd tell you. I thought you'd challenge me. We might fight but at least you'd talk to me." 578 "So everything was my fault. Even when you were playing around and a lesser man would have thrown you out. It was all my fault." 579 "No, Kevin, I was wrong. I thought success was all about money, but it isn't, is it? Look at you—still living in the same house, working at the same place and you're happy. I could have been happy, too. If only I hadn't got so wound up about you being a millionaire like we used to dream about." 580 Elliott just sat looking at Lisa. He shook his head, laughing. "You really don't know, do you?" he said to Lisa. 581 ***** 582 Of course she didn't know, and why should she. No one would have expected it. I certainly didn't, I couldn't even believe it when Bob Danvers walked into my office and laid the paperwork on my desk. It took me a couple of times reading it all through before it really sank in. A large company, very big in the telecoms business, had made a bid for the company. The company Bob owned lock, stock and barrel, and they were offering way over the odds for it. After my second read through I had two questions. 583 "Well it's very interesting, Bob, and a hell of a good price. What I want to know is, are you going to take it and what has it got to do with me?" 584 "Okay, Kevin, cards on the table. I'll answer your second question first. The deal has everything to do with you. For the deal to go through you have to sign a binding five year contract. These boys have done their homework. They know who has generated all the income for this company, and they don't want it if that man doesn't sign up to the deal. They're offering a hell of a salary— far more than I pay you. With bonuses you'd have a banker's income." 585 "So, what about the first question? Are you going to sell?" 586 "You know my position—I've been taking a back seat for the last few years. Wendy and I want to enjoy our retirement together. This deal provides one hell of a retirement package." 587 "I sense a but coming up, Bob. But what?" 588 "You know me too well. There is a but—it doesn't affect you, but it's there nonetheless. You've changed this company, Kevin, almost beyond recognition, but there is still the bit there that I founded—the production side. Yes, we designed then, too, but we only designed things we'd make. Now we design things our workshop never sees, and it makes us plenty of money, but those blokes out on the shop floor rely on us making things. This other company doesn't want that, it doesn't fit what they do. They only really want your side of the business. They'll take production because it comes as a package, but they don't want it. In a year or two, they'll either close it down or sell it off. I've known some of those blokes for most of their working life—I can't do that to them." 589 "So you don't sell, and I don't get a bankers salary. I can live with that." 590 "But I don't want to go on forever, Kevin—I want to retire. No, what I need is an alternative buyer. Someone who loves this company as much as I do. Someone who will look after the workforce, and someone they all look up to." 591 That's when the penny dropped. 592 "Now hold on, Bob. I don't have that kind of money, and I doubt very much I could raise it." 593 Bob picked up the bid documents and waved them at me. "These people are offering way over the odds. We both know it, and we both know why. If I can guarantee the production side keeps going, then I'm willing to sell for a market valuation. And I don't have to sell the whole company—I could keep fifteen per cent. The income could top up my pension." 594 "So I'm going to raise eighty-five percent of what this company is worth. I'm sorry, Bob, I just don't see it." 595 Bob started to get quite excited and he was much more emphatic. "Yes, you can, son. I've already spoken to the bank. We use one of those tricks the financial wizards use when they screw people. Your house must be worth four hundred thousand, and I'll bet you could lay your hands on another hundred thousand. You put that up as surety and the bank loans you the money to buy the business. Once you can show you own eighty-five per cent of the company, you can transfer the debt to the company. The bank pays me, the company pays the bank back over a period of time. You don't even end up with a mortgage. You talk it over with Jane tonight. She'll tell you it's all legitimate. The bank is sending someone over tomorrow at two to talk to us about it." 596 Bob had said I knew him too well, but he certainly reciprocated. He knew I couldn't turn it down. He knew all the right buttons to press and he'd pressed them. As he left he called out to my PA. "Sally, I think the future owner of the company could do with a coffee." 597 When Sally came in with the coffee five minutes later I was still pacing up and down in the office, unable to take it all in. She put the coffee down. "Is it true, Kevin? Are you buying the company?" 598 "It certainly looks like it, Sally." 599 "Oh, I'm so pleased," she said and planted a big kiss on my lips. "I can't wait to tell everyone— they've all been worrying about what happens if Bob retires. Now I can tell them everything will be alright." 600 "For the moment, Sally, you can't tell them anything. Wait until the deal is confirmed, and then we can tell them." 601 Jane and I talked the matter through over dinner, and she confirmed that everything Bob had said was true. I still didn't understand it—to me it seemed like free money—so Jane explained. 602 "Basically, when you transfer the debt to the company, the value of the company you own will fall accordingly. The profit the company makes will fall because of servicing the debt, but with profits rising the way they are you won't notice that. As the debt is paid off the value of the company you own will rise. It's not actually free money, but it does mean if the company goes belly up, which we know it won't, you're protected." 603 So that was the way it happened. In the course of that year I got divorced and became the owner of the company I'd worked for. Bob took Wendy on another world cruise to celebrate. Sally was right—when we announced the deal over the public address system it was greeted by cheers from the shop floor, and when I left I had a large number of the employees wanting to shake my hand. 604 ***** 605 "So, what is it I don't know?" asked Lisa. "What is it that's so bloody funny?" 606 "You are, Mum, going on about Dad not being a millionaire. All it took was for you to leave." 607 "Elliott, there's no call for that," I told him. 608 "Well, it's true, Dad. If she was so hung up on you being a millionaire she should have stuck around." 609 "Are you trying to tell me your father, who still works for that tin-pot electronics company, is a wealthy man? Quite frankly, Elliott, I find that difficult to believe." 610 "Firstly, that tin-pot electronics company is one of the leaders of what's called the knowledge economy, selling their know-how all over the world. There's ARM, selling processor know-how, and there's Danvers, doing the same in DSP—and DSP is what the telecoms world want right now. Secondly, he doesn't work for Danvers Electronics—he owns it. He's a fucking millionaire, on paper at least." 611 Lisa was visibly shocked—she just sat there with her mouth open. Eventually it started to sink in and she looked at me. "But you still live in this house. Why, when you could afford something much better?" 612 "The house suits me fine. I don't need anything bigger or better." 613 "Don't tell me you're still driving that old Skoda." 614 "No, that had to go. I drive a Jag these days." 615 Elliott told me he had to go and, for the first time in more than six years, he gave me a hug. 616 "I know it doesn't begin to cover it, Dad, but I am sorry. If the invitation is still open I'll see you tomorrow. I think Christine was planning to come anyway—I know she's bought a dress." 617 "Of course it's still open—but you've blown your chances of being best man." 618 We both laughed and I walked him to the door. As he was leaving he checked I'd be okay with Lisa. I assured him there was nothing to worry about. 619 I went back into the house to find Lisa making a tour of inspection. She picked up a photo of me with Jane. "Who's the girl, then, Kevin?" 620 "That's Jane, Jane Draper." 621 "Hmm. I don't think I know any Drapers." 622 "No, I don't think you know her." 623 "From this picture anyone would think she was your girlfriend." 624 "No, she's not my girlfriend, she's my fiancé." 625 "Your fiancé? Kevin have you gone mad? She looks young enough to be your daughter." 626 ***** 627 After divorcing Lisa I was in no hurry to tie myself to another woman. Jane never mentioned marriage and seemed to be content to carry on the way we were. To all intents and purposes we were like a married couple anyway, so without any children there didn't seem to be any need to change things. Our life together was as blissful as I could remember, and unlike when I first started out with Lisa, we had no money problems. However, I was taken somewhat by surprise one night when Jane came to me and after a short cuddle made her feelings known. 628 "Kevin, would you like us to have a baby?" 629 "I hadn't really given it any thought. Don't you think I'm getting rather old for that?" 630 "No, I don't. You're very young for your age, and I would really like to have a family." 631 I started to get out of the bed. "Well, I don't want to bring any little bastards into this world." As I walked around the bed I saw her face drop and tears started to form in her eyes. I stood alongside her and dropped down onto one knee. "Jane, will you marry me?" 632 She looked at me with a puzzled expression, then, as she put the statement together with the proposal, a smile slowly spread across her face. "You mean we can start a family?" 633 "Only once we're married. So I ask again, will you marry me?" 634 "Oh yes, yes, you know I will." 635 She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me back into bed. I didn't get a lot of sleep that night, and the following day we took a trip to the jewellers. Jane tried to get her mother on board with planning the wedding, but despite their grudging apology she remained convinced The Post had got it right and her daughter was marrying a murderer. Her father was overjoyed and offered whatever help he could. Jane put off setting a date for a few weeks, and I was a bit puzzled as to why. All was revealed when she produced a document on which I had to list all of my assets. She was drawing up a prenuptial agreement. That evening I challenged her. 636 "What on earth are you doing drawing up a prenuptial? What have you got to protect from me?" 637 "Nothing, Kevin, but you have, and I know what people will say—people like Elliott, for instance. They'll say I'm a gold digger, just after your money. The only thing I want from this marriage is you. That's why I want this agreement. I don't expect us to break up, but if one day you get tired of me I don't want to walk away with anything I didn't contribute." 638 "Well I'm not having it, Jane. I love you, what's mine is yours and that's the way I want it." 639 "I love you, too, that's why I want this. I want people to know that I'm marrying you because I love you, not because I want to get my hands on your money." 640 "I don't care what other people think—I want to marry you, and when I say with all my worldly goods I thee endow I want to mean it. Anyway, prenuptials are not legally enforceable in this country." 641 "I know that, Kevin, but the court will take account of what we each brought to the marriage. I really don't want to argue about it, but if we don't do this I can't marry you." 642 Reluctantly I gave way—after all, none of it would make a difference unless we divorced and I never expected that to happen. No sooner had I signed the agreement and listed my assets than Jane had set the date. Elliott reacted in the way Jane had predicted—even with the agreement he still insisted Jane was after his inheritance. When I asked him to be my best man he laughed and told me he wasn't even sure if he'd come to the wedding. Bob Danvers jumped at the chance—he knew Jane and was delighted that we'd decided to tie the knot. The last thing I expected was the return of my ex wife. 643 ***** 644 "Jane is twenty-four, we're deeply in love and I'm marrying her tomorrow." 645 "So it's true, there's no fool like an old fool." 646 "Just what do you mean by that?" 647 "What do you think? You become a very wealthy man and—surprise, surprise—a pretty young woman wants to marry you. You're not stupid, Kevin, surely you see she's just after what she can get." 648 "We've been together for a little over five years, Lisa. If she was just a gold digger, as you seem to think, she's had plenty of time to trap me by getting pregnant." 649 I watched Lisa's face and could see the comment about pregnancy had hit its target. 650 "You'll doubtless be pleased to know we have a prenuptial agreement, at Jane's insistence, which will exclude my current assets from any divorce settlement. You think she's going to marry me, stay a few years, then leave with a big divorce settlement. If she does leave she'd be no better off than she was when I met her, and that was all her idea." 651 "So you're getting married and I have nothing to show for twenty-one years of being married to you. I'm supposed to accept it while you shower everything on some young bimbo. It's not going to happen, Kevin. I'll contest the divorce settlement." 652 "I'm tempted to say go ahead, and much good may it do you, but you're not going to do that, are you? You aren't going to contest anything, because you want my help. I've known you long enough, Lisa. You wouldn't come back here prepared to eat humble pie, and try to salvage what's left of our marriage, if you had any alternative. None of your posh friends want to know you and you dumped the others when you walked out on me. The only experience you have is of being a wife and stay-at-home mum. Other than what you got up to in the last six years. My guess is you have a bit of cash but nowhere to go and no one to turn to." 653 Chapter 2.7 Lisa sat with her head in her hands, sobbing. "Yes—yes, you're right," she said between sobs. "I've been a bloody fool and now you hate me for it. I really am sorry, Kevin." 655 "Okay, you can stop all that. I don't hate you and never have, and I never said I wouldn't help you. However, I will expect something in return for my help." 656 After I outlined what I wanted her to do I set about making the necessary phone calls. First it was to book Lisa into a hotel, then it was to speak to Derek Draper. 657 "Derek, how are you? Are they treating you well?" 658 "Couldn't be better, son. What can I do for you? You're not planning a last minute stag night, are you?" 659 "No, nothing like that, Derek. Tell me, is Linda with you?" 660 "Oh, yes, she's here, son, but I hope you're not expecting her at the wedding. She's not noted for her open mind, I'm sad to say. She plans to go shopping instead." 661 "Well, Derek, I just may have something that will change her mind. I know a mother wouldn't dream of turning up to her daughter's wedding in anything other than a new outfit. Now, if I give you details of the shops where I have an account, do you think you can get Linda to buy a new outfit so she can come to the wedding?" 662 "I can get her to the shops if you can give me something that will get her to the wedding." 663 I outlined what I expected to happen, and he agreed to do his best. 664 Over the years I'd collected a number of business cards from the gentlemen of the press. I thought this was the time to use them. To each of them I gave the same message. "Kevin Bryant is getting married tomorrow in the great hall of Audley Manor. If you attend the reception for the speeches you may learn something that will interest you. As long as you leave when asked, you will find that you are welcome." I think I managed to contact all the national newspapers and a few of the regional ones. There was, of course, one exception—I didn't inform The Post. 665 I must admit that I had a bit of a disturbed night—the feeling of apprehension kept waking me. I was really excited by the time Bob Danvers turned up in the morning. 666 "Come on, Kevin, I'm taking you out to breakfast." 667 We went off to a local hotel and enjoyed a very good breakfast. Over breakfast we discussed the plan for the day and worked out our own schedule. Bob asked if I had any worries about the day. 668 "I don't think so, Bob. The only things I have to worry about are Jane changing her mind and Lisa." 669 "You have no worries about Jane—the girl adores you, anyone can see that. Why you should worry about Lisa I don't know. She walked out on you, man—you shouldn't be worrying about her." 670 "She's back, Bob. Turned up yesterday. It was unbelievable—just breezed into the house, bold as brass, as if she'd just got back from the shops." 671 "Does she know what's happening today?" 672 "She does now. I have to say, she didn't like it much. She didn't like the fact that we're divorced and that she didn't get anything out of it. I think I've worked out a deal with her. I have a plan, and as long as she sticks to it everything should be okay. I'm worried about spoiling Jane's big day." 673 I outlined my plan to Bob, and he agreed to go along with my little scheme and to handle Lisa while I was on honeymoon. We finished our breakfast and made our way home. I asked Bob if he would get all the locks changed on my house while I was away. 674 We got ourselves ready and set off for Audley Manor. Everything was going according to plan; however, the gentlemen of the press started turning up long before the guests. Bob Danvers had a few words with them, basically telling them to keep out of sight until the speeches at the reception. 675 The guests started to arrive, and Bob and I took up our positions. As the seats started to fill I heard someone calling out, trying to get my attention. I turned to see Linda Draper waving at me. Her smile was beaming from ear to ear. She moved her hands down either side of her body indicating that I should look at what she was wearing. I put my thumb up and told her she looked lovely. It seemed like no time at all till the band struck up, playing the wedding march. I turned to watch her walk down the aisle on the arm of her father. She stopped momentarily when she saw her mother standing in the front row, then made her way to stand at my side. 676 "How did you get my mother here?" she asked. 677 "Tell you later," I whispered. 678 The vicar called the congregation to order and the service started. I did have a few butterflies when we got to the 'speak now or forever hold your peace' part. I wondered whether Lisa might try to throw a spanner in the works. I needn't have worried—the service went off without a hitch, and when she lifted her veil it took all of my self-restraint to stop at just kissing her. 679 When we filed out for the photographs she gave my arm a squeeze. "Alright, smart-arse, give it up—how did you get Mum here and when did she get that outfit? I know I've never seen it before." 680 "There were some unexpected developments yesterday, and I've had to make a few small changes to the plan. I'm afraid it may take some of the attention away from our special day." 681 "I don't care—I've got you, and my mum and dad were here to see it happen." 682 When the photos were all taken we went back into the hall for the reception. After the meal Derek stood up and made a speech telling people about his daughter and welcoming me to his family. Bob Danvers gave a typical best man speech and gave everyone a good laugh at my expense, then it was my turn. I started out telling people the same tale I told Bob, about how we met and how much I loved my new bride. Then came the crunch. 683 "I know Bob has already thanked you all for coming and mentioned those of you who have travelled a long way to get here. However, there is one person Bob hasn't mentioned, who has come a very long way to be here today. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a big welcome to Lisa, my ex-wife. It has taken a lot for her to get here today, and I'd like to welcome her. Come on, Lisa, stand up and let everyone see you." 684 Lisa stood up, and the press men gathered round her, shouting questions and taking photographs. I let this carry on for a minute or so. 685 "Gentlemen, please remember this is Jane's and my wedding, so I ask you now to leave us to continue our celebrations. Mr Danvers will ensure that you all have her contact details." 686 I looked around the hall. The number of shocked faces was amazing. Slowly things returned to normal and we got the party started. By the time Jane and I left for the hotel things were in full swing. We left them all to it—we had better things to do. We were spending the night in a hotel in Gatwick before flying out to St Lucia the following morning. 687 It certainly wasn't the first time we'd shared a hotel room, but this time it was special. I was no longer playing the part of the sugar daddy looking after a girl young enough to be my daughter in return for her sexual favours. To be honest, I hadn't felt that way for a number of years. This night was different. On this night I was welcoming my lovely new wife to my bed and hopefully into the rest of my life. 688 Like a good husband I was ready for bed first, and I sat there waiting for her to make her entrance. I had no idea what to expect. What I got just blew me away. She walked from the bathroom slowly and deliberately, placing each foot directly in front of the other in that catwalk style that makes the hips sway. Her slender body was clothed in a white lace basque. Each leg was covered in a white stocking, and she wore her white-heeled wedding shoes. There were no panties, and her naked pussy was on show with just a small strip of hair above it. Her long hair fell down over her shoulders and her full lips showed just a trace of lipstick. She held her hands slightly out from her body and carried a small packet in her left hand. She came to one side of the bed and knelt on it with one knee while she lifted my chin with her right hand. She bent, kissed me tenderly on the lips, and then showed me the packet of contraceptive pills she had in her left hand. Getting up off the bed she turned and, with the same walk, went back to the bin and dropped the packet into it. She could have dropped anything, really—I was mesmerised by the sight of the beautiful, round arse swaying as she walked. She returned to the bed, kicked off her shoes and pulled back the covers. As she climbed onto the bed she kissed me again and spoke for the first time. "Okay, Mr Bryant, let's make babies." 689 I took hold of that body I'd held so many times before, and it was like holding it for the first time. Every man thinks his wife is beautiful, but at that moment she really was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on, and she was giving herself to me. I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. As my tongue stroked her lips they parted, welcoming me into her mouth. As I kissed her I ran my hand over her back. When I reached her naked arse cheeks she thrust her hips forward almost impaling herself on my rock hard cock. 690 "Not yet, Mrs Bryant, I want to sample the other delights first." 691 "What did you just call me?" 692 "Mrs Bryant." 693 "Say it again—I've got to get used to that." 694 "Okay, Mrs Bryant, now roll onto your back—I want a taste of those lovely breasts." 695 As she rolled, I eased the straps off her shoulders and pulled the cups off her delightful orbs. I sucked and even nibbled on her cherry nipples, and as I stoked her tummy and hips, her pussy rose up to meet my hand. When I started to move two fingers into her pussy I found it already very wet. "I see you're ready for me, Mrs Bryant." 696 "I've been ... ready ... for you ... since ... three o'clock." 697 She wasn't kidding; no sooner had I found her clitoris than her first orgasm ripped through her. I waited for her legs to stop shaking before I climbed between them. As I started to enter her she thrust her hips up, forcing me quickly into her pussy. Both arms came around me and she pushed down on my arse. It was barely a minute, and I hadn't even got into my stride, before a second orgasm swept through her. 698 "Oh, Kevin—yes—yes—give it to me. Oh, oh, OH, OOOOOOOH." 699 This time I did my best to carry on through it, and by the time my own climax was building Jane's third was coming on. I held back as long as I could, but when she started grabbing my arse cheeks, pulling me into her, and her cervix started to closing over the head of my cock, I shot stream after stream of my seed into her. I rolled her into a side-by-side position. We held each other close as I softened inside her. 700 "You'd better get used to this, Mr Bryant, because I don't intend to waste any time." 701 Epilogue 702 Following our sexual athletics I did manage to give Jane the baby we wanted, and I enjoyed being a dad again. In fact, I enjoyed it so much we did it again. Both children are in for a confusing time, as Elliott also has two children now. I have two children and two grandchildren, all more or less the same age. Christine has been very good for Elliott, who has taken a cut in salary to come and work for me. Our relationship has never been better—being in close proximity of the people whose lives are affected by his decisions has done him the world of good. I'm becoming very proud of him, and he seems to be a happier man. His relationship with his mother has, I'm afraid, taken a serious knock. It's only Christine's insistence that the children need a grandma, that keeps them in contact. 703 Lisa sold her story to the Sunday papers and came away with a little over a hundred thousand pounds. I was pleasantly surprised that it painted me in a very good light. When it came to her foreign adventures, she told it like it was and named names. It stirred up a shit storm but not for me. Of course, a hundred grand didn't last Lisa very long. Just long enough, in fact, for her to find herself a wealthy old man who actually married her. 704 Jane's mother hasn't bought a copy of The Post since the day of the wedding. She's now immensely proud of her daughter and son-in-law. She and Derek have moved down from Doncaster to be nearer their grandchildren. Derek and I still get on very well. 705 Me, I'm happy as a pig in muck, and why wouldn't I be? I have a lovely young wife who loves me and three children—one of whom is looking after his father's interests and two who think daddy is some kind of super hero. It's been an eventful life so far, and long may it continue. 706 https://www.literotica.com/s/the-model-sister Chapter One "Goddamn, Kenny, you're really going to make a porno?" Danny asked excitedly. "Can I be in it?" 709 "Hell no!" He grimaced as he struggled to unfold the six-foot-tall set of white panels. "Why would I want to see that little thing?" 710 "Ask your mom if it's little," Danny laughed. 711 "Funny. Now how about you get over here and help me unfold these things instead of acting like an asshole?" 712 "Jeez, lighten up will you?" Danny grabbed the back panel and pulled it out while Kenny held the other. "Going to be getting laid on camera, and you're all serious." 713 "First of all, it's not porn, it's an erotic photoshoot." He pulled his end around the foot of his bed which they'd moved to the middle of his bedroom. "Bend your end around the foot of the bed." 714 "What's the difference?" Danny did as he asked, then flipped the metal brackets on the back, locking them into place. "You're going to have an escort over here to strip and get all sexy for you. Not telling me you're not going to fuck her." 715 Kenny stepped over to the other side of the bed where his Nikon was set up on a tripod. 716 "She's not an escort, she's model," he insisted. 717 "Can I see a picture of her?" 718 "Yeah, why not?" He tried to sound casual but couldn't pull his phone out of his pocket fast enough. 719 He pulled up her page on the RI Models website and handed the phone to Danny. 720 "Jenna Styles?" he laughed. "Sounds like a pornstar to me." He shook his head. "Goddamn, look at her!" 721 Kenny smiled as he watched Danny scroll through dozen photos that he'd pretty much memorized at this point. Jenna, a tall busty blue eyed blonde, was absolute perfection, and it showed in her photos which ranged from an elegant evening gown, to a naughty schoolgirl outfit and lingerie. 722 "Available for erotic shoots." Danny read part of her description. "I am as playful as I am professional and will pose semi-nude. For an additional fee I am willing to engage in photos portraying simulated sex. I am not an escort or sex worker, so please be professional and a gentleman. Modeling is a career, and to many, art. It's not pornography." 723 "Bro, you're really paying this girl $250 and you're not getting laid?" 724 "I told you, it's for class. I'm not looking to hook up." 725 "You're going to want to after you spend an hour taking pictures of that fine piece of ass." He handed his phone back to him. "Seriously, I bet she puts out, that last line is to stay out of trouble with the cops." 726 "If I wanted a hooker I could have gotten one, but this isn't for fun, Danny, it's a third of my grade. I need a woman who knows how to pose and love the camera." 727 "Screw the camera, I'd pay her to love something else." 728 "Because you're still fourteen up here." He tapped his head, then pointed between his legs, "And down there." 729 "Don't act like you're not going to get all horned out taking those pictures." 730 "I didn't say that," he laughed. "But this isn't about sex, just sexy pictures." 731 "That's a lot of money though. You could find someone cheaper. What about a girl at school, there any girls in your class?" 732 "Hey, want to come over my house and let me take pictures of you in lingerie, maybe topless so I can show them to my photography teacher and the class? Yeah, that will work." 733 He walked over to the tripod that held his Nikon, and stepping behind it, peered through the lens, and adjusted it so the entire bed was visible for when needed a wide angle shot. 734 "But like I said, I need someone who knows how to pose and smile and act natural. Plus, this is her job so she's fine with it being shared for my project. Its advertising for her." 735 "Then why are you paying so much?" 736 "Trust me, that price is a deal for what she's going to do, she's giving me a break because I mentioned RISD and her brother went there three years ago. She's even going to post some of the pictures on her profile and credit me. Other models who are looking at her page might hire me to shoot them." 737 "That would be hot! Taking pics of sexy girls and getting paid!" Danny whistled. "I need to get a camera." 738 "Only if you can take pictures one handed, perv boy," Kenny joked. 739 "Where'd you get that kind of money anyway?" 740 "My parents gave me the hundred dollar fee to rent a studio for an hour, but seeing they're away for a friend's wedding, I'm doing it here so I kept that and the rest I've been saving the last couple of months." 741 "What about your sister? I know she's a little spacey, but she's okay with you bringing some girl up here to strip and roll around on your bed?" 742 "Josie's working tomorrow. I did tell her I'm having someone over to take pics, she doesn't care." 743 "Probably too stoned to care," Danny pointed out. "Girl's a damn pothead." 744 "She doesn't smoke that much," Kenny defended his younger sister. "She's just kind of out there in general. She's got that whole flower child thing going." 745 "Yeah, too bad she dresses like a hippie, bet she'd be really cute if she tried." 746 "Bet she cares you think what she looks like," He rolled his eyes. "What is it with you and my sister? She's two years younger than you, and..." he stared at him pointedly. "She's my little sister." 747 "Little sis is 18, bro," Danny grinned seeing he'd gotten under his skin yet again on the subject. "She's a woman now." 748 "Then maybe when you become a man that will matter," Kenny quipped. "Besides, I don't think my sister has any interest in seeing anyone. She dumped Jim a few months ago and as far as I know hasn't met anyone else." 749 "Think she's into girls? A lot of those free love types go both ways." 750 "Thanks for helping me get these things in the house and set them up." Kenny ignored that last remark and indicated the panels which he'd found for $100 on Craig's list two days ago, a deal, but his bank account was close to zero after he took out the money to give to Jenna tomorrow. 751 "Wonder what she has going on under those weird dresses and baggy ass clothes she wears." He gestured to Kenny. "You live with her; you must have seen her in shorts or a shirt that fits. She have an actual body, or she really skinny or something?" 752 "Knock it off," he knew Danny was teasing, but he was on edge about tomorrow. The shoot would be a big part of this semester's grade, and he was taking a risk going with an erotic theme, but he wanted to do something bold and different. 753 "Just kidding around, man, ease up." Danny told him. 754 "No, you're always saying things like that, and you try to talk to her whenever you see her here and she told me you stop by Subway when she's working." 755 "Maybe I just like to ask if she still has the five dollar footlongs." He laughed. "Remember that commercial?" he stopped l when he saw him scowl. 756 "Okay, sorry," he shrugged. "I know she's your sister, and she's kind of in her own little world, but there's something about her. Maybe I'm a sucker for hippie tomboys." 757 "You're digging a deeper hole." 758 "Only under your skin," Danny smirked. "I just like to bust your chops, man. Besides, she's so into that sixties shit I bet she doesn't even shave her pits," he scrunched his face up. "Or shower. Her hairs always kind of a mess so maybe..." 759 "Bye, Dan, thanks again." 760 "No problem, that's what friends are for." Danny waved his hand. "Back to this photo thing. I still don't think you're being honest. You must be getting something out of this other than a grade." 761 "Maybe," he admitted. "I'll tell you if you promise to lay off the sister cracks." 762 "Promise, no more wondering if your sister has a body or if she's a stick figure." 763 "I plan on being in a few of the pics myself." 764 "You?" 765 "I told you this is an erotic theme. I'm going to get some shots of her posing with me," he winked. "Topless hopefully." 766 "I knew it! That's more like it, Mister this is professional." 767 "In fact," he figured he'd really get him going. "I was thinking of a couple of her between my legs, maybe with her tongue out. She said she'll do simulated sex." 768 "That's the only kind you have anyway, so you should be fine." Danny clapped his hands at his own burn. 769 "Rather have it with myself than the skanks you date," Kenny retorted. "I figure I'll have a little fun while staying in line with what I asked for." He lifted his arms and did a quick flex. "I think I can pull it off." 770 "Yeah, you're a real stud. Thought you wanted a pro, why not hire a guy to pose with her?" 771 "Because I can't afford it and this way I can get a cheap little thrill I guess. Besides, I take so many pictures of people, I wonder sometimes how I'd be on the other end of the lens." 772 "Lame as you are no matter where you are." 773 Kenny's reply was cut off by a soft knock on his bedroom door. 774 "Hey, Kenny," Josie called out. "Can I come in?" 775 "Sure can!" Danny replied with a smirk in his direction. 776 Josie entered the room, and as always looked as she'd just fallen out of bed. Her long, dark, naturally curly hair was loosely piled on top of her head, held there by several small purple clips. Long strands of it hung in her face and on either side of it, partially obscuring her wide brown eyes. 777 Josie wore no make-up, and proving Danny's point her mode of dress couldn't be more unflattering. The yellow flower printed blouse was loose enough to fit another person in there with her, and the wide voluminous sleeves were too long, covering her hands and leaving only her fingers visible. 778 The slacks were just as bad, bright orange bell bottoms so shapeless people simply had to assume she had legs in there somewhere. The cuffs flowed out over her feet leaving them invisible until she walked over to him. 779 She wore yellow flipflops with a purple butterfly mounted to the strap between her toes. In keeping with her absence of make-up, her fingers and toes weren't painted, although her nails did have some length, but she kept them plain. 780 Kenny gave her credit. Most girls would be embarrassed to be seen in public without their hair and face done and dressed decent. But not his little sister. Josie gave zero fucks about what people thought about her. 781 He wondered if it even occurred to her what people said or how they looked at her. Danny wasn't wrong when he'd described her as spacy. Josie seemed oblivious to everything around her, and she spoke slowly. Her voice had a smoky quality to it which could be described as sexy, but she always sounded distant, as if she weren't really interested in the conversation. 782 Josie did smoke more than her share of weed, but her personality in general was as Danny had said kind of spacey. At this point Kenny was convinced his parents knew she smoked, but seeing she never did it, or kept it, in the house they let it slide. 783 Well, she didn't do it in the house when their parents were home, he'd smelled it in the hall at seven this morning when he was heading to the bathroom. Then again, according to his folks Josie was a lot like mom when she was younger, and a self-proclaimed "Love child". So maybe that's why they didn't care about her mode of dress or coming home smelling like pot. 784 Josie was also a straight A student, had held her part time job at Subway for two years and paid for her own insurance. In that sense she was a bit of a paradox, the look and mellow disposition of a burn out, but more responsible than a lot of kids her age. 785 His sister also possessed a sweet disposition and the one feature she couldn't hide or diminish was a huge and genuine smile that always touched her eyes and tended to make people around her smile with her. 786 Josie would help anyone who needed it, including Kenny whenever he needed a favor of any kind including borrowing money in between his pay checks from Walgreens because unlike him, she knew how to save money. 787 His sister was 'good people' as his dad would put it, and it was why he'd always taken exception to anyone who mocked her throwback look or made fun of her as being 'special' because of her slow way of speaking and tendency to zone out. 788 "Hey, Josie," Danny greeted her. "I bet you're hot under all those clothes." 789 Kenny wanted to smack him but settled for shooting him a look. 790 "No, the fabric's thin, I made this outfit myself." 791 "It shows." 792 "Danny was just leaving." Kenny informed him. 793 "How you doing with the design thing?" Danny kept talking. "Sell anything?" 794 "I sell some of my bead jewelry, but none of my dresses yet, but it's okay, I do it for fun more than money." 795 "You should make things most girls would wear. You know, short dresses, things that show they have a body?" 796 "There's a ton of that out there. My stuff is for women who don't care about anything but what they like." 797 "Hey, its rude not to share you know." Danny put his hand out. 798 "Share what?" Josie asked, her eyes growing wider, causing Kenny to notice they were red. 799 "What you've been smoking to sound stoned out of your mind." Danny snapped his fingers. "Oh, wait, you always sound like that don't you?" 800 "Bye Danny." Kenny shoved him in the back. 801 "I guess," Josie didn't seem offended. "Kenny, can you help me for a few minutes" 802 "Maybe I can help?" Danny offered with a grin. 803 "Kenny said you were leaving." 804 "He is." Kenny leaned close and whispered. "Get out of here before I smack you for being a dick to my sister." 805 "Hey, yeah, have to run." Danny nodded. "Good luck tomorrow, bro. Make sure you get your money's worth." 806 He walked past Josie and paused to sniff loudly. "Damn, girl, I could get a contact just standing next to you." 807 He waved at Kenny over his shoulder and left the room, seeing himself out as he had been since they'd first become friends in middle school. 808 "What are you getting your money's worth from?" Josie asked. "What are these partitions for around your bed?" 809 "I told you I have my shoot tomorrow. Doing it here to save money on the studio." 810 "Thought mom and dad gave you money for that." 811 "Yeah, they did, but I spent it on these and paying for the model." 812 "Oh," Josie looked at his bed. "You're paying a girl to take pictures on your bed?" 813 "Its kind of a racy shoot." Kenny said evasively. 814 "Mom and dad don't know you're doing it here, do they?" 815 "No. You're not going to tell are you?" 816 "Tell them what?" 817 "That's my cool little sis!" Kenny put his hand on her shoulder. 818 "No, seriously, tell them what?" She cocked her head and looked up at him from under her unkempt hair. 819 "Wow, how much did you smoke?" 820 Josie giggled. "I'm kidding, I'm not that bad." 821 "Okay, sometimes its hard to tell." He hesitated. "Can I ask you something?" 822 "Sure." Josie walked over to his camera and peered through the lens. 823 "Do you really not know when Danny or other people are making fun of you, or you just ignore them?" 824 "I know, I don't care." Josie turned to face him. "They make them look bad, not me, is how I see it." 825 "Never thought of it like that. But I'm sorry Danny was a jerk just now." 826 "You don't have to be," she smiled. "You always stick up for me, don't you?" 827 "I try." 828 "Its nice, but you don't have to. People like that don't matter. People like us do." 829 "Like us?" Kenny raised his eyebrows 830 "People who care about each other and help each other matter. Mean selfish people don't." 831 "Got it, you should look into writing fortune cookies or inspirational slogans." He laughed. "You said you needed help?" 832 "I made some new bracelets last night. Can you take pictures and send them to me so I can add them to my Etsy store?" 833 "Of course," he plucked the Nikon from the tripod. "I'll do it right now." 834 She gave him one of her huge smiles. "You're an awesome big brother." 835 "Thanks, you're an okay sister so it works out." 836 "I'm only okay?" 837 "Yeah, I mean, you are my little sister, I have to kind of pretend you're a pain in the ass." 838 "Too bad I'm just okay," Josie sighed. "Seeing mom and dad are gone for the weekend I bought a bag and was going to share. But being as I'm only o..." 839 "Okay?" Kenny put his arm around her shoulders. "Did I say that? I meant to say best sister ever!" 840 "Then I guess I can share, but only because you take the best pictures." 841 "A picture is only as good as its subject, sis." He told her as they left his room and he followed her down the hall to hers. 842 "Never thought of it like that," she replied as she drifted slowly in front him, as always moving as if she were in another world. 843 "Its true, pretty things make pretty pictures." 844 And tomorrow he should be taking some damn pretty pictures. 845 . Chapter 2 Kenny stood in front of the bathroom mirror. He wasn't busting Danny's balls; he did plan on being in a few of the shots. It would add a lot of heat if he got pics of Jenna up against him or maybe straddling him on his bed. 847 For that position he'd get a pic from the side with the Nikon on the tripod, but also use his second camera, the Cannon Rebel his parents had bought him for his birthday, for a POV angle. He was hoping for a couple of sexy shots of her leaning over him with her tongue out either just over his stomach, or even better, his crotch. 848 That was if he could get himself to ask for what he wanted. Now that he was only hours away from the shoot, he was getting nervous. Jenna was a pro who had a few magazine credits and a swimsuit catalog on her resume and was accustomed to working with people who knew what they were doing. 849 Except for taking pictures at local sporting events, Kenny's only experience with people were just shots of family, friends, and kids at school. He had no real idea how to direct a model, let alone for an adult themed shoot. 850 Maybe he was no better than Danny and had been thinking with the wrong head when he came up with the idea of an erotic project. Could he ask Jenna to take her top off? If he could manage that would he be able to ask her to get into some intimate poses with him? In addition to wondering if he could ask for what he needed, he worried about how he'd look to her. 851 Jenna could easily think he was just an immature kid looking for a cheap thrill if he wanted anything beyond just shots of her by herself. Inserting himself into the shoot now seemed unprofessional and pervy. 852 But he couldn't afford a male model, and its not like he knew anyone. He took a deep breath telling himself one thing at a time. His hope was that once he started he would quickly get over seeing a hot scantily clad woman on his bed and turn into a professional photographer who wouldn't act like a flustered boy when presented with a sexy subject. 853 "Better get a grip hotshot," he mumbled to his reflection. "She's going to be here at noon." 854 He titled his chin and moved his head side to side, making sure he didn't miss a spot shaving. Kenny considered himself a decent looking guy. Unlike Josie who took after their mother with her dark curly hair and big doe eyes, Kenny had his father's looks. 855 Deep blue eyes and short blonde hair he used some gel in to give it a tousled look, coupled with high cheekbones and a strong jaw, gave him what he felt was a ruggedly handsome look. He'd made the mistake of saying that to his mother who insisted he was more pretty than rugged. 856 But he had generally done okay with girls so whatever way best described him didn't matter much. Kenny's last girlfriend Laurie had decided some jerk off on URI's football team was a better option and dumped him three months ago. 857 Since then he'd been busy with work, school, and trying to get gigs, both paying and nonpaying, to work on his photography, and hadn't had anytime to date. That wasn't going to help him when Jenna showed up and started stripping down. 858 It would be a true sign of being an amateur, and a kid, if he ended up hard, but he couldn't see how he wouldn't. He consoled himself by thinking if he were noticeably aroused in any of the pictures it would add authenticity. 859 Kenny wasn't sure how undressed he'd get. He figured shirtless in the pair of black shorts he'd tossed on out of the shower would work. He didn't play any sports but hit the gym three times a week and his arms and chest were well defined and his stomach hard and flat. 860 He didn't think it was cocky to feel he wouldn't embarrass himself physically in the pictures. It was his maturity and ability to not seem like a nervous young boy that had him worried. But as the expression went you didn't know until you tried 861 Kenny donned the black t-shirt he'd brought in with him and headed back to his room. He heard music playing softly as he passed Josie's room. His nostrils flared at the pungent scent of pot. Damn, she did smoke a lot. 862 Her Saturday shift was eleven to six, so she'd be gone an hour before Jenna got here. He entered his room and after spraying some Wings cologne on, he set up the three tall standing lights that would be focused on the bed. 863 He'd just gotten the last one in position when his cell rang at his hip. He grabbed it, answering without looking. 864 "Yeah, hello?" 865 "Is this Kenny?" a woman's voice. 866 "Yes! Jenna?" 867 "I tried to call you a half hour ago, but you didn't answer." 868 "Sorry, was in the shower. We still on for noon?" 869 "Um, that's the thing." 870 "Thing?" His stomach tightened. "What do you mean thing? What kind of thing?" 871 "The kind of thing that has me at the hospital." 872 "Hospital," he repeated numbly. 873 "I went for a run this morning, and my ankle turned. It's not broken, but it's a bad sprain." 874 "You're cancelling." He closed his eyes. How could this be happening? 875 "Can't do a shoot on one leg, plus I fell and have a big scrape on my forehead. Kind of a mess right now. I'm really sorry to do this with short notice." 876 "Yeah, what am I going to do now?" he was talking more to himself than her. "Wait, do you know any other models? Maybe you could call them?" 877 "Not really, not that could do anything on short notice. Maybe you could go to the site?" 878 "I'll try, guess it's the only thing I can do." 879 "I am sorry, I know you said this was for school, and I could have really used the money. Maybe you can tell your teacher what happened? Get an extension? I'm sure I'll be okay by next weekend." 880 "It's due Monday and I don't know," he rubbed at his eyes with his free hand. "Hope you feel better." 881 He ended the call without waiting her to reply. What the fuck was he going to do? He could e-mail Mr. Bradley and tell him the truth, but then he'd hear how he had three weeks to do this and why did he wait until the Saturday before to work on it? 882 Kenny had needed the time to find the right model and come up with the money, but Bradley was a notorious hard ass that several other students at RISD had warned him about. He wasn't going to cut him any slack. 883 "Fuck!" he swore aloud. 884 He looked over at his laptop where it sat open on his desk. He doubted any models would see his request right away on a Saturday, and who knew if any would bite? Most of them only took professional gigs, Jenna had been willing to work with him because of where he'd gone to school and to help give him a start. 885 His eyes narrowed at Danny's insistence he was going to get laid. There were escort services. For the $250 he was offering Jenna he was sure he could get someone for an hour, maybe more seeing he wasn't look for sex. It would be easy money for them. It wasn't like he was looking for sex, it would be easy money. 886 If they were escorts they'd have to be attractive. But he doubted they would be willing to have their face on camera, let alone know it was going to be shown to others. Plus, as he'd told Danny, just because someone was hot didn't mean they could model. 887 Kenny looked at his phone; 9:30. He could do later than noon, his parents weren't coming home until tomorrow afternoon, but it would have to be today. It would take him hours to choose which pictures he wanted, then edit them, print than, and lay them out in order which is what he'd planned to do tomorrow. 888 He had to figure something out today or he was... 889 "Fucked!" He yelled, tossing his phone onto the bed so he wouldn't smash it. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" 890 "Hey, you okay in there?" Josie yelled from the hallway. 891 "Fine!" he snapped. "Just fucking peachy!" 892 He heard the door open behind him. 893 "What's the matter?" 894 "What's the matter is the girl for the shoot just called and cancelled." He turned to see Josie had come into the room. "I'm fucked." 895 "Hold on," she put her hand up. "I'm sure you have time to find someone else." 896 "It's due Monday," Kenny groused. 897 "Wow, why did you wait until the last minute?" 898 "Because I'm a fucking idiot, that's why!" he shouted. "That a good enough reason?" 899 "You don't have to get mad at me." Josie said softly. "It's not my fault." 900 "You're right," he rubbed his temples with his fingers. "I'm sorry, it's just that this is a big part of my grade." 901 "You might be able to find someone by tomorrow, no?" 902 "I need time to get it ready. I should have done it sooner, but I had to get the money for her, the lights, I bought the white screens, plus the only day this week she was around was today. I didn't think I needed a backup plan. 903 "Just tell your teacher, they might give you a few days." 904 "He's a royal pain in the ass. He lives to flunk people from what I hear." He sat on the edge of the bed. "And he told me there was no way a guy my age could pull off an erotic shoot, so he's looking for me to screw up. I ask for time he'll think I just got cold feet." 905 "That sucks." Josie shuffled over and sat next to him. "But you have all day, I'm sure you can find another girl. You're paying right?" 906 "Yeah, but I need someone who has experience, and is willing to do this kind of shoot." 907 "Plenty of models online," Josie told him. "Want me to help you look? We'll split the sites and I can tell you if I see anyone that could work." 908 "You have to go to work." 909 "I have some time, and if I need to, I'll call Lynn. She's always looking for extra hours, she'll take my shift." 910 'You don't have to blow off work for me, sis." 911 "Hey, this is important to you, and I want to help." 912 "You're awesome, Josie, but don't worry about it." 913 "I worry about you. This class is important, and you said it'll hurt your grade. Let me help." 914 "I don't know. I looked for a while before I found Jenna, and now we're talking same day notice." 915 "Most people will drop what they're doing to make some money." 916 "They have to drop more than what they're doing." 917 "Huh?" Josie blinked. "What do you mean?" 918 "I need a model whose okay with some racy pics." 919 "Like lingerie?" 920 "Yeah, but then...topless." He averted his eyes. "This is awkward." 921 "You're taking dirty pictures?" 922 "It's art, the female body is beautiful." 923 "More beautiful in Victoria secret and with their boobs out though, right?" 924 "It's erotic, and erotic can be art too." 925 "Porn hub isn't art." Josie grinned. 926 "First, why are you on Pornhub, second...why are you on Pornhub?" 927 "I'm 18, and I was never on there before I turned 18, nope," 928 "Great." 929 "Hey. I know you see me as little sis, but I am a woman." 930 "You're 18, you're still a girl." 931 "But at 20 you think you're a man?" she scoffed. 932 "Josie, I don't want to get into this. But no, it's not like Pornhub. I'm not having sex with her, it's just sexy poses and maybe some suggestive shots." 933 "Suggesting what?" 934 "Sex, okay? You know like something softcore. Positions, but you know, clothes on." 935 "You said topless, and who are they being suggestive with? You have a guy coming too?" 936 "No, and just let it go." 937 "Oh my god!" she clapped her hands. "You're going to pose with her? That's funny!" 938 "Why is it funny?" 939 "Okay, maybe not funny, more like creepy. Paying a girl to get on your bed with you and like what? Dry hump your leg?" 940 "Hey, watch your mouth!" Kenny scowled at her. 941 "I said hump, not fuck, and for the last time I am an adult." 942 "Fine, you're all growed up now." He rolled his eyes. "My problem is a lot of models won't do that kind of work unless it's through a legit agency or studio." 943 "Money is money." 944 "Think about it, how do they know I'm not a psycho and it's a set up?" 945 "How did you set it up with the girl you had?" 946 "I gave her my name and address a week ago, she had time to ride by or look me up, and I told her where I went to school and the name of my teacher if she wanted to see if it was a real project. No time for that now." 947 "I'll stay here so they're not alone with you," she suggested. 948 "Hey, my little sister is here to protect you. Course she might be a killer too." 949 "No need to be a jerk." 950 "Aside from that they don't want their face just anywhere and they have legal recourse with an agency or business. I could be doing this just for cheap thrills and to plaster all over the net. Jenna was willing to cut me a break because her older brother took a few of the classes I am. She knows this is an assignment and it's hard for a kid like me to land real talent." 951 "Then you just have to find someone like her. Let's start looking." 952 "Know what, sis? I appreciate it, but I'm going to call it a loss. I'm not finding anyone on this short notice, not that's willing to do what I ask out of my damn house." 953 "What about someone you know? There's a lot of cute girls where you go to school and I bet they could use some extra money." 954 "Hey, come to my house and get naked while I take pictures? I'd get hosed with pepper spray or someone's boyfriend would show up to beat my ass." 955 He put his elbows on his knees, his chin in his hands. 956 "I'm just flat out screwed here." 957 "I hate to see you so bummed out." Josie put her arm around him. "Don't like seeing you quit either." 958 "It's my own fault for waiting and for coming up with this idea in the first place." 959 "But your grade!" 960 "It's okay, sis. Nothing I can do but show up empty handed and with an excuse." 961 "Don't give up yet," she squeezed his shoulder. "Let's keep thinking." 962 "I admire the effort, but nothing you can do. Me either at this point." 963 "Wait a minute," Josie slid her arm from around his shoulders and turned on the bed to face him. "What about me?" 964 "What about you?" 965 "I could do it!" She exclaimed excitedly. "I can pose for the pictures." 966 "Um, hard no, sis." 967 "Why not?" 968 "Because, well," he paused as he stared at her. 969 Dressed in Spongebob pajama pants and an old grey Patriots hoodie with the hood pulled up over her head, her hair sticking out around her face, was a typical Josie look, and nothing remotely resembling what he needed. 970 "Well, what?" 971 "You're not exactly qualified." 972 "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Josie demanded indignantly. "You saying I'm ugly?" 973 "Not at all, but you're not a model." 974 "I can be pretty if I want to be." 975 "Sis, you're adorable, but I need hot, and," he raised his finger to cut her off. "Let's remember one important detail. You're my damn sister." 976 "But I'm a girl." 977 "Josie, were you listening to what I was saying? I need a woman in revealing lingerie who is going to get her sexy on for the camera." 978 "I could be sexy." 979 "I don't want to see you be sexy. Plus, I wanted some topless shots." 980 "You wanted them; you don't need them. Just take some pictures of me posing on the bed, and that's it." 981 "Not what I wanted." 982 "But better than nothing." 983 "You're my kid sister, I don't want to see you like that. Besides, you think you could do that in front of me?" 984 "I know I'll do anything to help you, and that's what I'll be thinking, I'm just helping you." 985 "I love you, sis." He kissed her forehead. "An A for effort, but you aren't modeling for me." 986 "Because I'm your sister or because you don't think I'm hot enough?" 987 "Mostly the former, but no offense, Josie, you're the girl next door, not the smoking hot look I need." 988 "You don't know that. You only see me like this." 989 "You only dress like that. Going to tell me you have silky sexy things in your closet you wear when no one's home?" 990 "I have a couple fun things from when I was dating Jimmy." 991 "Oh, ugh." Kenny slapped his forehead. 992 "I have had sex you know," she puffed herself up. "Not just with Jimmy either, and know what?" 993 "They needed a GPS to find you under there?" 994 "No, jerk, they were pretty happy with what I have to offer." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Really happy. Like couldn't get enough happy" 995 "Stop!" Kenny groaned. "Please stop. I'm sorry I made that crack, but come on, Josie, this is crazy." 996 "Wanting to help you is crazy? After all you help me with?" 997 "Wanting to help is great, I love you for it. But you prancing around in something slinky is not anything I need to see." 998 "But if its art, and something you want to do for a living, you should learn to be professional and focus on me as a model, not your sister." 999 "Hmm," he pursed his lips in thought. "Decent point there. I was worried I'd be ogling Jenna so much I wouldn't be able to concentrate. Wouldn't have that problem with you," he sighed. "With you it would be the opposite, I'd be forcing myself to look." 1000 "Thanks," she grunted. "But it's mostly about a grade." 1001 "And that!" He snapped his fingers. "You know my teacher has to see the pics and he may show a few to the class." 1002 "So? None of them have met me right?" 1003 "No, I don't hang around with any of the kids in that class." 1004 "And you get the pictures back after he grades you, right?" 1005 "Yeah." 1006 "Then no big deal," she told him. "If I don't care, you shouldn't." she giggled. "Trust me, no one would recognize me like that. I bet you wouldn't know me if I got all girlie for you." 1007 "I'll take your word for it," he sighed. "You better get going or you'll be late for work." 1008 "What are you going to do?" 1009 "Take all this stuff down, move my bed back to the corner, then lay here and sulk I guess." 1010 "Kenny, listen to me. You have two choices. You can be a quitter, get a shitty grade then explain to mom and dad why you got that grade, the one they gave you some money to help out with. 1011 "Crap I didn't think of that." 1012 "Or you can let me help you. I'm not a model, and maybe I'm not the sexiest girl around, but I'm willing to try and you have a chance of getting at least a C and that's better than failing because you didn't try." 1013 "True, but sis, it's too damn weird." 1014 "How about this," Josie wasn't taking no for an answer. "We start, and if either of us feels uncomfortable or creeped out, we stop." 1015 "I don't know." 1016 "Please let me help you? You'd do anything for me, I know you would." 1017 "Okay," he caved. "But like you said, it's too awkward, we stop." 1018 "Promise." 1019 "Alright well head to work. Jenna picked noon because she had something else scheduled later in the day. We can always do it later." 1020 "Nope, I'll get Lisa to cover my shift. We're going to do it early so you have a lot of time to put it together, and so you can't back out on me." 1021 "Josie, are you sure about this?" 1022 "I'm going to shower and run a couple errands. You be ready for one o'clock, okay mister photographer?" She gave him one of her big Josie smiles. 1023 "Sure," he forced himself to return the smile. "I can't believe we're going to do this." 1024 "You're right," her smile turned sly. "You're not going to believe it." 1025 Chapter 3 Kenny rubbed at his eyes and forced himself to keep searching. He was now on craigslist looking under 'gigs' and had found quite a few local models looking for paid work. He clicked on the browser open to his G-Mail, but as had been the case the other two dozen times he'd looked in the last hour, no one was getting back to him. 1027 The closest he'd gotten was the first CL ad he'd replied to where he'd-as he had with all of them- left his number. She texted him within five minutes which had gotten his hopes up. He said what he needed, and she responded with two pics of her in a black lingerie set. 1028 She was damn hot and willing to do what he asked, but the deal fell through when she asked where his studio was, and he admitted it was his house. He knew that was going to be an issue and had checked with the building that rented studios by the hour and being Saturday, they were booked right up until closing. 1029 Not that he could afford the hundred which would leave him with only $250 to offer a model. Most models were not going to do something risqué for a couple of hundred dollars for some no name kid who wanted them to come to his house. Kenny had himself to blame. He should have played it straight with the studio, and for that matter not gone with the theme he'd chosen. 1030 Finding a girl to do some basic shots that he could take in the park, the beach, or anywhere in public would have been a lot easier and cheaper, but he'd wanted to punch out of his weight class and do something more difficult. 1031 Josie's offer was sweet and well intentioned, but ridiculous. Even if he could put aside her being his sister, the harsh truth was she simply didn't have the look. Kenny tended to look at women, and even men at times, as a subject of a picture, paying more attention to their features than most people would. 1032 Despite her efforts to be as plain as possible, Josie was a pretty girl. She still had the slightly round face of a girl who hadn't quite matured yet, and without makeup looked younger than she was. 1033 Her baby face accompanied by her big brown doe eyes that peered out under beautiful naturally long lashes did little to dispel that look of childlike innocence. Her big, borderline goofy, smile didn't add any maturity to her either. 1034 Josie's lips were full, and by far the most adult feature on her face, one that he knew guys noticed because of 'what they'd be good for'. But even those, in combination with the rest of her face, appeared more bratty than sensual. 1035 She pouted for their father to get what she wanted, and Kenny was well aware a little girl pout could be seen as sexy, but in her case, with nothing else overtly sexual about her, it just came across as petulant. 1036 As for her body, as her brother he'd never paid attention of given any thought to it. Even in the summer she wore loose t-shirts and her shorts tended to be loose fitting and down to her knees. 1037 Josie hated the sun and never went to the beach and hadn't gone swimming since they went to camp when they were kids. Kenny really had no idea what she was 'hiding' as Danny put it, under her clothes. 1038 Her crack the guys she'd been with liked what they saw unnerved him more than made him wonder if she had enough to work with as far as what he needed. Kenny checked his e-mails again, then leaned back in his chair. 1039 It was quarter past one. Josie was late, but he was fine with that, it had given him time to look up to the last minute. She'd be pissed if he found someone, but she'd get over it. She'd probably be pissed, or worse, hurt, when he'd have to tell her she wasn't exactly qualified for the shoot. 1040 No, he didn't have to say anything like that. He'd take a few pictures, then tell her it was too messed up and he didn't feel right. He had no doubt that would be true anyway. Kenny had only agreed to this because he could tell she wanted to help and wasn't going to let it go. 1041 He heard a car door outside his window and pushing his feet on the floor, rolled himself over to the window. Josie's car, what else but a VW bug, was there, but she'd already headed into the house. 1042 He heard her coming down the hallway, and after a brief knock, she poked her face into his room. "Sorry I'm running late; give me a half hour and I'll be in, okay?" 1043 "Take your time." 1044 "Hey!" she nodded her head in the direction of his desk. "You're still looking! You said you were giving me a chance to do it!" 1045 "Don't worry, I didn't find anyone." 1046 "You'll be glad you didn't when you see me all glammed up for you." 1047 "Can't wait." 1048 "I know you're humoring your little sister, but you'll see." She giggled and flipped something through the doorway. "Relax, will you?" 1049 She closed the door, and Kenny got up and went over to see what she'd tossed in. He grinned when he saw it was a short fat blunt. 1050 "You do rock, sis," he mumbled as he walked over to his desk and fishing a lighter out of the top drawer fired up the joint. 1051 He didn't smoke as much as Josie but had to admit this might be just what he needed because his nerves were shot. He took a quick hit, then a second longer one, holding the pungent smoke in his lungs before slowly releasing it. 1052 For the next few minutes, he idly scrolled through localmodelsRI, another site he'd found, puffing on the joint while he did some last minute, and fruitless searching. But at least he wasn't feeling as anxious and that would help him when it came to taking pictures. 1053 What was he thinking? Taking pictures? This was still his sister and no amount of pot was changing that. But he was sure she was doing the same thing in her room so maybe they'd get some good laughs out of trying and then order pizza and spend the day binge watching something to take his mind off his impending scholastic doom. 1054 He pinched the joint out before he smoked too much, then went over to his 'set'. He turned the lights on, and angled them so they were on the bed, but turned enough so they wouldn't cause glare from the white background. 1055 Kenny's idea was to emulate a porn shoot in the sense the scenes were usually shot in naturally bright places, then enhanced even more by multiple lights. The effect was to make the actors stand out and eliminate the shadows of the cameramen walking around filming from different angles. 1056 He looked at the small space between the camera and lights and his bed and decided to pull everything back a couple more feet to give Josie room to move around in front of the bed. Kenny knew there wasn't going to be much of a shoot but figured the least he could do was take the set up seriously. 1057 He slung the cannon around his neck to take some manual shots, then set the Nikon to a rapid-fire setting. Each time he clicked the small handheld remote it would take three shots, moving faster than his finger could and catching all the action. 1058 The first time he'd used it was taking pictures of the neighbor's dog, he'd jumped in the pool and when he shook himself off, the rapid fire had gotten the stills of the drops of water flying off his fur. 1059 Kenny made sure he had the memory buffer setting turn on to save them all so he could take his time looking through them later and transfer the keepers to the actual memory card. Not that there would be many, but he'd make sure he'd get a few to give to Josie as a keepsake of her 'photo shoot.' 1060 He sat on the folding chair he'd put behind the tripod and peered through the lens, ensuring he had the whole bed. Kenny tinkered with the zoom, making sure the partitions weren't visible at the head and foot of the bed. 1061 Kenny picked up the bottle of water he'd grabbed from downstairs and took a few sips. He should go down and get another for Josie. A photographer needed to remember little things like having a cold drink on hand for his model. 1062 There was a soft knock, and Josie calling. "You ready for your model, sir?" 1063 "As ready as ever I guess," he called back. "And knock it off with the sir." 1064 "Sorry!" Josie replied as she opened the door, then released a giggle that told him she'd been toking up. "Trying to be all profession-al, you know." 1065 "Right," he held the Cannon up, adjusting the zoom so the shots he took with it would be close ups. He panned it along the bed, as Josie cleared her throat. 1066 "Hey, camera guy, I'm over here. You don't want one of my entrance?" 1067 "Nothing fun about coming into a room, but why not." 1068 He kept the camera to his eye, turning towards his door. When Josie came into his view he lowered the camera. 1069 "Wow look at you!" he exclaimed, genuinely surprised at her appearance. 1070 "You like?" Josie smiled, her teeth a bright contrast to the deep red lipstick she wore. 1071 "Damn, sis, you look great," he raised the camera, and she flashed another smile as he snapped a pic. 1072 "A girl does what she can." 1073 Josie had done a lot, and she'd been right, he couldn't believe he was looking at his frumpy tomboy sister. 1074 Her long curly hair wasn't just down, flowing not just down her back, but she'd pulled some over her shoulders where it hung down over her chest. Josie had put some more curl into the front and styled it so long banana curls framed each side of her face. 1075 In addition to the lipstick, which completely changed the look from bratty to sensual, she wore light blue eyeshadow and she'd thickened her already full lashes with mascara. She'd applied some blush giving adding color to her normally fair cheeks. 1076 The look transformed her from a young still somewhat baby-faced girl to that of a woman. Not just a woman, but a beautiful one. 1077 "Hi!" She raised her hand and waved to the camera, and Kenny noticed her nails were painted the same blue as her mascara. 1078 "How about a kiss for the camera?" Kenny surprised himself with the suggestion. 1079 It was a good one, would make a great shot, but the fact he'd said it gave him some hope that this could work. He'd been wondering if he'd be able to say anything to Jenna, but seeing Josie didn't know what she was doing, maybe he felt he could take control. 1080 "Mua!" Josie puckered her lips, then put her hand out, blowing the camera a kiss. 1081 "Stay like that." He took another still of her puckered lips, and sister of not, he had to admit it was a sexy little pose. Her lips, now defined in red, weren't just full, but perfectly shaped, and he had no doubt any guy seeing this pic would see it in the erotic tone he was aiming for. Thinking of how good they'd look... 1082 "Whoa," he blinked and lowered the camera. 1083 "What's wrong? I look silly?" Josie asked, her eyes going wide. 1084 "No, I'm just um, surprised. You look beautiful." 1085 "How about the neck down? Still think I can't cut this?" 1086 He'd been looking at her face through the camera and hadn't noticed what she was wearing. 1087 "I...wow again," he replied softly, too stunned to say much else. 1088 Josie wore a short silky blue robe with black lace trim around the hem, sleeves and the part where it closed over her chest. There was a lot of chest showing between the black, as Josie had left the top open in a plunging V. 1089 Kenny could see the curve of the inner half of her breasts and felt the first wave of unease. The lower portion was no better. The hem barely reached her mid-thigh, and his eyes worked their way down her surprisingly long legs. 1090 Josie was on the taller side, but because of how she dressed, and the fact she was his sister, he'd never imagined she'd have long legs. Not just long, but there was nothing skinny about them. 1091 Her legs were well-shaped and ended in a pair of blue shoes that featured a wedge heel that had to be four inches, and straps going across the top of her feet and tying around the ankles. Josie's toes were painted the same blue as the rest of her ensemble, and she wore a silver ring on each middle toe as well as a silver anklet on her left leg. 1092 "What do you think?" Josie asked. "I mean, check it out, did the nails, did the hair, put stuff on my face, bought a sexy little lingerie set, some big girl shoes," she laughed, and did a quick spin for him. "What do you think?" 1093 "You were right. I can't believe you're my sister." 1094 "Sorry I couldn't do real heels, I'd fall on my damn face," she admitted while walking over to his desk and putting down her phone and a bottle of water. He'd been so caught up in her appearance he hadn't noticed them in her hand. "But these will work, right?" 1095 "Yeah, it...it all works." 1096 "You going to take some pictures or stare at me?" 1097 "Sorry, just surprised. Why don't you look like this all the time?" 1098 "Too much work, and when a boy likes me I want it to be for me, not my face or what's under the clothes. He gets to know me, and likes me? Then he gets to see this." She winked. "It's like a reward." 1099 "Okay, sorry I asked." 1100 "Well?" She put her hands out. "What next?" 1101 "I think," he hesitated. As he'd suspected this wasn't turning out to be a good idea, but for the opposite reason. He'd thought his sister would embarrass herself by not being what he wanted. 1102 He never suspected the problem would be he'd be overwhelmed in the other direction. His eyes kept darting to the soft curve of her breasts visible against the lace trim. What did she have on under there, and should he be seeing it? 1103 "Let's go Mr. Director!" Josie clapped her hands. "Time's money!" 1104 "Right!" 1105 What was he worried about? If anything, this was fantastic, Josie really looked the part, and he should be able to get enough pics to have a shot at a passing grade. Way better than an F because he was weirding himself seeing his sister as a woman. 1106 "Over here?" 1107 Josie had walked over to stand in front of the bed directly in line with the tripod. 1108 "Perfect." He walked up behind the camera and peered through the lens and picked up the remote "This is going to be clicking away and it catches everything, so don't just pose, I want you to keep moving, and I'll keep the best shots, okay?" 1109 "Okay, but what do I do?" 1110 "Just do whatever you think you'd do if you were posing sexy for the camera." 1111 "What do you mean think? That's what I'm doing," she looked confused. 1112 "I mean just do what you think will work." 1113 "I thought you were going to tell me what to do?" 1114 "If I do that it will look forced, its best for you to try on your own." 1115 "Thought this was your shoot? Shouldn't you say what you want?" 1116 "That's why people work with pros, they have an idea already. They work the stage and the camera. My job is to capture the best of that." 1117 "Sounds like a cop out." 1118 "Okay, fine," Kenny sighed. "So far I've taken pictures of games and people just going about their business. I've never directed a shoot, so I'm as lost as you are. That's why I wanted someone with experience." 1119 "Oh." Josie frowned. 1120 "You happy you got me admit I'm not sure what I'm doing? Bad enough I'm desperate enough to let my sister model for me, you need to make me feel worse." 1121 "Hey, relax. Didn't you smoke? It's why I gave it to you, so you'd be chill." 1122 "I did, and I'm still anxious." He took a breath. "I'm sorry I'm being like this. It's just embarrassing." 1123 "Its okay, I'm just here to help." She giggled. "I get to freestyle?" 1124 "Sure. If it seems stiff or not what I need I'll make some suggestions." 1125 "Get me started," Josie put her hands up. "We can learn together. You tell me what to do first, then I go from there." 1126 "Good idea, I have to learn this." He eyed her through the lens. "How about a hipshot?" 1127 "What?" 1128 "Hands on your hips, but you know, lean one way, like you're looking sexy." 1129 Josie put her hands on her hips, then lowered her right hand while keeping her left on her hip and thrusting it upward. 1130 "Good," Kenny snapped off a couple of shots. 1131 Josie switched to the other hip, but this time smiled, a big goofy one. 1132 "Don't smile like that, you look silly, not sexy." 1133 "Sorry, I'm kind of stoned." 1134 "Day like any other," he muttered. "Try looking series." 1135 "How about this? 1136 Josie grabbed the sides of the robe and opened it a couple more inches, showing off more of her breasts. It was the look on her face however, that caught Kenny off guard. Her normally wide eyes had narrowed and were staring intently at the camera. Her lips were parted, and she'd angled her face as if she were challenging him to do something. 1137 "Yeah," he said quietly. "That's a good one." 1138 Josie ran her hands up her chest and briefly held her face between her hands, her blue nails standing out on her skin. Her lips parted further, and her eyes had gone from wide and demure to intense, no more than that, smoldering would be the word. 1139 Bedroom eyes would be another, the kind of eyes that dared you to come get it. Her entire face had that look, and his finger twitched on the button when she slowly licked her lips. He knew the Nikon was catching her pink tongue gliding over her red flesh and he imagined the great still he would get from it. 1140 Josie ran her hands into her hair, then kept going, lifting them over her head and taking her hair up with it. She cocked her head the other way, this time sticking her tongue out and wagging it provocatively. 1141 Kenny clicked away reflexively, which is exactly what he should be doing. A good photographer never missed a shot, they might get some crappy ones, but the gem that would be among them was the payday. 1142 But as the remote clicked and the camera hummed, his mind was racing. Josie's look and expressions weren't just her trying to look sexy, they were downright sultry. There was nothing silly about how she moved her tongue across her lips or wagged it at the camera. 1143 Nor was there anything silly about her eyes and general expression on her face. Her body swayed as she held her hair over her head, before letting it fall, purposefully letting it cover part of her face. 1144 She stared at the camera with one eye concealed by the hair, then smiled. Unlike before, this wasn't the classic silly Josie smile, this one was sly, seductive and full of promise. Jeez, he'd read too many model reviews and critiques of shoots online when he used terms like that. 1145 But it was true, Josie was blowing him away the way she'd transformed from his plain Jane stoner sister into this gorgeous and sensual woman. Josie wasn't done. She gave her head a toss, sending her hair back, another shot he couldn't wait to see, a still of her hair flying back. 1146 Her hands went down her face, and with a sexy smile, she put her fingertip on her tongue and this time widened her eyes, and pushed out her lower lip, giving him a precious little girl look. 1147 Josie slid her finger in front of her lips as if she were shushing him, her eyes now looking scared, as if she knew she were in trouble. His smile faded when she slipped her tongue out and proceeded to lick her finger. 1148 She did it slowly, running it up one side of her finger, then down the other as if it were...Kenny didn't let himself finish the thought. Sister, this was his sister. But it was his sister who was now swirling her tongue around the tip of her finger, while staring boldly into the camera. 1149 She proceeded to suck her finger into her mouth, and when she did, her eyes rolled back as if it were the best thing she'd ever tasted. Kenny could feel his face flushing and a lone drop of sweat slid down past his eye. 1150 Josie was now bobbing her head, giving her finger a mock blow job. No, don't even think those things! What was wrong with him? In his defense, it was hard to think of anything else while watching his sister devour her finger like she was... 1151 Taking part in an erotic photo shoot. 1152 It struck him she was doing exactly what he needed her to do, so what was the problem? It was awkward, yes, but better than her being awful and him failing. Eye on the prize, he told himself. 1153 Right now, his eye was on Josie who had mercifully stopped sucking her finger. His relief didn't last long when her next move was to run her hands down her body. She slid them over her breasts, pausing to give them a squeeze, and open her mouth in an exaggerated moan. 1154 The problem was she released the moan, and Kenny wasn't sure if she did it so it would be more realistic than mouthing it, or she was...what, getting into this? No, she's not getting into it, and playing it up. 1155 But the sound had an unwelcome effect on him, causing his face to grow hotter, and his finger to tremble on the remote. Josie's hands moved down her stomach, then over her thighs. She bunched the robe between them, causing it to rise and show her legs up to her hips as she bent over towards him. 1156 His eyes flashed from the thin blue strings over her hips, making him again wonder what she had under the robe, then higher where her leaning over was showing off her breasts. He could see down to some blue lace on the lower portion of them. 1157 Kenny was stunned by the fact they looked like they were on the bigger side. Not that he checked her out, but he couldn't recall ever noticing her breasts. That was as much a testament to how unflattering she dressed as much as a brother not giving any thought to his sister's boobs. 1158 He tried to focus on the whirring of the camera as Josie gave a quick shake, bouncing her tits in the robe before straightening. 1159 "Doing okay?" she asked, as she brushed her hair from her face. 1160 "Yeah, you're doing a great job." 1161 "Yay!" she clapped her hands and hopped up and down like a little kid, and Kenny felt a little better seeing her revert to the Josie he recognized. 1162 "Keep going, right?" 1163 "Yeah, keep it up, I'm getting some good shots." 1164 "Nice!" Josie exclaimed excitedly. "I told you I could do this!" 1165 "That you did." He found he was glad she'd stopped for a couple minutes because it have him time to try and process that fact his sister was somehow not just a legit hottie, but was more sexual than he'd wanted to think. 1166 The looks, the way she used her tongue, sucking her finger, weren't something she could pull off without knowing what she was doing. Apparently Jim and whoever the other guy she slept with had been 'very happy' with his sister. 1167 Why was he thinking that way? She wasn't just his sister, she was his model, and he needed to be detached, not be getting flustered. 1168 "Going to get back behind the camera or just stand there staring at me?" 1169 "Huh?" he shook his head. "I wasn't staring, just thinking." 1170 "Oh, too bad. I was hoping you were looking." 1171 "What does that mean?" 1172 "I'm here trying to be sexy so if you were looking it would mean I was." 1173 "You're my sister. I'm not going to look at you no matter what you do." 1174 "Good to hear because you haven't seen anything yet, big brother." She pointed. "Lights camera, action, Kenny!" 1175 This time knowing Josie was doing a good job, a little too good for his liking, he sat down in the chair and found her through the lens and picked up the clicker. 1176 "Wait, I need some music." Josie walked over to his desk. 1177 "There's no sound in the pictures," he reminded her while watching her. 1178 His eyes were on the backs of her legs, again amazed at how good they looked, especially in the heels which brought out her calves. Why was he looking at her, he wasn't taking pictures? As if that thought had jarred him into action, he lifted the Cannon to his face and took two pictures of her from behind. 1179 The first was her entire body, the second he zoomed in just getting the hem of the robe down to her shoes. He'd just taken a shot of his sister's legs. No, not sister, model, and his model had nice legs and that was why he'd taken the picture. 1180 "I know that, dummy," she replied. "It will help be move better and stay in the mood." 1181 Josie picked up the water and took several long swallows. She lowered the bottle quickly, and some of the water splashed onto her chest, and his eyes followed, watching it slowly drip between her breasts and out of sight beneath the robe. 1182 Why did he keep looking at her? But again, like with her legs, he took a picture, catching the glistening water as it slid down her chest. 1183 "Seemed like you had no trouble being in the mood." He told her, taking his frustration at himself out on her. "What was that shit with your finger?" 1184 "You wanted erotic," she replied while putting the water on his desk, then removing her phone from the bag. "I thought that was sexy. You didn't?" 1185 "It was awkward, okay? I'm watching my sister suck her finger like it was," he caught himself. "You know." 1186 "You mean a cock?" she had turned when she said it and laughed at the look on his face. "A big, fat, hard cock? Is that what you were thinking?" 1187 "Watch your mouth!" 1188 "You just were, and I think you liked it," she said while scrolling through her phone. 1189 "Why the hell would I like that? You're my goddamn sister!" 1190 "I mean you liked it because it will make great pictures." She gave him a teasing smile. "What's the matter Kenny? You don't like the idea of your little sis sucking dick?" 1191 "I don't like you talking like that!" His voice was rising, and she raised her eyebrows. 1192 "Should we stop? Is this too weird for you?" 1193 "No," he lowered his voice. "It is messed up seeing you act like that, but the pictures will be just what I needed. I may get a decent grade out of this." 1194 "Then what's the matter?" 1195 "I just don't need to hear you talking like that, okay? I know you've had sex; we don't need to discuss it." 1196 "Lighten up, Kenny, you're worse than dad." 1197 "Let's just get back to this." He let the Cannon hang from his neck as he once more looked through the camera facing the bed. 1198 "Yes sir." She gave him a mock salute then pressed something on her phone and put it down on his desk. 1199 She strutted back over to stand in front of him and as the opening notes to AC/DC's 'You Shook Me All Night Long came on, she put her back to him. Josie spread her legs wider, and swayed side to side, first slowly, then picking up speed as she once again took her hair up over her head. 1200 When she let it fall, she pulled it over her shoulder, leaving him looking at the back of the robe. As she shook side to side, her hands were busy in front of her, and a moment later, she was twirling the ties to the robe by her sides. 1201 She did a quick spin but held the robe loosely gathered in her right hand. More of her breasts were exposed, enough to show off the top of the lace bra she wore. It also left her stomach bare, and Kenny leaned forward, staring at the small silver chain dangling from her naval. 1202 He pointed. "Is that real?" 1203 "Shh!" she hissed at him, then shimmied down to the floor. 1204 Her legs were wide open and with the robe hiked up he not only was getting a good view of her inner thighs, but a flash of blue between them. Josie remained squatting, her knees wide, and only a piece of the robe covering between her thighs. 1205 With her free hand, she playfully pulled the robe to the side showing off her breast in the lace bra. She did it quickly, but Kenny swore the cup was all lace and transparent. Josie was once again giving him the come-hither stare as she closed her legs and let herself go forward on her knees. 1206 She brought her hair up and thrashed wildly side to side, her mouth open, but her eyes closed, a look of pleasure on her face that he found disturbing as again, that couldn't be acted out without some experience behind it. 1207 As her body moved side to side, the robe threatened to fly open, but somehow stayed on the inside of her breasts. Somewhere in the back of his mind, it occurred to him her breasts much be on the bigger side to hold the robe in place. 1208 It did reveal the middle of her upper body, the skin between her breasts and her smooth flat stomach with the silver chain which flashed when one of the lights caught it. Jodie lowered her arms and gathered the robe tightly around herself, now looking up at him with her eyes wide beneath her long lashes. 1209 She gave him a pout, her full lower lip, protruding and she somehow managed to get it to tremble. Josie remained in the demure pose, then broke the spell, by opening wide, sticking her tongue out and placing her blue painted fingertip on it. 1210 Her eyes were still wide and pleading, and he thought, 'she's begging for it, begging for..." Maybe it was time to stop, Josie was taking it too far. Or was she? This was exceeding his expectations, not only with her, but at this point he wasn't sure Jenna would be doing any better. 1211 But Jenna wasn't his sister. His sister who was now accompanying her pleading to have something in her mouth with soft moans and whimpers. Probably not that soft seeing he heard them even with the music going. 1212 Yet his finger continued clicking and his eye glued to his sister as she now worked her way back to a standing position, her hips moving in a slow circular motion. Josie spun around so he was once again staring at her back. This time as she shimmied side to side, the top of the robe slid down, exposing her shoulders and upper back. 1213 Josie pulled it up, then lifted the back of it, giving him a quick playful flash of her blue thong. Kenny's breath caught when he saw it was little more than string between her cheeks, and he'd just gotten a quick glimpse of her entire ass. She went back to the top, lowering the robe, but this time let it slide all the way down her back. 1214 "What the fuck is that?" Kenny rose from behind the camera. 1215 On Josie's back, between her shoulder blades was a colorful butterfly tattoo. It was damn big, taking up the entire middle of her back. Above it, in a flowing cursive font was the word 'Believe" and beneath in "In You." 1216 It was the name of her Etsy store where she sold her bead jewelry and homemade dresses. The colors were amazing, hot pinks, purple, a variety of blues, but it was massive, large enough the strap of her bra went across the lower portion of it leaving a few inches of the wings beneath it. And it was a damn tattoo. 1217 "Pretty isn't it?" She looked over her shoulder at him, and smiled, and his finger twitched on the remote as even being upset, somewhere in him he recognized it was a good pose. 1218 "When did you get it?" 1219 "A week after my birthday." She turned and looked over her other shoulder, posing in that direction. 1220 "Mom and Dad know?" 1221 "Mom does, she said don't tell dad for a while. Pays to dress like a bum sometimes, right?" 1222 "You're nuts." 1223 "I love it, and I heard it makes a nice bullseye." 1224 Kenny passed on responding to that and dropped back in his seat thinking if Danny caught a glimpse of Josie like this he'd lose his mind. As it was he was wondering again if it were time to stop. 1225 No, he couldn't stop now, she was doing well, and a part of him wondered what she was going to do next. He felt like someone gawking at an accident. You knew you shouldn't look but couldn't help yourself. 1226 Josie had let the robe slide down to her waist and was once again twirling the ties by her sides. AC/DC ended and was replaced with intro to Zack Wilder's Porn Star dancing. What had she done, created a stripper play list? 1227 The robe slipped lower showing the small of her back, and Kenny tensed, wondering if she were going to drop it to the floor. Technically it would be what he needed, but that quick flash of her ass a minute ago had stayed with him. 1228 Did he really need a grade that bad; he'd take pictures of his sister's all but bare ass? Josie did a sudden turn, pulling her right arm out of the robe, and as she came around to face him, sent the robe falling to the floor. 1229 Kenny's jaw joined it. 1230 His sister, his plain, tomboy, little sister, stood before him in a blue bra the cups of which barely contained her disturbingly large chest. The inner halves of her breasts were visible as well as the top of them. 1231 The cups only covered the mid to lower portion of her beasts and worse, consisted of blue lace. Transparent blue lace and through the lens of the camera he could make out the shadow of her nipples. 1232 The bottom wasn't just a thong, but the skimpiest one he'd ever seen outside of porn. Two strings over her hips and a matching patch of lace that barely covered her... 1233 "Jesus Christ!" Kenny came out of his chair so fast he knocked it over. "Josie, what the fuck?" 1234 "What's wrong?" she looked down at her body. "Is it too much?" 1235 "More like not enough!" he ran his fingers through his hair and noticed it was damp from sweating. "What are you thinking wearing that?" 1236 "That its supposed to be a sexy shoot and jeans and a t-shirt wouldn't work." 1237 "This can't work." He shook his head, "I can't do this." 1238 "You've been doing it," she shrugged causing her breasts to jiggle and Kenny grew more flustered he noticed because he was having a hard time keeping his eyes off her chest. "What's the difference?" 1239 "The robe was bad enough, but that?" He pointed, then quickly dropped his hand when he saw it was shaking. "You're three patches of lace from being naked." 1240 "And Jenna was going to be modestly dressed?" Josie seemed annoyed. "Know what, Kenny? If you don't think I look good enough just say it." 1241 "No, you look..." He stopped himself, what was he going to say? There was no way Josie could think she didn't look good, she wasn't that uncaring or oblivious, and she'd commented her boyfriends had no problem with her. 1242 "I look what?" She prodded. 1243 "A little too good!" he blurted, then regretted it. What kind of comment was that? 1244 One that made his sister flash a typical big Josie smile; but even that infectious, and somewhat silly smile, looked far different through her blood red lips. 1245 "Aww, you say the nicest things!" 1246 "Josie, please put the robe back on, I can't see you like that. Way to messed up for me." He forced his eyes away from her and made a point to turn his head and face away from her. 1247 "You can, you just won't." Josie made no move to pick up the robe. "You'd be having a field day if that girl showed up like this." 1248 "Jenna isn't my sister." 1249 "That's your problem," Josie sighed. "You see me and it's wrong, if you were seeing Jenna you'd be all hot and bothered. You're supposed to be seeing a model, right?" 1250 "Right, but..." 1251 "You said this isn't porn, its art, and the female body is beautiful. Last I looked I had a female body." 1252 And then some." But aloud he said. "Right again." 1253 "Then seeing this is your first real shoot, shouldn't you use this to practice everything including just seeing the pictures and the art, not my body?" 1254 "A little easier said than done," he told her. 1255 "Am I turning you on?" Josie asked. 1256 "What? H...hell no!" he stammered caught off guard by the question. 1257 "Then suck it up buttercup," she rolled her eyes. "Or think about a different career. No one else is here, no one who sees these knows I'm your sister, what's the damn problem?" 1258 What was the problem? Sure, it was fucked up seeing his sister like this, but why was he so flustered? 1259 "Think about it, this is no different than seeing me in a bikini." 1260 "If you ever wore one," Kenny pointed out. "Maybe that's it. You show so little of yourself, I'm just having a hard time seeing this much of you." 1261 "You want to be a quitter, I'll leave, but if you want an A, grow up and let's get going." She flipped her hair dramatically and spoke in a bad French accent. "I'm cooling off, darling." 1262 Kenny couldn't help laughing at her. 1263 "Oh, so you're a diva! Yes ma'am, you're right." The exchange made it feel more like hanging out with his sister, than anything weird. And it was art after all. 1264 He sat back down. "Ready when you are." 1265 As they'd been talking the song shifted to a song he didn't recognize, but the grinding sensual beat was fitting for the way Josie had resumed swaying in front of him. She ran her over her breasts and now bare stomach, pausing to lift the silver pendent under one blue tipped finger. 1266 Kenny wondered how that would look as an isolated shot, but his attention quickly shifted back to her when she leaned over, her lips parted and a come fuck me expression back on her face. Her breasts hung beneath her, threatening to fall out of the minimal bra. 1267 They weren't just bigger than he'd imagined, they were big in general, and through the camera his eye lingered on her round creamy flesh encased in blue lace. Bending over had caused the bra to shift and he dialed the zoom while he clicked away, and as her breasts came closer he could see the pink skin around her nipples through the lace. 1268 Her erect nipples as when she straightened he could see them poking into the lace. Josie turned around, taking her hair back up to expose her entire back, and Kenny released a sharp breath. 1269 Except for the string between her cheeks and the one across the top, her entire ass was exposed. Not just her ass, her amazing ass. Josie's cheeks were tight and firm, and although not big, had a nice round shape and there was a sweet curve to the lower portion just above her toned upper thighs. 1270 Sweet curve? What was he thinking? He was thinking his sister had the finest goddamn ass he'd ever seen. Not just in person, but she could rival any of porn star he'd seen. The rest of her was equally perfect. 1271 Her long legs looked even better from behind and the large colorful tattoo looked sexy as fuck in the middle of her otherwise fair complexion. Josie backed toward him causing his eyes to widen as she grew closer. 1272 She stopped then walked in slow motion back towards the bed. Goddamn, these were going to be good pics as he watched her hips sway. Her ass however, barely moved, a testament to how firm it was. 1273 Also proof of how he was having a hard time taking his eyes off of it. Laurie had been a cheerleader and had a damn fine body, but Kenny had to admit Josie had her beat. That though raised a red flag in his mind. What was he doing comparing his sister's body to an ex-girlfriend? 1274 Josie stopped at the side of the bed and let her hair fall, and Kenny couldn't wait to see the stills of her long black hair cascading down over her back. That's better, back to why they were doing this, the pictures. 1275 Refocusing on the project didn't last long as Josie bent over the bed, resting her hands on it, and pushing her ass out at the camera. She opened her legs further, exposing the blue strip between her thighs. 1276 The material that covered his sister's pussy. 1277 Kenny couldn't help the thought as he once again found himself zooming in until just her ass was in the frame. He was aware he was now breathing through his mouth and the room seemed much warmer than it had been a few minutes ago. 1278 Josie's hand appeared, sliding between her legs and over the thong. Kenny's heartbeat faster while watching her caress the thong with two fingers. She pushed them harder, spreading the material around them and rubbed harder. 1279 She was stroking her pussy in front of him! He thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head when she worked her fingers under the thong. There was a split-second glimpse of pink flesh and his now racing mind wondered if the camera had caught it. 1280 She moved her fingers beneath the thong, her ass moving side to side. Kenny was struck hard by two revelations. The first, his sister wasn't just simulating masturbating, she was really doing it. The second realization was one that was far more concerning. 1281 Kenny was getting hard. 1282 As Josie's fingers moved under the thong his cock was quickly swelling. Josie removed her hand, and in a sudden burst of movement, rolled to the side so she was now sitting on the edge of the bed. 1283 Kenny followed her with the camera, swiveling it on the tripod to keep her centered, and his mouth fell open when Josie made a show of first licking her fingers, then shoving them in her mouth. 1284 Her fingers had been on her pussy, she was really tasting herself in front of him! 1285 Had her fingers been wet before she licked them? He hadn't noticed, but he had a feeling he'd remember to look when he printed the pictures. 1286 Josie put her hands on her knees, and spread her legs wide open, her toes on the floor, and her feet up and turned in showing off the shoes. A classic stripper pose, and another that left him staring directly between her legs. 1287 Her tongue wagged lasciviously at the camera as she leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows as she pumped her hips. She did it slowly at first them faster and faster. Josie's mouth was open, her lips in a wide O and her eyes were wide. 1288 She was simulating being fucked and Kenny knew he should drop the remote, get away from the camera and tell her to stop. Instead, he kept watching his finger now twitching more than pushing on the button. 1289 He shifted in his seat as his now fully hard cock bent painfully in his shorts. Josie leaned to one side, and balancing on her right arm, slid her left hand over her pussy, and rubbed it. This time it was just the tips of her fingers and in one spot. 1290 Her clit, she was rubbing her fucking clit through the thong. He backed the zoom out so he could see all of her, his attention darting from her fingers between her legs and her face where she was once again making as if she were experiencing pleasure. 1291 The look was a little too genuine and he wondered if she was really turned from touching herself. No, how could she be aroused in front of her brother? Maybe the same way he was sitting there with a now aching hard on in front of his sister? 1292 The music caught his attention when it switched to the opening scream of Buck Cherry's Crazy Bitch. Josie snapped back into a sitting position, and flashing a sultry smile lifted her light leg straight up in the air. 1293 She moved it further to the right, opening her legs even more before slowly dropping her foot to the floor. She repeated the motion with her left leg, but crossed it over the other. Josie leaned forward, and undid the strap around her ankle, then sat back and wiggled her foot, letting the shoe dangle from it. 1294 She kicked it off and laughed when it landed on the floor next to him, causing him to jump. Josie removed her other shoe in similar fashion then lay back on the bed. She lifted her legs, bending her knees to draw them back over her. 1295 She grabbed her legs behind her knees, then slid her hands to her ankles, and pulled her legs back further. A trickle of sweat ran down his back as she opened her legs, and he was back to string at that two inch wide strip of blue that covered her pussy. 1296 Unable to help himself he zoomed in again between her legs, and his cock twitched when he made out a patch of material darker than the rest. His sister was wet. Not just wet, but soaking through her thong wet. 1297 Stop, we need to stop, this is getting crazy. 1298 But he remained where he was, sitting there taking pictures of his sister cock teasing the camera. That wasn't a term a guy should use in regard to his sister, but there was no better way to describe it. 1299 No, not true. The truth was it wasn't the camera she was teasing because he couldn't remember the last time he'd been this goddamn hard. What would he have been like with Jenna? At this point who was to say Jenna would have been hotter than Josie? 1300 Kenny was beginning to wonder if part of his reaction was based on her being his sister. Seeing his sibling as not just a woman, but a sexy one, had more punch than seeing a professional model who made a living out of being hot. 1301 He didn't know where that line of thought was coming from. Nothing Josie could do should have him hard and sweaty and thinking of her like that. That was sick and twisted and wrong in every way. 1302 But how many brothers had ever seen their sister like this? Would they react the same? Maybe they would. Not that Kenny ever watched it, but a few minutes browsing any porn site would tell you sister and stepsister porn was a thing. 1303 Right now, he was pretty much watching sister porn as Josie eased further onto the bed, then rolled onto her stomach. She opened her legs and bent them at the knees and crossed them at the ankles. 1304 A pose straight out of a Penthouse magazine down to the way she was even showing her now bare feet with her blue tipped toes off. She uncrossed them, and rose onto her knees, pushing her ass in the air. 1305 She reached back and grabbed her ass, spreading it open around the thong. Her hands looked amazing on her ass, especially her blue nails, and as she spread herself he was again fixated on her crotch. 1306 Josie let her knees slide open she was almost flat on the bed, then pumped her hips while still gripping her ass. Her left hand withdrew from her ass, then appeared beneath her as she teased her fingers along her thong. 1307 She slipped one inside and pumped her hips harder, and Kenny had no doubt her finger was inside her and she as driving down onto it. Crazy Bitch stopped and in the couple of seconds of silence before it was replaced by Motley Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls, he heard a soft moan that left no doubt she was really fingering herself. 1308 Josie pushed herself up so she was now kneeling and pulled her hair up for him again. As before he admired the tattoo on the back, before his eyes worked lower, taking in her flawless ass cheeks as she knelt there. 1309 In that position the soles of her feet and just the tips of her toes were exposed, and he realized she'd even made her damn feet look good. Josie got on all fours, and turned to the side, and threw her head back, her hair flying over and behind her. 1310 From the side angle he admired just how large her breasts were as they hung beneath her. Josie rocked back and forth, lowering her head and raising her ass as if she were fucking someone doggy style. 1311 She turned again so she was now facing him and leaned back, kneeling on the bed with her legs wide. Josie cupped her breasts and pushed them together, lowering her head and sticking out her tongue. 1312 She bounced on the bed, flicking her tongue and Kenny groaned inwardly when he caught the hint that she was now acting as if she were tit fucking someone. God knows she could as she pressed her soft, impressive tits together. 1313 Kenny's dick was throbbing and at this point his balls were beginning to ache. He was so hot he wanted to take his shirt off. He couldn't pretend or try to lie to himself that he wasn't getting turned on. 1314 Only difference was a few minutes ago he'd have bene pissed at himself and tried to get her to stop. Now, he found he didn't care. Josie didn't know, just figured she was doing a good job as he clicked away, oblivious her older brother had a raging hard on inspired by her nubile young body. 1315 "Hey," her speaking caused him to blink, and bring his mind mercifully from the way he'd been thinking of her. "Doesn't that thing have a timer?" 1316 "Yeah, I can set it to snap a picture every few seconds, why?" 1317 "Then do that and come over and get some close ups with the one around your neck." 1318 "I can zoom with this." In fact, I've been zooming in on your damn pussy the last few minutes. 1319 "You can get better angles over here," Josie paused and wiped at her face, which Kenny saw was as flushed as his. 1320 He tried to tell himself it was just warm in the room and she'd been moving around, but deep down he knew she was red from a different kind of heat, the kind one experienced from being excited. 1321 That and touching herself. Kenny wondered if maybe Josie was a closet exhibitionist and being in front of a camera was exciting her. He'd read articles where models claimed that was the case for them, and how they could get into racy shoots, but he'd thought it was the same contrived story as porn stars claiming they really loved it. 1322 "I think I'm close enough." That wasn't a lie. He wasn't sure he could handle being much closer to her right now. 1323 "I think you're being stupid about the sister thing again. You'd be right on top of Jenna with no problem." 1324 "Honestly, I think I have enough." 1325 "Honestly?" Josie mocked him. "I think you're chickenshit. That or half ass because if you didn't want those shots you wouldn't have another camera around your neck." 1326 "Jeez, lighten up. It's my project." 1327 "Then make it as good as possible." She beckoned him with her finger. "Come on, Kenny, stop being a wuss, and do your job right." 1328 Kenny took the bait, and slowly stood up, casually making sure his shirt was untucked and would help cover up the obvious bulge in his shorts. He took a minute to adjust the Nikon setting it to automatic so it would snap a picture every few seconds and lining it up with the middle of the bed. 1329 His stalling helped his erection fade, and with a feeling of relief he walked over to the bed. Josie remained on the bed, and he got onto his knees, so he was shooting at an upward angle. Josie immediately made him regret his decision when she put her hands over her breasts, and arched her back, letting her head fall back. 1330 He clicked a couple of pics, of her hands on her breast, then one of her full body. Without being aware he was going to do it; he dropped the angle and snapped a picture of the thong between her creamy thighs. 1331 Josie leaned all the way back until her shoulders were on the bed, thrusting her hips up. This close there was no missing the dark spot in the middle of the thong, and the angle showed her nipples pushing the lace up over the center of her tits. 1332 She unfolded her legs, letting her feet hit the floor, and sat up. She leaned toward him, her hands in her hair and her breast threatening to fall out of her bra. Her chest was as flushed as her face and as she posed for him he could tell she was breathing heavy. 1333 Josie stood and turned to face him, and Kenny shot upward, catching her breast and her face above them. She did the hip shot she'd started with then put her back to him. She shook her ass less than three feet from his face and his cock rapidly rose in response. 1334 His sister made it worse by bending over in front of him. She grabbed her ankles, and pushed her ass out, and his heart raced as he got an eyeful of not just her perfect ass, but between her legs. 1335 This close he could see the bulge of her mound beneath the thong and the wet spot causing it to stick to her flesh and when she opened her legs further it tightened between her lips. He was staring at his sister's camel toe. 1336 A nasty term to use with your sister, but that's what it was the line defined between her lips, was going to be an incredible picture, and that part of his mind he no longer seemed to be able to control was convinced there was a good chance he might end up jacking off to these pictures. 1337 Christ, enough with this! No grade is worth the taboo thoughts his sister's insanely hot body and triple X poses were eliciting from him. But Josie's ass shaking in his face kept him where he was somehow still managing to take pictures while dealing with another shameful erection. 1338 Josie slid her hands from her ankles up to her knees, and bending her legs, rapidly pumped her hips, her ass bouncing up and down. For fuck's sake, she was frigging twerking for him! She stopped, and turning back to face him, raised her leg and put her foot on his shoulder. 1339 "What are you...?" 1340 "Just take pictures." She said with a hint of irritation. "I'm working it, you just go with it." 1341 "Yes, ma'am," he whispered as she leaned in, and the lens of the camera was less than a foot from her. 1342 He took pictures of her breasts then another of her inner thigh, and the blue thong next to hit. Her hands were on her stomach then her one went to her thigh, the other back over the thong. Kenny caught his breath when her finger teased inside the edge of the thong, showing the very edge of the pink flesh under it. 1343 For a heart stopping instance, he thought she was going to pull it to the side, and was equal parts scared and aroused. She didn't do it, but brought her other hand over, and was now rubbing her crotch with fingers from both hands. 1344 Above him he could hear her breathing and several times it ended with a soft sigh. A surreal feeling came over him as he knelt on the floor, her foot on his shoulder, snapping pictures of his sister fondling herself. 1345 Josie grabbed his left wrist and tugged on it. Kenny let her do it, able to easily hold the small camera with just his right hand, his thumb on the top button. As if in a trance, he allowed her to put his hand on her stomach. 1346 Her skin was warm and firm, and she kept her hand over his. Unlike Josie, Kenny enjoyed the sun and he had still had the remnants of his summer tan. His darker skin was a nice contrast against hers, and her nails looked good on the back of his hand. 1347 He took a couple of pictures, then a third in case using only one hand threw any of them off. Josie pushed his hand down, and Kenny tried to stop her when she guided him to the top of the thong. 1348 "Stay still, erotic, remember?" 1349 She spoke softly and her normally slow smoky voice had a huskier quality to it than usual. He'd never thought of his sister's voice as sexy, but now that he was seeing her in a new light even her voice struck him differently. 1350 Slow, sultry, and seductive were the words now coming to mind. Those bedroom eyes, her killer body, and a voice that would be perfect for phone sex. Suddenly his 'baby' sister seemed mature beyond her years and far more sexual than he'd ever wanted to imagine her. 1351 His fingers grazed the top of the thong, and Josie put hers over them, curling them into the top of the thong, then pushing it from her stomach. She let him go and left it looking as if he were tugging her thong down. 1352 He snapped a picture but knew it would be shit because his hand was trembling. She pushed his hand down, forcing the thong to go with it, and expose the curve of her mound. Her smooth, hairless, mound. 1353 When he saw just a hint of pink, he finally did the right thing and pulled his hand away. Josie caught his wrist, catching him off guard with how fast she moved, and this time pressed his hand to her inner thigh. 1354 Her thigh was soft and trembled beneath his touch. That could be because of her position with her foot on his shoulder. Or it could be from the same awkward excitement he was feeling. 1355 Kenny had large hands and he spread his fingers out, noticing how much of her thigh he could cover. This picture would come out better as he'd managed to control the camera this time. Josie dropped her foot, but rather than put it on the floor, she rested it on top of his thigh just beneath the shorts. 1356 He lowered his head and took a picture, noting how good her blue nail polish, the silver toe ring and the anklet looked. Yes, somehow his sister knew how to make her feet as sexy as the rest of her. 1357 She wiggled her toes, curling them into his skin, then slid it further up his thigh. He marveled at how soft the sole of her foot was, then released a sharp breath when she slid it under his shorts. Kenny wasn't wearing underwear as he figured if he posed with Jenna, he'd get somewhat aroused and wanted it to show. 1358 Kenny knew it was showing now, especially on his knees like this. His cock, his fully hard cock, was along his leg, hot and throbbing from the effect of having his scantily clad sister sexing him up for the camera. 1359 Her foot slid further up the loose leg of his shorts and he tried to get himself to move. She was dangerously close to the tip of his cock. As it was he wondered if she'd noticed the obvious bulge in them. 1360 He told himself she didn't, she was helping him with this for school, he had to see her this way to take pictures, but she wouldn't be looking at him. Her foot moved further, and Kenny dropped his hand from her thigh and put it around her ankle, gripping it tight enough so she stopped moving. 1361 Above him, Josie gasped, then released a barely audible sound he swore was a whimper of some kind. Had him grabbing her gotten her excited? More excited he should say because he'd seen from her thong she was getting herself worked up. 1362 That thought caused him to let her go, and the second he did, she pushed her foot up his leg. He groaned when her toes briefly came into contact with the head of his cock, and he jerked back, almost falling over, when she'd wiggled her toes against it. 1363 Josie giggled, and the sound made his cock jerk, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she caught him by his shoulders, helping him keep his balance. 1364 "Give me your hand." 1365 She spoke softly, but there was an urgency in her voice that seemed out of place. Not just urgency, but there was more than a hint of command to it, and before he knew it, he'd put his left hand in hers. 1366 Josie pulled it upward and placed it on her right breast. 1367 "Josie!" He tugged his hand back, but she gripped his wrist tightly. 1368 "What?" she asked, her eyes wide, feigning innocence as she pressed his hand to her tit. "You wanted sexy pictures." 1369 Kenny had no idea what to say. He was too busy wondering why he wasn't trying all that hard to move his hand. 1370 He was a hell of a lot stronger than Josie and could easily yank his hand away if he wanted to. That was the key if he wanted to. To his dismay, he found he wasn't in a hurry to do the right thing. 1371 "I have a bra on," she pointed out. 1372 "True," he whispered, giving in to what he knew was wrong. 1373 But there was nothing wrong about his sister's tit. Beneath his touch, Josie's tit was soft, yet firm, and was a damn impressive handful. The bra comment was a cop out. The lace cup only covered the inner and lower portion of her breast leaving plenty of soft flesh against his hand. 1374 Kenny's balls ached at the feeling of her hard nipples poking into his palm through the lace, and the soft sigh Josie emitted when he gently squeezed her breast, made his cock jerk. He managed to keep the camera in front of him and taker a picture of him groping his sister's tit, but he almost dropped it, when she put her hand in his hair. 1375 Her fingers ran through it, her nails lightly scratching his scalp, but when he slid his hand down, and squeezed the lower portion of her breast, her grip tightened, pulling his hair hard enough to make him wince. 1376 Josie plucked the camera from his hand, and let it go, making him grunt when it struck him in the chest. 1377 "Use both hands, the other camera will get the pictures." 1378 Kenny should have been ashamed of how quickly he got his hand on her other breast, but instead felt a wave of excitement as he now cupped both her tits in his hands. His breathing was getting noticeably heavier, and louder as he knelt in front of Josie, fondling both of her tits with a growing eagerness that couldn't be explained by just wanting 'a good shot' 1379 He was aware of the Nikon clicking and the flash flickering out of the corner of his eye, but his man focus was his sister's incredible tits. God, they were big, and so damn firm, like bounce a quarter off them firm. 1380 They were like her ass, and hell, her entire body, just flat out fucking perfect. Josie put her hands over his, squeezing them as he groped her. He could feel her breasts heaving beneath his touch and her chest was now as flushed as her face. 1381 What the hell was going on? What were they doing? Why did she keep egging him on and why couldn't he stop? Because he didn't want to was the answer. Kenny was as caught up in touching his sister as if she were any hot girl letting him touch her. 1382 Josie gripped his thumbs and pressed them to her nipples, and when Kenny rubbed them, she released a breathless, 1383 "Yes!" 1384 The simple word sent a thrill through him as did the way she let her head fall back, and arched her back, pushing her breasts at him. She raised her leg, sliding her bare foot under his shirt this time, and sliding it along his stomach. 1385 She slid it back down and Kenny groaned, when she placed it directly onto his swollen cock. She moved it back and forth, and he couldn't old back a moan as she rubbed his dick through the shorts. 1386 A wave of disbelief washed over him. Was this really happening? Was he playing with his sister's tits while she played footsie with him? Was he hard while she seemed to be soaking through her thong and both of them moaning like lovers? 1387 "Stand up," Josie removed her foot from his cock, but made no move to push his hands away. 1388 She spoke in a breathy tone and this time there was no mistaking the fact she wasn't asking, she was demanding as she took over the shoot. Shoot? Was this still what it was? Right now, it seemed like a lot more. 1389 But what? Kenny rose to his feet as his mind raced. What was going on between them? A little weed couldn't explain this, nor could a bit of exhibitionist in his sister. It's not like they were two friends who were in a sexy scenario and letting themselves take it further, this was Josie for God's sake! 1390 "Take this off!" Josie hissed, her hands already tugging his shirt up. 1391 "Why? What are you...?" 1392 "You wanted to be in the shoot, let's get some hot pics together." 1393 Hot pics together, that was so wrong, but not only didn't he protest as she continued to pull on his shirt, he slipped the Cannon over his head and dropped it on the bed next to them. He lifted his arms, letting Josie take his shirt off and saw the camera flash. He had to say, it would be a good picture. 1394 Josie tossed his shirt to the side and stepped up close to him. Her hands went to his chest, and he shivered as she teased her nails across his chest, then down his stomach. 1395 "Hmm, you didn't need to hire a guy," she purred. "You look just fine, baby." 1396 "Baby?" he blinked. 1397 "Just playing my part." Josie's fingers were teasing along the waist of his shorts and he was aware his legs were trembling. "Am I doing a good job?" 1398 "A very good job," he said softly, his eyes staring into hers. "You look beautiful, Josie." 1399 He had no idea where that came from, but the big, and genuine smile, on her face made him glad he'd said it. 1400 "Yeah?" she kept her eyes on his. "You think your little sister is all grown up now?" 1401 "That you are," he gasped when she unsnapped his shorts. "What are you doing?" 1402 "Posing for pictures, silly," she leaned forward and raised herself up on her toes so her face was inches from his. "You said pretty things make pretty pictures." 1403 He felt his zipper open and his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest when her fingers eased into his shorts. He held his breath as they slid further in then moaned when her fingers encountered his shaft where his cock was pointed down his leg. 1404 "Guess I am doing a good job." She removed her hand from his crotch, and he felt another wave of confusion when instead of relief, it was disappointment he experienced. 1405 Josie's hands went to his arms, and she tugged on them. 1406 "Don't be so stiff," she winked, telling him she was well aware of what she'd touched with her foot, then her fingers. "Touch me, like you would any hot girl you were making out with." 1407 "We're not making out," he told her even as his hands went to her hips. 1408 "Then what are we waiting for?" Josie slipped her arms around his neck, pulled his head down and kissed him. 1409 Chapter 4 Kenny made an embarrassing high-pitched sound of protest into her lips. Josie giggled, but her lips remained pressed to his. For a moment he attempted the right thing and tried to pull his head back, but she tightened her grip on his neck, holding his face to hers. 1411 Her lips were softer than they had any damn right being and the way they worked side to side, caressing his caused him to make another sound, this one a moan. It was a helpless sound, a moan of surrender as he couldn't even pretend he didn't like the way his sister was kissing him. 1412 His moan led to one of hers as she felt him relaxing into her embrace. His hands tightened on her hips, and Josie responded by pressing tightly against him. He felt her nipples poking through the bra and into his chest, and her soft stomach against his. 1413 Her hands slid down his back, teasing her nails across his shoulders, then further down. Kenny responded to her touch by kissing her more firmly, and the soft whimper she emitted had his cock straining in his shorts. 1414 It was pushing against her lower stomach and he groaned when she moved her hips, grinding into him. His hands went from her hips around her waist, and up her back. Josie sighed against his lips as he caressed the smooth skin of her back before running his hands up into her long soft hair. 1415 Her hips rocked harder into him, and she lifted her leg, sliding her foot up along his calf. She lifted it higher until he could feel the heat of her inner thigh just over his waist. The camera clicking and flashing reminded him of what they were supposed to be doing and he dropped his right hand down to his side, and grabbed her leg behind her knee, holding it up. 1416 Josie's lips parted, and her tongue flicked out across his lips, before slipping into his mouth. For some reason that jarred him out of whatever bizarre Josie inspired stupor he was in and he snapped his head back. 1417 "What are you doing? You're my damn sister!" 1418 "No," she paused to take several deep breaths, giving him time to notice how red and sweaty her face was. "For this I'm just your model. Just a sexy girl named Josie working hard to get you an A." 1419 "Too much," he released her leg. "We're getting carried away. We have to..." 1420 She cut him off by kissing him again, this time much harder than before, and before he could react, she drove her tongue hard into his mouth. Her hands caught his face, holding him to her lips as her tongue danced over his. 1421 "You know you're into this," she whispered into his mouth. "Just relax and forget who we are to each other. Let's make that teacher eat crow when he sees how fucking hot these pictures are." 1422 She kissed him again, this time much softer, a lingering soft kiss that she followed with two quick pecks, as if she were sealing her prior kiss. She gave him a sexy smile and parted her lips. "Kiss me," she whispered, then widened her eyes, looked up through her long lashes and pushed her lips into a pout. "Kiss your little sister, show her you love her." 1423 As strange as it was, something about the way she'd said it with that demure little girl look in combination with her sultry voice, got to him and his lips were on hers before he was aware he was going to do it. 1424 She'd just said she was Josie, a model, a girl helping him, then referred to herself as his sister. And it was that reference that had his tongue diving between her lips, and his cock hot and hard against his thigh. 1425 They were out of control, but she didn't seem to mind, hell, she was urging him on. If she didn't care why should he? Granted, he was the older sibling and should know better, but he was only older by two years and his parents would argue Josie was the more mature out of the two of them. 1426 She was showing that now, but it was a different kind of maturity, a sexual one that had her not only as the aggressor but acting the more experienced of the two of them. How much sex had his sister had? 1427 How did she know how to pose and move so well? As their tongues waged war in each other's mouths he added, why did he care. He put his hands around her waist, and abandoning all care, and decency, he slid them over her ass and gave her cheeks a hard squeeze. 1428 Josie yelped into his mouth, then moaned as he fondled her ass. He squeezed hard again, this time spreading her cheeks open, and thrust forward, pushing his cock into her stomach. She eased from their kiss and lolled back, letting her body go in his grip, her head falling back. 1429 He held her up as her long hair dangled behind her and her breasts pushed up towards him. Kenny leaned over, kissing her exposed neck. 1430 "Yes," she moaned. "Oh, yes!" 1431 Inspired by that, Kenny sucked gently on her neck, then mindful of the camera, stuck his tongue out and teased it along her neck and the soft hollow of her throat. Josie shuddered in his grasp and she whimpered as he licked, kissed and sucked her neck. 1432 "So good," she purred. "Feels so good!" 1433 Kenny's lips trailed down to her upper chest, kissing her, then sliding his lips back and forth. Josie's hands were on his biceps, squeezing hard, her nails digging into him. He though his cock was going to explode when his lips found the inner half of her soft breast and he sucked her flesh between his lips. 1434 Josie moaned and squirmed in his arms, her hips grinding hard into him as he kissed and sucked his way to her other breast. His lips slid over the lace, and she whimpered when he kissed her nipple through the lace. 1435 The flash and clicking of the camera were the only sound in the room other than their heavy breathing as her phone had stopped playing music. Kenny gripped her ass and stooping slightly pushed with his legs, lifting her in the air. 1436 Josie laughed, them moaned when he kissed her bare stomach, sucking and licking under the cups of her bra. 1437 "Sit on the bed," she panted. 1438 Kenny was at the point of no longer arguing or questioning anything she wanted, and putting her down, released her, and sat on the edge of the bed. Josie stood to his side, her hand on his shoulder until the camera flashed, then swinging her leg up and over his, sat down across his thighs, straddling him. 1439 She gripped his shoulders and let herself fall back until her head was hanging behind her, looking upside down at the camera. Kenny lowered his head, kissing the tops of her breasts as the camera whirred, documenting their suddenly taboo posing. 1440 Josie straightened and taking his face in her hands, kissed him again. Kenny knew the camera wasn't catching the kiss, other than the back of her head over his face, but found he didn't care. Josei's lips were on his, her tongue back in his mouth and she was moving in slow circles on his lap, grinding into his stiff cock. 1441 Even through his shorts he could feel the heat between her legs, and the way she whimpered into his mouth told him she was as worked up as he was. Josie slid back off his lap and patted the inside of his thighs. 1442 Taking his cue, Kenny opened his legs, then whispered. "Oh, shit," when Josie sank down between them. She didn't kneel, just squatted, spreading her legs as she lowered herself. 1443 He imagined the amazing view of her from behind as she showed off that fantastic ass and her barely concealed pussy as she assumed a classic blow job position. She put her hands on his chest, and he yelped when she gave his nipples a hard pinch. 1444 Josie leaned close, her tongue flicking across his chest, and again he knew the camera wasn't getting this, and had a feeling she knew it too. She kissed his chest as her hands roamed over it and his stomach. 1445 She grabbed the Cannon and handed it to him. Kenny took it, finding that at the moment he had more interest in his sister than the pictures, but he brought it to his face, looking down as he pointed it at his chest. 1446 Josie made it worth it, sticking her tongue out and teasing it along his chest. A shudder went through him as her soft pink tongue, the one that had just been in his mouth, traced a slow circle around his nipple. 1447 Josie, she's just Josie, not my sister, no, just a model. Just for the grade, she's just helping me. He repeated the mantra even as she flicked her tongue over his nipple then put her lips around it. 1448 Kenny moaned at the oddly pleasant feeling of having his nipple sucked, something he'd never experienced before. Josie sucked harder, then pressed her lips hard against his chest. She eased her head back and smiled at the perfect red imprint of her lips around it. 1449 She moved to his other nipple, licking it side to side and up and down. Kenny's entire body was tense and his knees trembling as Josie slid her tongue down his stomach. She traced the line of his shorts and he released a sharp breath when she slid her hands up the legs of his shorts. 1450 Her tongue was now on his shorts and a soft whimper escaped him when she ran her tongue over his cock. Somehow through this he'd managed to take a few pictures, but when she licked the length of his covered erection, he couldn't keep his hand still. Josie stared up at him, that sexy as fuck expression back on her face as she tongued his clothed cock. 1451 Beneath his shorts her hand crept closer to it, and he lifted his hips, reflexively trying to get it in her hand. Her fingertips grazed his head, and he whispered. "Stop." Josie frowned, but lifted her head from his lap, a look of disappointment on her face that made him wish he hadn't asked her to stop. 1452 "Lie on the bed." Josie rose to her feet and walked around to the foot of the bed. "Take the camera." 1453 She seemed annoyed, as if he'd hurt her feelings telling her not to touch him. If that were true it made him wonder how far she'd planned on going. 1454 Kenny turned on the bed and stretched out so his head was on the pillow. 1455 "Further, sit up a little," she pointed to the foot of the bed. "Give me some room." 1456 Kenny slid partway up into a sitting position then brought the camera up, taking a picture of Josie standing at the other end of the bed. She put one knee on it, then the other, sliding onto the bed. She lowered herself to her hands and knees and did a slow crawl up between his legs. 1457 Kenny snapped away, getting pictures of her amazing tits as they hung beneath her and the way her long hair trailed along his thighs. She kept coming until her hands were on either side of his head and she was staring down at him. 1458 She pushed the camera to the side, and lowered her upper body, pressing her breasts into his chest, and her lips to his. Josie kissed him forcefully, all but devouring his lips with hers. Her tongue dove into his mouth, and his arms went around her, his hands playing in her hair and running down her back. 1459 The Nikon would be getting these from the side, and he could always bring them in to get better close ups when he edited them. Josie's lips slid from his and trailed down his neck and to his chest. 1460 He picked up the camera again as she backed down his body, her pink tongue racing a wet line down his chest and stomach. She licked his cock through the shorts, then sat up on her knees. 1461 She swung one leg over his and settled down on his bare thigh. Josie worked her hips, grinding into him, and he groaned at the feeling of her wet thong sliding on her leg. Not just wet, but the heat generating from her pussy. 1462 Josie moaned and her lips parted as she worked her hips harder and faster, dry humping his leg. She cupped her breasts, rubbing her nipples through the bra, then reached behind her. The straps loosened on her shoulders as she unhooked her bra and his eyes went wide as she moved her arms up and down, causing the straps to slide down to her elbows. 1463 The only thing holding the bra up, was her forearm which she'd slid under her tits. She stared down at him, sucking on her lower lip, and he fumbled for the camera, not wanting to miss that look, and knowing that there was no doubt he'd be keeping these for himself. 1464 Josie's hand slid up between her breasts, gripping the middle of the bra, as she gave him a saucy little smile. "Showtime," she whispered, then with no hesitation, she whipped her bra off. 1465 "Jesus!" Kenny hissed, the camera falling from his hand as he was confronted with the sight of his sister's tits. 1466 Her big, firm, perfectly rounded tits. Her nipples, an adorable pink were small, but looked at hard as his cock felt. They had a slight upturn to them, and the pink skin around them so light he could barely make it out even against her fair skin. 1467 Josie cupped them, holding them up, and slid her blue tipped thumbs over her nipples. She moaned, her eyes closing, and her hips grinding harder into his now sticky leg. Somehow Kenny had he presence of mind to grab the camera and took several quick shots of his sister's bare tits. 1468 His sister, topless, moaning, wet, and grinding on his leg. This was a dream, some messed up Taboo wet dream. No way this was happening. No way was spacey, silly, Josie working his leg like a stripper giving a lap dance while showing off a pair of tits a porn star would be envious of. 1469 Josie lifted her right tit and lowering her head, eyed he camera as she proceeded to lick her own nipple. 1470 "Goddamn," Kenny muttered as she pressed both her tits together and moved her tongue from one to the other. She sucked her left nipple hard enough to smack her lips and leave a red lipstick smear on it. 1471 He snapped a pic of it, then lowered the camera when Josie leaned forward onto her hands and crawled back up to him. Her slick thong slid along his thigh and she'd gotten low enough that her nipples were touching him. 1472 Kenny had to remind himself to breath as she came closer, her hard, pink flesh teasing his chest and her ass raised in the air behind her. Josie eased his arm to the side, pushing the camera away, and gave him a quick kiss. 1473 Sliding further over him, she dangled her left tit over his mouth. 1474 "Suck it," she nodded her head towards the tripod, and giggled. "For the shoot of course." 1475 Right, the shoot, but he opened wide, sticking his tongue out. Josie's nipple slid over it, and she sighed before lowering her nipple into his waiting mouth. Kenny sucked it with an eager abandon he should be ashamed of. 1476 "Hmm," Josie moaned loudly. "That feels good," she eased to the side, offering her other tit. "Can't let them get jealous." 1477 Kenny sucked her nipple between his lips as his hands came up, cupping both of them, He was surprised at how heavy they were. A testament to how loose-fitting Josie's clothes were that she was able to keep a rack like this secret. 1478 Rack, he should slap himself, he sounded like Danny, but crude as it was it was true, Josie had the biggest tits he'd ever had the pleasure of touching, and sucking, and...getting pictures of. Because they belonged to Josie, the hot helpful subject of his photo session, not his sister, no, not that girl. 1479 'Josie the model' was moaning above him, moving side to side to let him pay equal attention to each perfect breast, her ass swaying seductively behind her. She eased up, and with a sly smile, mouthed the words "My turn." 1480 She slid back down the bed, letting her now wet nipples caress his body on the way. Josie kept going until she settled down on her stomach between his legs. She bent her legs at the knees, and crossed them at the ankles, showing off the smooth soles of her feet, and tips of her toes which she'd curled inward. 1481 Kenny took several pictures of what had become the most frequently used POV blow job position in porn. Damn, she looked fine! No wonder she'd said her ex was 'couldn't get enough' happy with what she had, who wouldn't be? 1482 His shorts had remained unzipped and Josie reached in with a boldness that both caught him by surprise and excited him. She gripped his cock in her hand, and quickly pulled it out. 1483 "Josie, oh my god!" He yelled, his voice cracking from nerves. 1484 "Oh my god, is right!" Josie pursed her red lips together and whistled. "Damn, bro, this is a big fucking dick!" 1485 "I...what...you can't...we..." he stammered like an idiot, but his string of partial protests turned into a low moan when she pumped his cock in her small fist. 1486 "So thick," she whispered. "So hard," she licked her full red lips. 1487 "Oh fuck," Kenny breathed. He'd been hard almost the entire time she'd been in the room and her slowly stroking him felt incredible. 1488 "I can feel you throbbing!" she sucked on her lower lip. "Look how purple your head is, you've been hard a long time, haven't you, baby?" 1489 "Yes," he could barely get the word out as she slid her palm over the oozing head of his cock. She slid her hand back down, rubbing his precum along his shaft and when she resumed jerking it, her hand glided smoothly over his now slick flesh. 1490 "Guess I did a very good job," She lowered her face to his cock, and flicked her tongue over it, barely missing the tip. "Maybe better than that Jenna girl?" 1491 "Better than anyone," he replied, his eyes glued to the way her slender fingers and blue nails looked wrapped around his sizable cock. "You were right, I can't believe how fucking hot you are." 1492 "Just saying that because I'm playing with your big dick." Josie eyed his cock the way a hungry man would stare at a steak, and he had no doubt that if he didn't say anything to ruin it, she was going to put it in her mouth. 1493 And he would be fine with that. 1494 "Camera," she told him. "Trust me, big brother," she squeezed his cock. "And I mean big brother, you're not going to want to miss this." 1495 He fumbled for the camera next to him, not wanting to take his eyes off Josie playing with his cock for even a second. He got it up to his face, and she stared at him over the head of his cock, a look of lust in her eyes that had his cock jerking in her hand. 1496 Josie turned her face, and he came close to losing his grip on the camera when she placed his cock against her soft cheek. He snapped a picture, admiring the way his long hard cock looked along her face, then took another when she pressed his head into her cheek hard enough to squeeze pre cum from it. 1497 She nuzzled her face into his cock like a satisfied kitten, smearing his sticky pre cum into her cheek. Josie turned her head, rubbing his cock against her other cheek before sliding his head to her mouth and kissing it. 1498 She posed for him, her lips pressing into the spongy head of his cock and her intense lusty brown eyes staring into the camera. Josie slipped her tongue out and his hand shook as she traced a wet circle under the ridge of his purple head. 1499 His thighs were already trembling around her and he was aware of her big soft tits pressing into them, her hard nipples poking into him. Josie swirled her tongue around his tip then made his hips jerk when she plunged her tongue into his oozing dick slit. 1500 She eased her head back, taking a trail of pre cum with it and he somehow managed to take a picture. Josie ran her tongue slowly down one side of his shaft, then up the other. Kenny moaned and squirmed as she spent the next couple of minutes bathing his cock with her rapidly fluttering tongue. 1501 Josie was breathing hard and he was so sensitive even her hot breath was giving him a thrill. She pushed his cock back against his stomach and ran her tongue slowly up from the base. She paused to let him get a good still of her tongue pressed to his shaft then went to the tip. 1502 She slipped his head between her lips and gave him a sudden suck that made him cry out in surprise and her to giggle at his reaction. She went back down his shaft and he groaned when she kept going, her tongue now sliding over his swollen and aching balls. 1503 Josie pushed his cock to the side, giving the camera the shot of her quickly sucking his left nut into her mouth. 1504 "God, oh, God," Kenny repeated as his sister worked his balls by first licking, then sucking on each. 1505 He got a few pictures, but he doubted they'd be that good. But the Nikon would have them,. The side view wasn't as good as his POV with the Cannon, but they'd still be amazing. Josie finished licking his balls and worked her tongue back up his shaft with a series of quick and slow licks, and finished him off by kissing his head once more. 1506 But this time she left her lips on the tip and parting them slowly eased him into her mouth. Kenny's legs straightened and he had to force his hips to keep still as she took his head into her warm wet mouth and swirled her tongue around it. 1507 My cock is in my sister's mouth! And I'm taking pictures of it! The dry old internet joke of 'pictures or it didn't happen' ran through his mind, but he was going to have plenty of those. Josie opened her mouth wider and took him deep into her mouth. Kenny gasped as she easily took most of his length, and held him in her mouth, her eyes staring into his. 1508 She slid her tongue along his shaft, then shook her head side to side, working his head around her mouth. Kenny gripped the sheet with his free hand as she worked her mouth back to his head, then took him deep once more. 1509 This time she opened wider and with a loud gagging sound, forced her lips to the base of his shaft. Holy shit! His sister was deep throating him! Kenny had been with four girls since his first time at sixteen, and none of them could take him all the way. 1510 Josie was forcing herself to do it, as her eyes bulged and she released a nasty sounding gurgle around him, and spit exploded from the sides of her mouth. But she held him there. Her eyes now rolling back as she moaned around his cock. 1511 That moan was the sexiest damn thing he'd ever heard as it was done around his twitching cock between Josie's soft red lips. She eased him from her mouth and let a trail of drool and spit flow onto his cock. 1512 She stroked him, using the spit to lube up his cock, then shocked him by spitting another glob of it onto his head, but this time putting her mouth over it and slurping it off. Kenny forced his finger to move, snapping randomly as Josie eased herself up on her elbows so she was now over his cock, then took him deep in one smooth motion. 1513 She gagged again, and more spit sprayed out around his cock, but she rapidly slurped her way back up, then slowly bobbed her head. 1514 "Oh, Josie," he moaned. "Fuck, sis, that feels so good," he didn't know if he should be calling her sis, but she didn't mind as she continued to blow him. 1515 She was sucking in a slow steady rhythm that felt incredible, but was a bit of a tease considering how wound up he'd been. She was taking him about halfway down each time she sucked, and each slow delicious suck was followed by a soft moan in her throat. 1516 He managed to tear his eyes from the surreal sight of his sister sucking his dick and looked down her body. Her long dark hair fanned out across her back, that perfect ass clad in the string thong and her legs kicking playfully back and forth as she blew him. 1517 Her hips were moving in circles, grinding into the bed as she worked her soft lips and disturbingly skilled tongue along his rigid cock. She rose high enough for him to see her tits, and he slipped his free hand down between them, and played with her right nipple. 1518 She moaned, then released his cock, spit sliding down her throat and onto his cock. Josie slid closer to him and raised up on her knees. She slipped his cock between her tits and pressed them tightly around them. 1519 Josie let a long trail of spit flow from her mouth and between her tits, then bounced up and down. 1520 "Shit," Kenny gasped as his sister fucked him with her tits. "You're incredible." 1521 "Pictures," she prodded him, then lowered her head and gave his cock a quick suck as it protruded from the top of her tits. 1522 Kenny took a couple of shots, at this point because she said something because at this point he was ready to toss the damn thing on the floor and enjoy the show. Josie worked his now sloppy wet cock between her tits, then stopped. 1523 "Go ahead," she encouraged him. "Fuck my titties." 1524 Her words alone were enough to start his hips moving. He pumped them as fast as he could, pushing his cock between Josie's big soft tits. She kept her head down, giving his head a lick or quick suck at the end of each thrust. 1525 He pressed the button a couple times, but was barely aiming, as he moved it to the side, wanting to watch her with his eyes and not through the camera view. He was groaning with each thrust, and it occurred to him that he wasn't too far from coming. 1526 Was he supposed to? Would she let him? Should he tell her? 1527 Josie released his cock from between her tits, and took him back in her mouth, bobbing her head faster and harder than before. She grabbed his free hand and placed it in her hair, so he could move it away from her face. 1528 He placed it on top of her head, and seeing his hand in her air, guiding her head as she worked his cock added yet another thrill. Josie was taking him deep each time, gagging and gurgling as she forced herself to take every inch. 1529 Kenny saw red lipstick smears on his shaft and managed another picture as Josie was now driving her face down on his cock as if she were face fucking herself. Her eyes were watering, and her face was now red as a beet. 1530 Josie was using her hand as well, two fingers sliding up and down his shaft, and following the wet trail left by her lips. Her sucking w3as accompanied by wet sloppy slurping sounds and spit and pre cum were flowing from the sides of her mouth. Kenny slumped back onto the bed, moaning, his legs straight and his body tense as his sister devoured his cock in a way that was almost violent. 1531 "Oh, oh, shit," he gasped when his balls tightened, and cock jerked each time she pounded it down her throat. "Josie!" he moaned. "I'm going to...you need to, Oh, fuck!" 1532 Kenny tried to hold back, but his cock erupted, sending a spurt of cum into his sister's descending mouth. 1533 "Hmm-mmm!" Josie's eyes went wide, and she slowed down her manic sucking. 1534 She was now bobbing her head more slowly, sucking harder, and his hips jerked when her free hand went to his balls, rubbing them as if she were helping drain them into her mouth. 1535 She jerked his cock as well, using both hands and her obscenely eager mouth to suck every drop from him. And from the feel of it, there was a lot, he released several squirts into her mouth, and some of it slid past her lips and down his shaft. 1536 Josie quickly slurped it back up, moaning as if it were a whipped cream and not her brother's load. 1537 "Josie, oh, Josie!" he repeated like an idiot as she continued to slurp on his dick, working for every drop, and finishing off what was by far the best blow job he'd ever received. 1538 Josie slowed her sucking, holding him between her lips, and pointed to the camera. He reluctantly picked it up, and she waited until he was pointing it at her, and he was damn glad he did. 1539 She opened her mouth and let his cum ooze out. It flowed down her chin then down his cock to the base of his shaft, he snapped as fast as he could, looking forward to the stills of it dripping down her face. 1540 Josie licked her lips then made him groan loudly when she sucked him again. This time she opened her mouth, showing him the puddle of cum on her tongue. Kenny kept clicking as Josie pushed some of it between her lips, then blew bubbles with it like a porn star. 1541 "Who the fuck are you?" he breathed as he struggled to catch his breath while watching her close her mouth and make a show of swallowing, then showing off her now empty mouth. 1542 "Josie, the model," she sat up between his legs and he noticed how wet and sticky her tits still were from him fucking them. "And a girl who needs this dick in her wet fucking twat." 1543 Josie slid up the bed and placing her left foot next to his hip rose up high enough to pull her thong to the side. 1544 Kenny stared at his sister's smooth pink slit, her swollen clit visible beneath its hood, and licked his lips. Before he could do anything, she grabbed his still twitching cock, held it up, and sat on his cock. 1545 "Fuck!" Josie squealed as his cock plunged deep inside her. "Oh my god, you're big!" 1546 "You're..." Kenny had still been trying to catch his breath from that intense blow job, and was now overwhelmed by his sister's insanely wet, and delightfully hot tight pussy. 1547 "Yes, yes, yes!" Josie yelped as she slid her leg so her other foot was on the bed and she was squatting over him. 1548 "Easy!" he moaned. "I...I just came." 1549 "Stay hard!" Josie pleaded as she braced her hands on his chest and bucked her hips, riding him hard and fast. "Stay hard for your sister! I worked so hard for you; you need to stay hard for me!" 1550 Kenny didn't think that would be a problem as Josie was fucking him as wildly as she sucked him. Whoever said it was the quiet ones you had to watch out for hadn't been kidding. His sister was a goddamn closet porn star, and the wildest ride he'd ever had. 1551 "Fuck, oh fuck I need this!" Josie moaned as she continued bouncing on his still oozing cock like he was a mechanical bull at a bar. "God you have such a nice dick!" 1552 That was never going to make it on a Christmas card, that was for sure, but the way she was fucking him, and her dirty talk, had his hips thrusting as much as they could in that position. He grabbed her sides, his hands easily going around her slender waist and for the first time, took the initiative. 1553 He pulled her forward, and with a yelp, Josie fell on top of him. Kenny wrapped his arms around her, pinning her to his chest, and slid his legs up so his feet were braced on the bed. Now with leverage he was able to thrust his hips, rapidly into his sister's now prone pussy. 1554 "Oh, oh!" Josie cried out in his ear as he tore into her as hard as he could. 1555 He was using long strokes, most of his cock sliding from within the tight clutches of her pink slit before pounding back into her. Josie shifted to her knees and her arms went beneath him, hugging herself to him as he fucked her. 1556 She matched his rhythm, her hips now rising and driving down in time with his thrusts. Kenny was breathing hard as his still sensitive head was like a raw nerve inside her, but Josie was yelping and talking dirty in his ear. 1557 "That's it, fuck your baby sister! Shove that big cock in my sloppy cunt! You feel how wet I am for you? How hot you taking pictures made me? I knew I was going top fuck you the second I saw you get hard when I was licking my finger!" 1558 Holy crap, sloppy cunt? Knew she was going to fuck him? One thing he'd been right on, the camera had the effect on her that he'd thought was something models and porn stars had just made up to sound hot. 1559 Kenny begrudgingly admitted to himself hearing her tell him to fuck his baby sister added more urgency and force to his thrusts. He knew this was wrong in every way, and for a split second felt a pang of fear at the thought of what if their damn parents came home? 1560 But it was hard to worry about anything with Josie squealing in his ear as he violated her tight twat with his violent thrusts. Josie pushed up on the bed, so she could lift her head enough to kiss him. 1561 Her tongue plunged into his mouth, as she whimpered deep in her throat while he continued to fuck her. He returned the passionate kiss, his hands sliding down and grabbing her ass, and spreading her cheeks to allow his cock to drive even deeper into her. 1562 Josie moaned and yelped into his mouth, her hips driving her pussy down to meet his powerful thrusts. 1563 "Keep fucking me," she whispered into his lips. "Just keep fucking me! I need your cock in me, Kenny!" 1564 Her words sent a surge off lust through him, and sliding his hands up to her arms, he wrenched his shoulders to the side. Josie cried out in surprise as he rolled them over, and he was now above her, still hammering into her tight juicy pussy. 1565 "Yes, oh I love it!" Josie cried out. "Take it, baby! Take your sexy little sister!" 1566 She got her hands between them and pushed against his chest. Kenny rose to his knees and she drew her legs up, putting her bare feet on his stomach. He gripped her knees, and fucked her hard and fast, now looking down and watching his glistening cock slid in and out between her lips, splitting her beautiful little peach of a pussy. 1567 Her thong was still on, just pulled to the side, and it added even dirtier thrill. Josie reached to the side and with a wicked smile, grabbed the camera and brought it to her face. 1568 "You look so sexy!" She told him as she took a picture of him above her. "Look at those artms and your chest and my pretty little feet on you!" 1569 She lowered the camera, pointing it between their legs. 1570 "Get some pictures of you fucking that barely legal pussy." 1571 "Barely legal?" he slowed his hips. "What?" 1572 "Sorry," she giggled. "I watch way too much porn." 1573 "I'm not complaining," he laughed, and he was surprised at how good it felt. This wasn't just sex, they'd been having fun, and wasn't sex supposed to be fun? 1574 "I need to cum!" Josie moaned and slid her hand between her legs, her fingers rubbing her excited clit in hard circles. 1575 "Stop that," he pushed her hand away. 1576 "W...what's the matter?" For the first time, she looked nervous. "I do something wrong?" 1577 "You did," as much as he hated to do it, he eased his cock from inside her. "You were going to make yourself come. You think you're going to sit here with a pussy that like that, and I'm not going to taste it?" 1578 "Have I told you what an awesome brother you are?" Josie laughed, as she lifted her hips, and pushed the thong down. 1579 "That's because I have the world's best sister," he pulled her thong down her legs and tossed it off the bed. "Who else has a sister that gives amazing head like that?" 1580 "Aww, that's so sweet!" Josie laughed loudly; her usual infectious laugh accompanied by her trademark big goofy smile. 1581 But that smile could only seem so goofy with her face red and sweaty and black streaks of mascara mixed with sticky precum streaked down her cheeks. He was going to have to get a picture of her 'freshly fucked' look before she cleaned up. 1582 For now, he planned on getting her even sweatier as he lowered his head and sucked on each of her hard nipples. Despite how badly he wanted to taste her, Kenny made himself slow down, enjoying teasing her nipples with his tongue and lips and the way she moaned and sighed contentedly as he did so. 1583 His cock was pressed along her stomach and she rocked her hips, sliding it along her soft skin. Kenny worked his tongue down her stomach, smiling when Josie giggled while he tongued the silver chain, flipping it around as he licked around her naval. 1584 "Tickles!" she laughed and wiggled beneath him, making him laugh at her. 1585 He quickly slid down between her legs and gave her swollen clit a quick suck that made her gasp and thrust her hips. 1586 "That tickle?" 1587 "No, that felt amazing!" Josie smiled down at him. "Do it again, please!" 1588 Kenny gave her clit another hard suck, then trailed his tongue down between her lips. Josie's pussy did resemble a peach, her lips tucked in tight to her mound. He split those lips, spreading them with his fingers as his tongue swirled between them. 1589 "Yeah," Josie purred. "That's it, baby, eat that pussy. Make your baby sis come for you." 1590 She moaned when he opened her wider and plunged his tongue into her sloppy pussy. 1591 "Smile!" Josie called out, and he turned his eyes up to see she was taking pictures of him. 1592 He eased his tongue out, making a show of sliding it through her lips, then around her clit before shoving it back inside. 1593 "Ooh, bad boy, tongue fucking me," she sighed as she dropped the camera and cupping her breasts, stroked her nipples with her thumbs. 1594 Kenny moved his head, using his rigid tongue to fuck her as she'd asked, while he slid his hand over her pussy, his thumb lightly rubbing her clit while she probed her slit. Josie moaned and whimpered, her hips rocking gently as he slurped and sucked, getting a mouthful of her sticky juices. 1595 He worked his tongue to her clit, and Josie lifted her legs, putting her feet on his shoulders, and giving him even better access to her succulent pink pussy. Kenny eased two fingers inside her, and slowly pumped them. 1596 Josie moaned in appreciation, rocking her hips in time with his fingers, while he flicked his tongue across her clit. He wanted to bury his face between her thighs and eat her the way she'd sucked his cock. 1597 But instead he wanted to show her he was a good lover as well and took his time on her. He licked her clit side to side, then up and down and in slower, then faster, circles. Above him, Josie whimpered and moaned, as she now rolled her nipples between her fingers and tugged on them. 1598 She had her eyes closed, and her lips parted. Even with her face a mess and red lipstick smeared around her mouth, she looked beautiful, more than that, she looked like a woman. This wasn't his weird little sister, but a mature, sensual woman who enjoyed sex more than anyone he'd ever met. 1599 Lying there between her legs, licking her closer to an orgasm, Kenny knew this couldn't be just once. There was no way he could ever look at her the same, or that they could act like this never happened. 1600 "Right there," Josie moaned as she pulled her nipples to the point it looked painful. "Just like that, Kenny, just like that!" 1601 Her hips lifted and her toes curled into him. Her pussy tightened around his fingers, and when he switched from licking to giving her clit a hard suck, Josie released a long loud squeal worthy of any adult film star. 1602 She ground her hips hard into his face as she pushed her feet into his shoulders, using them to arch her back and press her hot wet flesh into his face. Kenny's hips were moving as well, sliding his hard cock into the bed in anticipation of being back inside his sister's pussy. 1603 Josie yelped as she writhed on the bed, her pussy grinding into his face as it contracted around his fingers. Kenny continued to lick and suck, keeping his fingers buried within her as her orgasm tore through her. 1604 "Oh my god!" Josie groaned as her body went limp, and her legs dropped to his sides. "I came hard!" 1605 "What did you say about hard?" Kenny was on his knees and in an instant her by the ankles, lifting her legs as he plowed into her even wetter pussy. 1606 "Fuck yeah!" Josie yelled as he tore into her with long hard strokes. "Take it, baby! Take that pussy!" 1607 Kenny opened her legs as wide as he could, then pushed them back, leaning forward until he had her feet up over her head. Josie's eyes went wide, and she squealed as her ass came off the bed and he plunged deeper into her. 1608 Her eyes rolled back, and she alternately yipped and whimpered as he continued to hammer his cock repeatedly into her now gushing pussy. She was so wet his inner thighs were wet and he could hear his cock entering her. 1609 "Yes, yes!" Josie slid her arms behind her knees, drawing her legs back for him, her feet pressed together, like a human pretzel. 1610 Holy fuck, she was something! Kenny watch his cock relentlessly plunder her small slit and her big tits bounce wildly as he fucked her hard enough to make the bed rock. He caught a flash out of the corner of his eye, the camera was still catching this. 1611 Talk about home movies, he thought with a smiled. 1612 "Make me cum again!" Josie groaned. "Play with my clit, I want to cum on your cock!" 1613 Kenny pressed his thumb to her once again hard clit and rubbed it in fast hard circles. Josie cried out in pleasure and putting her ankles on his shoulders, resumed playing with her nipples. He slowed his fucking as he felt his knees shaking and the first twinges in his cock. 1614 "Not yet!" Josie pleaded. "Don't cum yet! You need to fuck me doggy!" 1615 Her talking like that wasn't going to help, and he slowed down even more. Josie whimpered in frustration, but when he switched from his thumb to two fingers on her clit, rubbing even harder, her eyes widened, and her hips moved as much as they could with her legs up. 1616 She slid her right foot into his face, pushing her toes against his lips. 1617 "Suck them," she moaned. "Suck my toes!" 1618 That was different, but Kenny sucked two of her toes into his mouth. Josie giggled, then moaned as he worked his tongue across her toes, licking and sucking each in turn. She pushed her other foot at him, and he did the same, sliding his tongue around and between her toes. 1619 It didn't do anything for him, but Josie's pussy tightened around his cock, and seconds later she threw her head back and released another insanely loud squeal. She squirmed beneath him, bucking her hips as she fucked her with deliberately slow strokes. 1620 Josie yelped as he pussy convulsed, and a warm gush of fluid, squirted out around his cock. She emitted several short sharp little yips that reminded him off hiccups, then let her legs fall to the bed. 1621 "Oh, wow," she moaned, her eyes closed. "I think the room is spinning." 1622 "What did you say about doggy?" he withdrew his now dripping cock. He'd never seen a girl get so wet. 1623 "I said, you need to fuck me that way." 1624 Josie took a deep breath as if trying to muster the energy to move and rolled onto her stomach. She drew her knees up beneath her, pointing her ass at him, and raising herself up on her hands. 1625 "Come get it!" She shook her ass at him. 1626 Kenny grabbed her hips and she howled when he drove himself into her hard enough to make her rock forward. The sight of that perfect ass in the air and that sexy tattoo with some of her dark hair plastered to her back from sweat was more too much for him to hold back. 1627 He squeezed her hips as he took her harder than he'd ever fucked a girl before. 1628 "Fuck yeah!" Josie yelled. "That's it, baby! That's how you fuck a woman! That's how you make a girl yours!" 1629 "You mine?" he asked as he struggled to hold back his impending orgasm. 1630 "All yours, Kenny!" she looked over her shoulder at him. "Baby sis is all yours! Its your pussy, and your mouth!" she gave him a naughty wink. "Maybe even my ass. I've never done that before." 1631 "Oh, shit," his eyes dropped to her tight pink rosebud over his thrusting cock. 1632 "Mom and dad can't be home for that because I'm going to squeal like a stuck pig you stick that big dick in there." 1633 "Goddamn, Josie," he moaned. "You're crazy." 1634 "Get the pictures!" she pushed the camera back towards him. 1635 Kenny grabbed the camera and slowed his thrusting, getting a couple of shots of her back, then his cock between her cheeks, gliding into her pink slit. He tossed the camera to the side and resumed fucking her. 1636 "Grab my hair, both hands!" Josie demanded. 1637 Kenny did as she asked, getting a fistful of her long hair in each hand and pulling back on it. Josie's head came up and she released a long loud howl as he hammered into her with all the strength in his hips. 1638 "Yeah, take the reins!" She cried out. "Ride your sister! Ride her like the dirty little pony she is!" 1639 "Dirty little..." 1640 Kenny couldn't take it anymore. He delivered several more savage thrusts and groaned as his balls tightened and he reached the point he couldn't hold back anymore. 1641 "Bullseye!" Josie shouted, and when Kenny whipped his cock out, she slid onto her stomach, so she was lying flat. 1642 Kenny leaned over her, pumping his cock and sent a long thick spurt of cum onto the colorful butterfly. 1643 "Hmm, that's warm!' she giggled. "Keep going, big brother, paint your sister's back!" 1644 He moaned as he stroked is cock, amazed at the size of his load seeing he'd come not long ago, He laid several white strips of cum onto the tattoo and squeezing his cock, wrung a few more drops onto her. 1645 "Picture," Josie said in a barely audible voice. 1646 Kenny had no interest in the damn camera, but after taking a second admire the huge mess he'd made on her back, picked up the cannon and took a couple of pictures, He dropped the camera, then turned and dropped onto his back next to her. 1647 "Wow," Josie turned her head so she was looking at him. "That was intense!" 1648 "I didn't expect that," he whistled. "Mom and Dad would shit!" 1649 "Mom and Dad aren't ever going to know," Josie gave him a tired smile. "That was so fucking hot." 1650 "Yeah, but now what?" 1651 "Hmm, let's see. I got stoned, I got fucked, I came twice." She yawned. "I'd say a nap." 1652 "I mean like with us." 1653 "You have fun with me?" 1654 "Can't you tell?" 1655 "That is a lot of fun all over my back," she giggled. "And there was more than that in my mouth." 1656 "Sorry, I was pretty damned worked up." He leaned over and kissed her sweaty forehead. "Someone in this room is sexy as hell." 1657 "Not bad for deadhead hippie sis?" 1658 "My god if Danny ever saw some of those pictures." 1659 "Show him a couple, the ones without my face." 1660 "Seriously?" 1661 "Sure, have some fun, tell him Jenna couldn't make it and I was the backup model." She paused. "Mary Jane," she snickered. "Get it?" 1662 "Yeah, I get it," he had to admit it would be fun to see what Danny's reaction would be without him knowing who he was looking at. More than a little turn on too, to see Danny get worked up over his sister's body, the body he'd just enjoyed. 1663 "But what about us?" 1664 "Huh?" her eyes had been closed, and she forced them open. 1665 "You asked if I had fun, but that was it." 1666 "You worry too much Kenny," she closed her eyes while she spoke. "You had fun, I had fun. What's the problem?" 1667 "I guess I'm asking if we'll have fun again." 1668 Her eyes opened. "You ready again?" 1669 "No!" the look on his face made her laugh. 1670 "Then let me know when you are, and we'll have some fun." 1671 "We're not supposed to have that kind of fun." 1672 "Whatever, if it feels good do it." 1673 "So like are we going to be a thing or you going to date someone or..." 1674 "Kenny, you need to smoke more, you're too much like Dad, you always need to know everything and have a plan. Just roll with it." 1675 "I don't even know how it happened, or why. You think about it before?" 1676 "No, I just got hot and horny getting sexy for you. Being in front of the camera got me more worked up, then I got even hotter when I saw how you were looking at me. I figured I was kind of teasing both of us, but you were hard and looking at me like I was the prettiest thing you ever saw, and it got to me." 1677 "You are the prettiest girl I know," he told her. "And not just today. I always knew you were pretty, that's why I never let anyone make fun of you." 1678 "And I know that." She opened her eyes part way and smiled. "Remember why I told you I don't show myself off?" 1679 "Because you want guys to like you for you, not your looks?" 1680 "And my body, and the way I like to fuck and talk dirty was their reward. You're my brother and sometimes you make fun of me a little, but we've always been close, and you always stood up for me, and you help me anytime I need it." 1681 She put her hand to her mouth, suppressing another yawn. 1682 "I know it sounds bad, but I know I have a nice body, but the way you looked at me? The way I could tell you were trying not to, but couldn't help it and would have stopped because it was wrong, and you'd never want to hurt me? I figure if anyone deserves a reward, it's my big brother." 1683 "Do you have some kind of rewards program?" He asked. "Like can I earn more?" 1684 "That's better, joke, laugh, relax and have fun, Kenny," she sighed. "We're going to have a lot of fun. Sexy dirty fun, and maybe some sweet fun." 1685 "Sweet?" 1686 "I like being raunchy, but I like slow and sweet too. Sometimes you can fuck me, sometimes you can love me." 1687 "I'll always love you," he kissed the top of her head. 1688 "I love you too," she replied. "I'll love you more if you shut that stupid camera off and maybe wipe the mess off my back." 1689 "Sure," he forced himself to get up, and walking over to the Nikon shut it off. 1690 On the way back to the bed, he picked up his shirt and gently wiped the white sticky mess from her back. When he was done, he kissed her shoulder, then planted several quick kisses across the top of her back. 1691 "That's sweet," Josie giggled. "Now lay down and take a nap with me. We have work to do later." 1692 "Like what?" He crawled into bed next to her and pulled the sheet up over them. 1693 "We have to go through all the pictures." She laughed. "The really nasty ones were fun, but you can't use those." 1694 "Yeah, cum dripping down your face is Porn hub, not art." Now that he was lying on his back, and relaxed he felt a wave of exhaustion flowing over him. Man, they'd gone at it. "But I have all day to pick and edit the pictures." 1695 "Yeah, but tomorrow by the time you're done Mom and Dad will be home. If we do it today, we'll get all horny looking at them and can fuck again and be nice and loud and not worry about anyone hearing us." 1696 "Damn, I like the way you think, sis. You really are the perfect sister." 1697 "No," she giggled. "I'm the model sister! Get it?" 1698 Author's Note Sorry, couldn't resist ending the story with a pun. As I said at the start, this is my personal favorite Bro/sis story, and I hope it's now one of yours. This is a contest story so your votes and comments are appreciated. As always, thank you for supporting my work for the past 13 years. LC68 1699 END